
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 17, 2014

Goats, cows, pigs and Ridhuan Tee

If Tee must know, the lack of support for him is a definite indication of lack of support for Umno Baru.
Ridhuan Tee Abdullah_300The controversial columnist and National Defence University lecturer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, like former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, does not like to be out of the limelight for long. When he is not in the headlines, he suffers withdrawal symptoms.
In one recent outburst, he demanded to know why no one had supported him when he was investigated for sedition over what he wrote in one of his newspaper columns.
Bristling with envy, Tee raged against the protests supporting Universiti Malaya law lecturer Azmi Sharom when the latter was charged with sedition. He asked why students and opposition politicians did not launch a “hartal” in his support. Clearly rankled, he accused them of holding “double standards”.
If Tee must know, the lack of support for him is a definite indication of lack of support for Umno Baru.
One doubts if he knows what “hypocrisy”, “ingratitude” and “double standards” mean.
Tee’s latest salvo came in his Sinar Harian column last October 13, when he commented on the failure of democracy and the pig population in the country.
He said, “I do not insult pigs because pigs are Allah’s creatures. But I cannot accept pigs outnumbering cows, chickens, goats and ducks in an Islamic country. Our country is so lacking in livestock that it has to be imported. But we have such a surplus of pigs that large numbers are exported. What is the meaning of this?”
We have three answers.
One. Tee should have asked a former Minister for Women, Community and Family Development to explain the lack of cattle in Malaysia and the failure of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) to support local farmers.
He could have directed his anger at Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for failing to sack the minister for claiming ignorance when her family was alleged to have abused public funds and using the money as a soft loan for the purchase of luxury condominiums in Malaysia and Singapore.
He could have asked the erstwhile Agriculture Minister what he knew about the fiasco and how big a role he played in approving the NFC contract.
If the NFC project had not been abused, large numbers of cattle would not need to be imported into the country to satisfy local demand, especially during the Hari Raya Haji celebrations.
The answer lies with the conspiracy of silence behind the failed NFC project and the controversial cover-ups to hide the many failings of the government.
Tee should learn the expression “if pigs could fly” and understand how this phrase applies to the Umno Baru political elite. In this country, hundreds of millions of ringgits are spent on vanity projects by ministers and their families, but no one is punished for the failure of the projects and none of the money is reclaimed and no one is jailed.
Two. Tee is wrong to claim that Malaysia is an Islamic country. It is not, despite his many declarations. He is showing his ignorance and lack of respect for the Constitution.
The seeds of this misinformation, that Malaysia is an Islamic nation, were planted by his mentor, Mahathir, when he addressed Gerakan’s Annual Conference in 2001. The former PM was trying to outdo PAS by appearing more Islamic.
When leaders try to outdo one another, it is the rakyat that get shafted. We have seen an Islamicisation of Malaysia not for spiritual reasons but for political expediency.
Three. Tee claimed that he was writing from his heart and protecting the position of the Malays and Islam. In 2010, he courted controversy when he said that issues involving the special Malay rights should not be subject to debate. He stressed that the non-Malays should not resist policies that promote the use of the Malay language and complained that many Malaysians, “cannot even speak, write or read in Malay”.
This is where Tee is wrong. Our education has produced a generation of Malaysians who are more fluent in Malay than in English, but if the truth were told, they are proficient in neither language.
Tee defended bigoted NGOs like Perkasa and Isma and referred to them as “victims”. He said, “When these NGOs open their mouths, everything is racist and opposed. But when the ultra kiasu defend their culture, language and identity, that is human rights. Including LGBT.”
On this issue, Tee got to the crux of the matter when he said, “I do not insult pigs because pigs are Allah’s creatures.” Yet he is dead set against the LGBT community. Aren’t the LGBT Allah’s creatures too? Or is Tee saying that Allah has double standards?

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