
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lawak diwali dari Pekasa...

Angin siklon kerana maksiat berleluasa...

PERKASA Selangor membangkitkan kemungkinan bahawa kejadian angin puting beliung di beberapa kawasan baru-baru ini dengan kegiatan maksiat yang didakwa berleluasa di negara ini.

Dalam satu kenyataan di Facebook semalam, NGO pro-Melayu itu turut mengaitkannya dengan pesta arak Oktoberfest dan acara mempromosi umat Islam menyentuh anjing.

"Apakah yang membuatkan (angin) puting beliung ini berminat untuk menjengah negara kita yang selama ini tidak pernah diminati dan jauh sekali untuk singgah.

“Sebelum ini kita hanya mendengar ianya sering mengunjungi Laut Cina Selatan, kalau singgah pun ke negara Filipina dan negara Vietnam.

"Apakah kerana adanya kemaksiatan yang berleluasa seperti pusat judi, pelacuran, pesta arak dan pesta memegang anjing antara menjadikan daya penarik?,” kenyataan itu dipetik.

Kenyataan itu merujuk kepada program kontroversi 'Saya Mahu Sentuh Anjing', Ahad lalu yang mencetus kemarahan di kalangan masyarakat Islam konservatif.

Pesta arak Oktoberfest yang dimaksudkan itu pula merujuk kepada acara minum bir selama tiga hari anjuran Carlsberg Malaysia, bermula 11 Oktober yang turut dihadiri sekumpulan pemimpin bukan Islam dari Pakatan Rakyat.

Pesta arak tersebut menerima kritikan kerana penganjurannya didakwa tidak menghormati sensitiviti umat Islam.

PERKASA Selangor mengaitkannya dengan angin puting beliung yang membadai Pendang, Kedah pada 14 Oktober lalu sehingga merosakkan lapan buah rumah serta dan menumbanggkan beberapa batang pokok.

Seminggu kemudian, satu lagi kejadian angin puting beliung melanda Pandamaran, Klang yang merosakkan 30 buah rumah.

Menurut Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, kejadian yang jarang berlaku itu antara lainnya disebabkan beberapa faktor termasuk kelembapan udara yang tinggi, kepekatan udara pada tahap yang rendah serta keadaan cuaca yang tidak stabil. - mk

My Opinion - Sessunguhnya janganlah kamu sengaja menyentuh anjing, najis atau minuman keras kerana ia akan membawa celakaan semulajadi seperti ribut, angin kencang dan taufan - Perkasa 6 ayat 7. 

Neowizard Hatter - Kalau betul apa yg disuarakan oleh si katak ini maka kita mohon agar puting beliung ini akan terus menuju ke Genting Highland dan waktu tu kita lihat si katak akan spin sampai terlondeh kain pelikatnya.

Perkasa: Tornadoes due to 'dog patting' and vices...

The recent series of rarely seen tornadoes in the country has left people scratching their heads but Selangor Perkasa appears to have an explanation.

The right-wing group, in a Facebook posting yesterday raised the possibility that the recent phenomenon may be related to vices in the country which it says, includes a 'dog patting' event for Muslims and a beer festival.

"Could it have something to do with the widespread vices such as gambling centres, prostitution, beer festival and dog patting festival which have become an attraction (for tornadoes)," said the ethnocentric group.

The NGO said this phenomenon did not happen in the past and appear to have only come about recently.

"What is making these tornadoes to be interested in coming to this country when all this while it had never been interested to do so.

"In the past, we only hear it visiting the South China Sea and even if it does 'visit', it would be to Vietnam or the Philippines," it said.

Perkasa was referring to an event dubbed 'I Want to Touch a Dog' last Sunday at a park in Kuala Lumpur, aimed at breaking the taboo among Muslims about coming in contact with dogs.
The event was well-attended – with Muslims making up the majority of the 1,000-strong crowd – but has sparked outrage among conservatives.

Earlier this month, nation-wide events to mark the Oktoberfest beer festival too had drawn criticism from conservatives, insisting that it disrespected Muslims sensitivities.

Malaysians were taken by surprise when a tornado struck Pendang, Kedah, on Oct 14, damaging eight houses and uprooting several trees.

The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MET) confirmed the rare incident which it attributed to these factors - high humidity, concentration of air at low levels, and the unstable atmosphere.

A week later, a freak storm struck Pandamaran, Klang, damaging 30 homes, which some media reports have described as a "small tornado".

However, the MET described that incident as a "large-scale storm" due to the formation of high intensity clouds. - mk

true - Tornadoes due to the sins of corruption, abuse of power, selective prosecution against critics, persecution of citizens, racism, etc. disgusting acts by people in high places. Justice seems to elude them, that's why God's wrath struck this soil. For heaven sake, wake up please.

Anonymous_ABG - God created humans and animals including dogs and pigs.The recent tornadoes are due to showing of ALLAH's anger to the people for voting UMNO/BN into power Let this be a warning.

JomUbahUbah  - All these tornadoes are cause by the racist comments of pro UMNO PERKASA leaders and the the vices of corrupt UMNO and BN like corruption.

Ah Hoe  - it's a weather phenomena known as "Sumatras" which occur around this time of the year - every Malaysian meteorologist and Malaysian pilot know about it.

Telestai!  - Wrong. The tornadoes and the two MAS mishaps are divine messages to Malaysian politicians to stop the blatant corruption, abuse of power and race and religious baiting. Ignore these messages and more disasters will befall.


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