
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 12, 2014

If holier-than-thou Pas has its way, Selangor would be a 'PARADISE' on earth

If holier-than-thou Pas has its way, Selangor would be a 'PARADISE' on earth
Selangor PAS’ newly-installed executive councillor Zaidy Abdul Talib has announced his intention to close massage parlours, prostitution and gambling dens in the state.
He said in a statement that there are about 15,000 such outlets in Selangor.
“Selangor PAS exco members will attempt to close all centres involved in vice activities like gambling, massage parlours, disco, pubs and prostitution,” said Zaidy,
He also commented that anything that touches on the sensitivities of Muslims should be banned as it is deemed as an attempt to challenge the harmony that exists in the state.
His brave statement comes as a welcome relief for ultra sensitive Muslims in the State who were riled by scandals like cow-gate, MB-gate and lately beer-gate. it is certainly high time that Selangor is rid of all this evil and vices, so that sensitive Muslims can move around without being mugged, harassed, tempted, hassled or embarrassed.
Alcohol-free Selangor?
Imagine, an alcohol free state like Selangor would be so exciting, without the discos, pubs and coffee shops selling the evil beverage or obscene Oktoberfest billboards beckoning everyone except Muslims to their depraved festivals?
With 15,000 less vice outlets contributing sin taxes that will contaminate the State Coffers, such a wonderful move would herald Selangor to be a great Islamic state just like Kelantan.
With each outlet employing an average of ten employees, it would be an insignificant loss of 150,000 jobs, which also means that there would be 150,000 less sinners wallowing in vice and alcohol. However, this small figure will not affect the state’s economic growth as Selangor is a thriving industrial state.
Zaidy Abdul Talib
Sin-free Selangor?
It is also not the job of PAS exco members to create or find alternate jobs for those severely affected by the clampdown, as they should not be working in such dirty jobs in the first place.
Remember, Selangor is Malaysia’s richest state, and it does not require sin taxes derived from gambling, prostitution, alcohol or cigarettes, to fund the states economy. In fact, Selangor should start separating those sin taxes derived from such dubious sources from the RM3billion collected, and donate it to non Muslim charities.
Maybe, it is time for PAS to dig further down, and close down the manicure and pedicure saloons, health centres that offers steam and sauna baths, sports gyms, yoga and beauty centres, unisex saloons and snooker parlours which are highly suspect and may act as fronts for vice activities.
Anyone looking for a massage, a game of snooker or beauty therapy can always go to border towns like Negri Sembilan or Perak for their weekly fix.
But why stop at that? If Vices and Alcohol are the chief culprits on PAS’s moral list, then they should go all the way to ban Alchohol in duty free shops, 7-11’s, Coffee shops and international class Hotels throughout the state.
When MH370 disappeared, some religious authorities blamed in on alcohol. When MH17 dropped from the sky, even UMNO Youth zeroed it down to the unpalatable serving of alcohol and suggested that MAS go alcohol free in order for it to survive.
That would not be a problem, if MAS is helmed by a Malaysian Muslim and not an Irishman. An alcohol free MAS would return the debt-laden carrier to profitability very soon, while we can be certain that other alcohol laden planes from other countries will start to fall from the skies very soon or disappear one by one, once the almighty God turns his wrath upon them.
Just like Valentine’s Day, Oktoberfest smacks of decadent and depraved foreign culture, which should not be practised in a holy state like Selangor. It would actually be a big plus for PAS to close down breweries like Anchor, Carlsberg and or San Miguel in Selangor too.
Implementing Islamic values while eradicating all this vice industries like massage parlours and beer breweries in Selangor would also lay the groundwork for Selangor to become a full Islamic state and for Hudud to be implemented without any hiccups.
Entertainment-free Selangor?
Zaidy, who is Infrastructure, Public Amenities and Agro-based Industry chairman should also clamp down hard on entertainment outlets like karaokes, dangduts, internet cafes, Astro TV and introduce bright spotlights for cinemas.
To separate the gender, PAS should implement seat segregation in buses, taxis, trains, LRT’s and planes and separate check out counters just like in Kelantan.
Horse racing circuits and Formula1 should be the next on the growing list, as they promote some sort of gambling culture as well.
Public swimming pools should be open on alternate days to cater for the different sexes, while more security guards should be employed to deter peeping toms.
Pork-free Selangor?
Once PAS has moderate success in the eradication of the above vices, they should focus on closing down banks that do conform to halal Islamic financial principles or make it mandatory for Muslims to bank with Islamic banks only.
To complete the Islamic transformation of Selangor State, a pork free environment is definitely a necessity. PAS should also ensure the closure of pig-farms and public consumption of pork.
A pork and alcohol free state would be a living paradise on earth. If non Muslims find that a sanitized state like Selangor is too stifling and exciting for their liking, they can always move to BN controlled states where religious freedom still thrives. If not, Non Muslim women are reminded to cover up their hair in future, and not go jogging in tight shorts, so as not to offend sensitive Muslims.
Now that PAS leaders have been given the collective responsibility to helm the state, it should go all out to implement its Islamic mission, and not just pick and choose certain vices like Oktoberfest, rock concerts and massage parlours only, while deliberately closing an eye on the rest.
PAS leaders like Zaidi must stop pretending to be holy, and prove their holiness by implementing all the above without further ado. Don’t give excuses that DAP or PKR is indirectly hindering your efforts. Because, if they are, why are you all still sticking onto the coalition like leeches?
Stop the public from branding PAS leaders as inept, ignorant, close-minded, fanatical, conservative, judgemental and self-righteous or that their holiness is full of holes. - MAILBAG

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