
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 27, 2014

Forget the Islamic agenda, Raub MP tells Najib

Ariff Sabri says most Muslim countries economically backward, corrupt, dictatorial and oppressive.
najib_Mohd Ariff_300_1After practically saying that Najib Abdul Razak doesn’t have enough brains to lead the country, DAP’s Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz continued his denigration of the Prime Minister by calling him a “man of no action” and one who belittled his Islamic agenda.
Noting that Najib has lately been speaking like an Islamic leader, Ariff advised him to “ignore the way Islamic countries are managed”, adding that doing so was not the same as denying that he was a Muslim.
“No country governed by Muslims in modern history has achieved anything of significance,” he said in his latest blog entry.
“Indeed most of the countries ruled by Muslims are economically backward, corrupt, decadent, dictatorial, repressive and oppressive. Why is it difficult for any sensible fellow to come to the conclusion that the way Islamic countries are managed should be dismissed?”
Expanding on his description of Najib as “the man who does nothing”, the Raub MP said the PM “doesn’t act to change course” when a particular strategy “has failed or shown indications of failure”.
He cited the case of 1MDB. “We all know where the money invested in 1MDB will end up, but he doesn’t stop the rot. The sovereign fund is around RM36 billion in debt, and when the figures for 2014 are revealed, most likely the debt has shot to over RM40 billon.”
Ariff also pointed to the Prime Minister’s apparent failure to address threats to the country’s social cohesiveness.
“The weak PM allows hate groups and other bigots to challenge the harmony of this country,” he wrote. “He allows people like Ibrahim Ali and those from Malay hate groups to destroy the social glue that has bound us; and the social glue needs reinforcing always, not weakened.
“He should have acted harshly on people like Ibrahim Ali by throwing them into jail. If a Chinese were to do the same like Ibrahim does, apply the same laws on him or her.
“This shows how weak and intellectually porous our PM is. Nothing seems to stay in his mind. He can learn from all over the world, the best practices in managing a modern state, but he hasn’t done so.
“Whatever problems this country faces, they must have been sorted out in some countries very efficiently. But he is too deep in his worthless Blue Ocean strategy as though reading and talking about it is a panacea for all the ills in this country. He is mentally lazy.”

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