
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Resign to redeem yourself, Sarawak PKR tells Nancy Shukri

Law minister Nancy Shukri should resign from the Cabinet for exercising poor judgement in letting through a parliamentary reply that regarded Datuk Ibrahim Ali's threat to burn Malay bibles as a defence of Islam, Sarawak PKR said today.
Its chief Baru Bian (pic) said Nancy, a minister in the Prime Minister's Deparmtment should "redeem herself" this way, adding that she should also apologise to all Malaysians.
“An elected representative who chooses not to engage her mind in basic critical analysis of what is right and decent, and instead allows herself to be a used as an apologist for pathetic religious extremists does not deserve to hold office as a minister," Baru said.
“This will undoubtedly embolden him and his ilk to carry on with their hateful supremacist agenda,” the Ba'Kelalan assemblyperson said.
Nancy, in a written parliamentary reply dated October 7, said that no charges under the Sedition Act were brought against Ibrahim as he had been speaking in defence of Islam when he called for bibles to be burnt in January last year.
Nancy said this was the result of police investigations into Ibrahim's statement, which found that there was no threat to society as his remarks were aimed at specific people who reportedly distributed Bahasa Malaysia bibles outside a school in Penang last year.
After coming under heavy fire for her parliamentary reply, Nancy then issued a press statement, explaining that the decision not to press charges was the Attorney-General's (A-G), and not hers.
"The decision by the Attorney-General's Chambers to not prosecute Ibrahim was because the context of his speech was in line with the spirit in Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution.
"Hence, the decision to not charge Ibrahim was taken after considering the outcome of the investigation by the police," she had said in her press statement.
Baru said he was appalled that Nancy had tried to defend her earlier statement using the constitution.
“What sort of twisted logic is she applying to find in the Federal Constitution justification for insulting people of a different faith and calling for their holy books to be burnt?
“A purported defence of one's religion cannot be used to exculpate one's blatant breach of the law,” he said.
“A wrong under the law is a wrong.”
Article 11(4) of the constitution pertains to restrictions that are allowed on the freedom of religion when it involves proselytisation to Muslims.
Baru said that when Nancy was first appointed as the law minister, “Sarawakians were heartened that there would be someone in the Prime Minister’s office who understood and appreciated the true meaning of racial and religious harmony, and that she would speak up on issues that are important to all Malaysians".
“We expected that she would rise above religious bigotry and stand on the side of the law," he said.
On Twitter today, Nancy defended herself by saying that she was "merely conveying the answer given by agencies on actions taken and why he (Ibrahim) was not prosecuted" in her parliamentary reply.

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