
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 12, 2014

LOUSIEST PM? Najib the scorn of cyberspace for crass 'anti-Chinese' remark

LOUSIEST PM? Najib the scorn of cyberspace for crass 'anti-Chinese' remark
News reports of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak telling the Chinese community not to make demands if they were not with Barisan Nasional (BN) have spread like wildfire on social media networks.
Many social media users were critical of his statement, with some expressing disbelief that the prime minister had made such a remark while others blasted Najib for not living up to his 1Malaysia slogan.
Twitter user Julian Tan Kok Ping tweeted: "I dun (don't) believe I am reading this. PM 'Don’t make demands if you don’t support BN, Najib tells Chinese'."
"...Is it true? Hv u (have you) been fair?" another Twitter user Alvin Ting wrote while Republic of Sarawak tweeted: "Umno/BN never been fair to anyone except the elites: Don’t make demands if you don’t support BN, Najib tells Chinese."
Sarawak Update posted a sarcastic tweet, highlighting the fact that East Malaysians have long supported BN but their states still did not enjoy rapid development.
"Support Ah Jib gor (Najib) and make demands? Become fix deposit. You will b (be) blessed with primitive road like Sabah & Sarawak," Sarawak Update tweeted.
Don't Chinese pay taxes?
Christina Yong, meanwhile, tweeted: "Don't ask Chinese to pay tax please!" This is echoed by Steven W. Chong, who wrote: "...And if I didn't vote for you then don't ask me to pay income tax or any kind of tax how?!"
"... but you haven't done enough" CitizenSugarKane tweeted.
Hi, its me! (@kcl1308) posted an angry tweet that read: "Go to hell. I still won't support corruption."
Sasindran Chelliah wrote: "The true colours of "1Malaysia" Leader!!!!!" while Iqra' tweeted: "The Malays in (and) Indians in PR how? Gomen ckp mcm ni? (the government talks like this)?"
Another Twitter user, Siemens (@siemensyee), tweeted: "Come on let's move beyond race-based politics."
Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also criticised Najib over the statement. He tweeted: "Masih terus dgn nada angkuh (still going on with an arrogant tone)..."
Selangor DAP chairman and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua also took a dig at Najib on Facebook, saying: “This is the "I am the Prime Minister for all Malaysians’. Since we didn't support the BN Government and Najib doesn't want to listen to us, maybe he should not collect taxes from us too?"
Najib said at the MCA’s 61st annual general assembly today that BN would be fair to the Chinese if they supported the ruling coalition instead of Pakatan Rakyat.
“I’d like to do more, maybe one day I can do more. But I also need the Chinese community to support BN. Come on. You have to do your part."
“You can’t demand and then support DAP. You can’t demand and then support PR. You demand, you support BN, we will be fair to the Chinese,” said Najib.
PM for all, not just BN
The Malaysian Insider readers also fumed over his statement, as they posted angry and critical comments on the news portal's website.
Going_bananas wrote: "Well, thanks for admitting that BN has not been fair to the Chinese. Mr PM, please know your place.
"You are supposedly the PM of a nation made out of diverse ethicities. You are supposed to be fair to all and not to your supporters only. If BN performs well across the board, why should it not regain the trust of the Chinese?
"Isn't this the way you should win support? By speaking without engaging your thoughts like this will only encourage the likes of Ibrahim Ali to be bolder in attacking the non-Malays. Come on, Mr. PM. Grow up."
Another reader D1_Only commented: "Is this for real, Najib? I thought we live in a democratic country?" while beyondthefence posted: "I think it should be don't expect Chinese to support BN if BN don't buck up."
NOTSTUPIDMALAY described the statement as “ridiculous coming from a prime minister who has shown that he was not suitable to be a statesman”.
"Is Najib suggesting that Malaysians living and workng in states governed by Pakatan Rakyat should not and are not entitled to demand for development, good governance?" the reader posted.
rareguy65 commented: "Ahhhyooooooooo! For a PM to use this type of language.. OMG! OMG! OMG!" while I_LUV_ABU wrote that speeches like Najib's would turn more Chinese votes against BN now.
"With speeches like this you can rest assured that they will continue to support the opposition.....and in even greater numbers Nobody likes to be threatened......is this an example of your supposedly wonderful negotiating skills."
lbhwong questioned the logic behind Najib's remark, saying that the people made demands out of their love for the nation.
"...we demand because we love this country, we reject corruption, we reject cronyism, we reject slogan of 1Malaysia, we reject to be treated unfairly, we reject to be called pendatang (immigrants), Is it wrong, Mr PM? We are paying taxes yearly, is it too much to ask to have a better government?"
Another reader tanahairkumalaysia posted: "It is NOT our obligation to support you blindly...It is YOUR job to come up with sound government policies for us to give you our votes!!"
fromthebox asked Najib which he preferred – demands that could give BN the chance to improve and regain support, or no demands at all, which showed that the people saw no more hope in the coalition. - TMI

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