
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 16, 2014

'FOOLISH MOVES' NAJIB WILL ONLY GALVANIZE CRITICS: Jailing Anwar not the end, the struggle will triumph

'FOOLISH MOVES' NAJIB WILL ONLY GALVANIZE CRITICS: Jailing Anwar not the end, the struggle will triumph
‘The rakyat have hope, but also know the reality of dirty politics.’
Jiminy Qrikert: Jailing Anwar Ibrahim may well be the knell for Pakatan as the coalition breaks apart. But from this will rise a far stronger entity that is forged from PKR and DAP working closer than ever towards a common vision not complicated by having to pander to Islamist religious sensitivities and general intolerance of all things 'offensive' to the PAS ulama.
With Anwar jailed, there is no longer any need to keep up the whole charade of a united leadership when it has already been tainted with betrayal by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.
PAS is the weakest party in Pakatan, dependent on PKR and DAP to whip up goodwill from the moderate Malays and the non-Malays. In GE13, PAS was able to garner 14.77 percent share of votes (20.39 percent for PKR and 15.71 percent for DAP).
But PAS knows that this came with a loss of the Malays to Umno, which essentially means that PAS is more of a liability than an asset, since it cannot hold the Malays, losing in Malay heartland states despite being more Islamic than Umno, but it needs help to win in Malay dominant urban seats. PAS should quit Pakatan.
RZC: The rakyat have changed. We have hope, but we also know the reality of dirty politics. Eventually, right and fairness will prevail and if not, Malaysia may become a Islamic State-like nation and be shunned by the world.
It is the people's choice which path they want. If Anwar is jailed, he will be a martyr and change may be faster. We have younger leaders who will take up and continue the fight. As I said, the rakyat has changed and BN is foolish to assume otherwise.
Swipenter: There are many examples throughout history where leaders of political movements/revolutions have been jailed, exiled and even killed by the powers that be, but their struggles continue until their visions are realised. The only prerequisite needed is an unjust and corrupt government and the struggle against them is just.
Tok karut: Umno sending him to jail will backfire on Umno because it will give rise to new and more capable opposition leaders. Yaayy! 'Reformasi' is over and the real future will begin. Takbir.
Negarawan: Incarcerating Anwar in prison will not only be a strong rallying point for the opposition in Malaysia, but it will also put strong international pressure on the Umno government. As mentioned, Anwar is more dangerous behind bars.
Haveagreatday: Let's give Anwar due credit - yes. he was instrumental in getting PAS and DAP to work together in Pakatan! I used 'was' because, as is obvious in the Selangor menteri besar fiasco, Anwar has, since GE13, lost that knack to work political miracles!
Perhaps his impending and planned incarceration by the Umnoputras will indeed be the death knell for Pakatan. But as it stands now, it may be better for Pakatan to die rather than to be wallowing in the misery of its doing, like now!
Yes, I don't normally give blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin much credit but perhaps his dire prediction that unless Pakatan wrests control of Putrajaya after GE13, it will be at least another 50 years before another opportunity presents itself is accurate.
Be that as it may be, we, who are seeking change, can continue to make our voices heard through what remains of the Pakatan and movements like Negara-ku and Bersih.
Gaji Buta: If Umno is so concerned about safeguarding Islam and the Malays, why is it still in partnership with MIC, MCA, Gerakan, etc? This just proves that the Islam/Malay issue is a non-issue and just played up to divert the rakyat's attention from the real issues.
A Selangor Voter: Anwar in jail will be the tonic that the jaded opposition needs. Go ahead, Najib Abdul Razak, make our day! We know you and your goons are behind this.
Show your hand and we will speak our minds at the next GE. Remember, Anwar in jail in 1999 was the worst showing ever in the history of Umno, forcing the departure of Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Thana55: There is an anti-Umno/BN sentiment that has skyrocketed since 2008 and it was not just a pro-Pakatan sentiment that swayed 52 percent of the people to vote for the opposition. If Anwar is jailed, it will skyrocket even higher. So Umno is basically caught with a Hobson's choice, i.e. it will be screwed either way. Let the games begin!
Whatsup: Manipulation of the law and fabrication of evidence just to incriminate someone is a crime. This is the crux of the sickness that has gone out of hand. This is just not about Anwar Ibrahim, it's the entire system and surprisingly, there are idiots who still accept such injustice despite their upbringing and religious teaching. This has to end. Jailing Anwar will only incense the rakyat more.
The Analyser: Ever since the day Anwar flounced into Parliament claiming he was going to take over government, it's been clear to the non-besotted that all he is ever after is power, revenge on Mahathir and, as an afterthought, his own political dynasty.
Prior to GE14, Abdul Khalid Ibrahim was Pakatan's golden haired boy. He could do no wrong and the Selangor Chinese worshipped the ground he bumbled on. All around him, Pakatan was showing its true colours and crumbling before Anwar's eyes. He would have been insane to challenge Khalid at that stage.
Then, before you knew it, the Chinese turned on Khalid to the extent that what once was an asset became a liability. All the Khalid-Azmin infighting and the Hadi/sultan Islamic thinking was thinly disguised Pakatan disillusionment with Anwar. I'm surprised you couldn't see that.
For heaven’s sake guys, can't you see that Anwar's lack of any real direction and the absence of a shadow cabinet screamed loudly that he had no intention of being anything but Anwar for Anwar?
SSS: A long time a go, I pitied him. Because he was the victim. But now, I don't care any more. Because he is the main culprit. Don't care about Pakatan. Don't care about BN. All the same. Back-stabbing people.
Odysseus: Jailing Anwar is making a Mandela out of him. Go ahead and see how the public will rally together to vote out BN. They may not go to the streets as they have seen the power of their votes in GE12 and G13.
Waktamnoko: Half of the Malay voters supported Anwar and Pakatan because of their hatred of cronyism and the abuse of power by the BN and, by extension, Umno. Plus they were also angered by Umno's 'penganayaian' towards Anwar when he was sacked, beaten and jailed by Mahathir.
But this is where their support and sympathy stops. They do not really support Pakatan and its other policies, other than supporting Pakatan fighting against the two ills mentioned above.
So if Pakatan thinks that the sympathy of the Malays for Anwar is alone enough to win them Putrajaya; then they better think twice before placing their strategy solely based on the hatred of certain groups of people towards their enemy.
The Chinese supported fully Pakatan's policies but the Malays only supported half of what Pakatan stood for; and certainly not what DAP stood for.
Fair&Just: Go, go plan some more. With all the corruption, deceits, lies, cheating, deception, crimes committed, dark, evil and dirty deeds inherent to BN/Umno, there may be short-term enjoyment and gratification for already many decades and now in the end, it shall be God’s decision, for what man plans, God can also dispose or destroy. As all the firepower are with the sinners, the righteous have only one choice to pray to God. Retribution shall be nigh and soon.
U-Say I-Say: We do not need Anwar to destroy Umno. It will destroy itself eventually. However, Anwar can hasten the process. Jailing him once again will remind the people that we need a strong opposition and to stay united for the cause, best without the PAS ulama faction. A new Pakatan led by new capable leaders will arise, without the likes of Hadi Awang.
The forces of change will continue, even without Anwar, who will be remembered for the supreme sacrifice he made by being jailed for fighting for the rakyat.
White Preacher: Still cannot understand why they are so afraid of him, Umno in particular. Why? -M'kini

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