
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 3, 2014

Kayveas has forgotten what Ali Rustam said

YOURSAY ‘Kayveas' statement reflects the servitude of BN component parties.’

Kayveas: DAP is racist, not Umno

Quigonbond: PPP is sunset party. M Kayveas is just another leader blowing hot air without substance. How is Umno not a racist party?

If they are truly multi-racial in their spirit, DPM Muhyiddin Yassin would not have said he's Malay first. His education policy wouldn't have excluded top scorers from a place in local university.
If Umno is not racist, the attorney-general (AG) would have dragged Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Noordin under the sedition dragnet long ago, instead of the government funding Perkasa.
If Umno is not racist, the government would have dismantled BTN (Biro Tatanegara).Perhaps Kayveas thinks he's talking to retards. Malaysians have long awakened.

It’s best if he learns the lesson, be humble, and trains his guns on failing education standards and failed national policies under Umno.

If not, he just reinforced what former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad said about Umno - no one can criticise its leaders.

Malaccan: Kayveas' statement reflects the servitude and impotency of the BN component parties. PPP like its sister parties in BN such as MCA, MIC and Gerakan are merely for show, and held together by fear and greed.

They are allowed their existence by Umno for which these parties must be willing to put on sale their integrity, character and honour. They gather members who are of like mind and price. Indeed, PPP is merely a concubine in Umno's harem called BN.

Awakened: Kayveas has forgotten how then Malacca CM Ali Rustam told PPP to get lost from BN when he attended the PPP AGM a few years ago. Maybe he is worried more and more Indians are crossing to DAP.

SusahKes: Here’s extracted from a Malaysiakini news report in 2007: Umno vice-president Ali Rustam delivered a scathing speech which chided the PPP. He stressed that PPP leave the BN if it was unhappy.

“PPP can leave BN. All of you can leave," said Mohd Ali. "As far as I am concerned - no seat in Malacca for PPP,” he added.

When Mohd Ali wrapped up his tirade and declared the assembly open, PPP delegates refused to applaud.

“He came to our house, with the intention to humiliate us,” said a PPP source.

When contacted, Kayveas said delegates were “disappointed and dejected” by the “unwarranted and undiplomatic” remarks uttered by Mohd Ali. "The CM's speech made the entire assembly feels like a funeral,” said Kayveas.

The above is all here. Please read it, Kayveas. It does look like Kayveas has joined the ranks of those who, in the words of Mahathir, ‘mudah lupa’.

Ipohcrite: Kayveas is resorting to the Ridhuan Tee Abdullah’s formula in a desperate attempt to reboot his sagging political career. -Mkini

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