
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 23, 2014

SAVE YOUR SEATS FOR GE14 UMNO! Gerakan - a truly LOST cause

SAVE YOUR SEATS FOR GE14 UMNO! Gerakan - a truly LOST cause
Political party Gerakan had been quite vocal lately during their Gerakan Delegates Conference. But most of their statements have not gone down well with the public with many expressing shock and disappointment, and sounded more like a written script to please its political partners.
Since its devastating defeat in the General Elections and the loss of Penang, its political fortunes have waned and it’s now reduced to a mosquito party. If not for Gerakan President Mah’s win in the Teluk Intan by-election, Gerakan would have faded into oblivion and largely forgotten by the Rakyat.
Although they must have tried very hard to reinvent themselves, the Rakyat thinks that they are totally out of touch with the real world, and completely detached from reality based on their recent statements.
And for such a midget party, there seems to be intense party infighting amongst themselves, with the sacking of its Youth Vice President and the resignation of many of their Youth members. With disciplinary problems and cronyism affecting the party, they even saw the need to set up a national disciplinary committee, which makes it hard for the Rakyat not to Gelak (laugh) at them, let alone take them seriously.
Its Youth Chief sounds more like a half-baked rabble-rouser than a serious politician with foresight. Recently, he went on twitter to send many messages to mock DAP and PKR for keeping quiet on the Hudud issue concerning PAS. He even invoked the late ‘Karpal Singh’s name and famous tagline; over my dead body’ to ridicule them.
And last Thursday, while hundreds of lawyers were out under the scorching sun to protest against the Sedition Act, he went on Twitter again to belittle the march.
During the Gerakan Youth Convention, he warned that; "If DAP stays silent and allows Pakatan Rakyat to table a motion to implement hudud, then there is a big chance that hudud will be implemented because majority of MPs are Muslims,"
Yet he failed to see, that Hudud cannot be implemented without the blessings of the BN Government of which Gerakan is officially part of. But with coalition partner UMNO’s all out attempts to woo PAS, his nightmare may soon become a reality.
He then threatened to take legal action against PAS if they insist on pushing for hudud in Kelantan. But suing PAS, will derail UMNO’s plans of reuniting with PAS, which maybe a good thing, if Gerakan does not want to share power with PAS together in the BN Coalition.
Tan also said the recent victory of Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong at the Teluk Intan by-election is reason why BN should not give up or sideline the Chinese. Tan’s remarks came after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak told the Chinese that they cannot “demand (for things from the government) and support DAP.” Therefore, he said, “this shows talk that the Chinese only supports DAP is untrue.”
Analysts however predicted that Teluk Intan Chinese switched over to BN in the by-election because they wanted to give GERAKAN some consolation after its devastating defeat in GE13, and secondly a whopping RM 2.5 billion on various projects to be implemented, besides, a cabinet post offered to Mah if he wins was just too good to ignore.
He also urged BN to get rid of "parasitic NGOs" who claim to be BN supporters but spouted extremist ideologies, inciting hatred towards BN, although he refused to name the alleged parties.
Although, it is a bold move on his part, Gerakan must investigate in depth who are the actual culprits funding these parasitic NGO’s? Are they Opposition parties or maybe an international conspiracy by the Jews to destroy BN?
And after politicising religious issues throughout his speech, Tan went on to urge all parties to avoid politicising religious issues for their political gain.
Then we have Wanita Gerakan chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe, who went on to reaffirm proudly the party wing’s support of preventive laws which she says are aimed to protect the political stability and to uphold the national constitution and Rukunegara. Current preventive laws would include the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and the Sedition Act.
She noted that issues such as race, religion, culture, education, and GST implementation have been manipulated by certain quarters over the social media, which not only undermines the government's effort, but instils hate and anger.
Her reaffirmation of support for the preventive laws, has left many quarters speechless and some chided her in disgust, that her support may come back to haunt her and her children one day. Others attributed such reasoning could be a factor that Gerakan were demolished in the last GE.
Many see the invoking of the sedition act as desperate attempts by a dying government to abuse the suppressive laws for selective persecution and to incarcerate its opponents so that it may hang onto power, as what is happening now.
The Chinese are not buying it
Sentiments on the ground suggest that most Chinese gave up hope on Gerakan, because they see the party as a lackey to UMNO, and sticking on like a subservient parasite to them.
The Chinese think of themselves as apolitical to begin with. So BN must have done a really terrible job for them to vote for the opposition. Some even thinks that it is perfectly okay if the Chinese don't support DAP...but throwing support to UMNO/BN would be sheer stupidity
Of course some Chinese still back the Government, but they are limited to the MCA & Gerakan members, although the same cannot be said for their immediate spouses, children, relatives & friends, who may not be inclined towards BN.
The Chinese also aren’t particular who to vote for, as they just want to elect a party that has accountability, responsibility and honesty and look into the needs of every citizen.
Some people feel that Gerakan and the rest of the spineless parties in BN are no better than the NGOs that the 'Gerakan' Youth chief wants Umno to disassociate from. They also know that PM Najib will never listen to Gerakan nor is he serious in transforming the nation.
Many dislike the BN not mainly because of parasite NGOs but because of the parasites like MCA and Gerakan and MIC, which help prop up the racist regime using their faces as their foothold.
Many has likened political leaders in Gerakan, MIC and MCA as nothing but professional opportunists helping themselves to the shrinking cake, and have written them off as history.
Most of them are resigned to the fact that, UMNO is not about to get rid of these NGOs as there will be no one to do the dirty work, such as intimidating or assaulting opposition supporters, disrupting opposition events and sparking tension in peaceful demonstrations. In fact, these parasite NGOs may give UMNO a distinct advantage like a hundred seats in the next election, while their coalition partners continue to buckle under and suffer more losses.
Now, that Gerakan has finally come to their senses that these extreme NGOs, are indeed their biggest enemy; it is a little too late. Their hesitation and timidity to confront UMNO when these extreme NGOs were mushrooming like wildfire since 2008 have given the Rakyat the impression that Gerakan and its coalition partners are simply too weak and too coward to stand up to a dominant UMNO.
And to prove the point, Gerakan has suspended its Johore Delegate Tan Lai Soon for remarking that Malays, Chinese and Indians are all pendatangs.
At a press conference, Gerakan deputy president Cheah Soon Hai said: “We apologise on behalf of the party to all Malaysians who have been hurt by his remark. He should go back and ask what the feeling of his Malay neighbours are.” Cheah however, did not ask whether the Chinese or Indians were as hurt as us at his remarks.
Pertubuhan Pembela Islam (Pembela), a coalition of 52 Malay-Muslim groups, said Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong should sack Tan.
Together with Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) and Pejuang Islam Melayu Malaysia (Pewaris), they went to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur this morning, demanding that Tan be hauled up under the Sedition Act. - MAILBAG

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