
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 20, 2014


Datuk Huan Cheng Guan
CEO, Centre for Political Awareness, Malaysia 
In 1854, Abraham Lincoln said, “when a white man governs himself, and also governs another man, that is more than self-government—that is despotism.”
How true.
A hundred and sixty years down the road, we see the same thing happening because the US Embassy has overstepped its boundaries by telling the Malaysian government to abolish the Sedition Act.
This despotic act resounds down the corridors of power from Malaysia to the Asean countries and beyond. No other country except the United States has been so audaciously brazen.
Does it augur well for international relations?
For decades, the US government overtly and covertly sticks its nose into Malaysian political affairs and still regards Malaysia as a toddler despite its 57-year existence as an independent country.
The latest interfering patronizing overture that sends a subtle message of superiority reeks of malice and mischief because of the US government’s connections with local activist groups, especially Bersih.
In 2011, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan admitted that her organization received cash directly from the United States via the National Endowment for Democracy’s National Democratic Institute (NDI) and George Soros’ Open Society. What is most unnerving is that after that disclosure, Tony Cartaluccireported:
A visit to the NDI website revealed indeed that funding and training had been provided by the US organization – before NDI took down the information and replaced it with a more benign version purged entirely of any mention of Bersih. For funding Ambiga claims are innocuous, the NDI’s rushed obfuscation of any ties to her organization suggests something more sinister at play.
Nile Bowie also reports:
“These think tanks and Intelligence front groups based in the United States are synonymous for authoring US Foreign Policy and shaping world opinion towards foreign leaders as they actively fund various oppositions movements through color revolutions, which lead to the installation of leaders of whom are friendly to objectives of the Anglo-American establishment and profiteers of Corporate high finance.’
It is common knowledge that in recent years, US is particularly interested in the Asian-Pacific caucus to counter China’s growing influence.
Unbeknownst to many, NED funds many other organizations including Malaysiakini, Suaram, Merdeka Centre, Lawyers for Liberty, KiniTV, and even International Republican Institute. Are any of them working hand in glove to destabilize the government by stirring dissent?
Anwar Ibrahim, who is famous for his close ties with senior American officials, traipsed around the world to condemn Malaysia and MAS in the manner in which they handled the MH370 tragedy. Did he even lift a finger in the search for MH370? Why?
To many, this statement from the US Embassy is harmless and sincere. I beg to differ.
One must consider what the US government has been doing in cloak and dagger style.
At first glance, one would say there is nothing wrong with getting funds from the American government. Really?
While we cannot decry patriotic Malaysians for fighting for a good government, it is simply not on if a foreign country, such as US, funds a movement that promotes street protests.
How so many Malaysians cannot see that innocent and idealistic Malaysians have been exploited for a hidden agenda is the reason why we witnessed Bersih 1, 2 and 3 even though it failed to achieve much success. Einstein said insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting different results. However, these activists are far from insane. They have been trained and used by the American government who now sees it fit to tell the Malaysian government what to do when it cannot even pull its CDC into order about the Ebola threat.
What moral ground do they have to stride into Malaysian political sphere and to dictate their whims and fancies to our government?
We owe them nothing.
But then again, perhaps US have absurd illusions that they and they alone hold the key to a perfect government and want to ‘share’ their ideology with us.
In addition, US has no moral ground to preach to Malaysia about the need to “apply the rule of law fairly, transparently and apolitically to promote confidence in Malaysia’s democracy, judiciary and economy.”
Dissident Voice reports:
The US government appears to act deceptively via the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, and the FBI’s COINTELPRO as prime examples of programs designed specifically to manipulate public opinion and illegally interfere with the people’s rights to free speech and assembly. …
The CIA and FBI do not distort the truth and subvert Constitutional rights just for kicks; they are directly aiding and abetting those behind the scenes who have an agenda, which is pure and simple — corporate profits. Our government representatives are essentially screened, groomed and “voted in” by huge campaign contributions derived from corporate profits, and ultimately the press is financed by those same corporations….
The plain truth is the government, news media, corporate and special interests are all in a symbiotic criminal relationship with the absolute bottom line being they are willingly and knowingly denying Constitutional rights to the American citizenry which, in some of these instances, makes all those in violation willing traitors as defined by US law. And no, a group of conspirators does not need be prosecuted and found guilty in a court of law to be living and breathing traitors…
So, do we need any American interference?
Most affirmatively not would be the answer.
Our government leaders must issue an official protest to the US Embassy for that insolent press statement and stymie whatever attempts to influence our populace.

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