
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sentuh anjing haram,rasuah,sebar gambar,video lucah tak haram...

Nampaknya ulama dan agamawan kita lebih takut apabila Melayu menyentuh anjing, bila berbuat demikian tandanya kita tidak berakhlak atau sudah mencemari kesucian agama Islam.

Saya tidak tahu atau tidak nampak bagaimana kalau dengan menyentuh anjing, akhlak atau iman saya tergugat.

Semua orang mengetahui mengenai isu penyebaran gambar dan video lucah, tidak kisah ia membabitkan rakyat biasa, ahli politik atau artis.

Baru-baru ini kita mengetahui tentang gambar intim ahli politik lawan yang sudah tersebar, sama ada palsu atau tidak gambar tersebut ia belum disahkan.

Ini bukan kali pertama gambar atau video lucah tersebar, sebelum ini pemerintah pun pernah menggunakan modal sama menggunakan video lucah ini dalam berkempen pilihan raya. Lebih melucukan, seluar dalam juga dijadikan bahan kempen.

Lebih teruk sekali, ada satu ketika itu dimana akhbar berbahasa Melayu meletakkan gambar lucah di muka depan akhbar mereka. Tidak pula ulama atau agamawan ini tampil ke depan.

Itu sudah cukup melambangkan tahap dan kelas orang Melayu kita berkempen, jadi tidak hairan dalam isu menyentuh anjing ini kita boleh lihat ulama atau agamawan ini meloncat.

Daripada sibuk untuk menjatuhkan hukum halal dan haram kepada seseorang, lebih baik sekiranya ulama dan agamawan ini menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa menyentuh anjing ini haram?

Adakah si penyentuh anjing tersebut mencuri, adakah bila menyentuh anjing saya akan mengambil wang rasuah, adakah bila saya menyentuh anjing itu saya tidak bersembahyang atau adakah ulama dan agamawan lebih suka bercakap tentang perkara remeh-temeh begini.

Lebih lagi tidak masuk akal apabila ada ulama dan agamawan mengatakan sentuh anjing boleh bawa kepada penzinaan. Ini betul-betul hujah longkang, saya tidak faham apakah kaitannya.

Janganlah jadi seperti pepatah, "Gajah di depan mata tidak nampak".

Dalam isu gambar atau video lucah yang tersebar secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja, tidak pula ulama dan agamawan ini ke depan, alih-alih isu sentuh anjing juga dijadikan sasaran.

Bukanlah bertujuan untuk menyuruh orang Melayu menyentuh anjing, cuma saya mahu bangkitkan sedikit tentang golongan agamawan ini. Adil dan bijak berhujah dalam televisyen tidak sama dengan realiti.

Kalau diberikan peluang, saya juga mahu membela anjing, kalau boleh baka Rottweiler, bukan apa, cuma kerana banyak sangat peragut dan penyamun sekitar kawasan saya tinggal.

Lebih-lebih, banyaknya daripada orang Melayu dan Islam. Sekurang-kurangnya saya rasa selamat bila ada anjing di sisi, takkan saya nak harap agamawan ini yang bercakap sahaja lebih.

Mungkin mereka melabelkan anjing ini sebagai najis berat, tapi saya lihat lebih berat lagi najis yang dibuat oleh mereka dalam pentadbiran yang saban hari membocorkan wang rakyat yang membayar cukai.

Lebih baik sekiranya, ulama dan agamawan ini berbicara tentang najis berat ini. Atau ulama dan agamawan tidak melihat ini sebagai najis berat? Terserah kepada mereka.

Sempena perayaan cahaya atau Deepavali, saya berharap sangat ulama dan agamawan kita ini diberikan cahaya hidayah juga.- Md.Izwan,tmi

Haris n dog
Has Malaysia gone to the dogs...

So, is it haram to touch dogs?

In a Facebook posting, controversial former Perlis mufti Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin says it is not haram to touch dogs.

Rebutting the views of other scholars, he said that forbidding someone to touch dogs because a dog is najis (filth) would make many professions and daily chores also forbidden to Muslims.

"If it is haram to touch najis, then it is also haram to touch one's own excrement or that of children or others in your care when cleaning them," he pointed out in his posting.

Asri added that, by logic, it would be forbidden "to do any work which involves najis, like cleaning toilets or dealing with blood or pus (both considered najis). The same can be said of veterinarians." 

Therefore, by this reasoning, the ruling that touching dogs is forbidden is "a shallow ruling. It is thus not forbidden to touch dogs," he asserted.

Possibility of a sedition charge?

Muslim scholars have said that it is forbidden to dirty oneself by touching najis wilfully.

The latest reports say that Jakim will investigate Sunday's event and question organiser Syed Azmi Alhabshi for his stirring up of Muslim sensitivities.

But going by this logic, Syed Azmi could even face a charge under the Sedition Act of 1948 as he had 'wilfully' stirred up the sensitivities of a particular religious group.

The situation is perhaps best described by one observer who put it astutely: "The world has gone to the dogs." - rakyattimes

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (centre) at deputy Penang chief minster II Prof P. Ramasamy's (right) Deepavali open house in Batu Kawan, Penang today. On the right is Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng. Anwar says today that Malaysians are still obsessed with how its multiracial fabric came to be. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, October 22, 2014.

Gov't must say no to 'pendatang' labels...

Anwar Ibrahim has condemned those who label others 'pendatang' (immigrants), saying such behaviour would be punished severely in other countries.

Anwar said he knows of a senator who was forced to resign for questioning the position of the African-Americans.

"It is time for us to look forward and give our children the space to feel they are truly a part of this nation, to be respected, and not questioned as these hurt people's feelings," Anwar said.

"I am a Malay and I do not say I am not proud of my race and history but do not say these things with the intention to insult others," said the Permatang Pauh MP.
"This is the problem. Why bring up the issue of immigrants? What is the issue?" he asked.

He was speaking during his visit to the Deepavali open house of Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy.

Anwar (right) urged Putrajaya to be firm and not just speak about multiracialism and rejecting extremism but not act against those who threaten the situation.

He pointed out that the extremists, including the groups they "outsource" to, actually support the government.

Still debating citizenship

He added that Malaysia is "unique" as it still debates basic issues of citizenship 57 years after it gained independence.

"In other democratic countries, citizenship is accepted as a fact and is undisputable.

"Why do we choose Bahasa Melayu as an official language? It is accepted by all. We can't dispute the origin of this," he added.

He was referring to a Johor Gerakan delegate Tan Lai Soon whose membership was suspendedfor saying that Malays are also ‘pendatang’.

Gerakan issued him a show-cause letter, insisting that Tan's remarks was not the party's stand.
In response, former information minister Zainuddin Maidin said that while it is true that Malays are also pendatang, they came first and established themselves as rulers.

Meanwhile, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (left) said that while action was taken against Tan, others who questioned the citizenship of others should be penalised as well.

"Don't just take action against one person and others who do the same are let off.

"Who first uttered the term 'pendatang'? We know who said it first as we have never brought up the subject.

"To us, everyone is a Malaysian. Let us move forward as Malaysians with a Malaysian spirit, this is what makes us special," he said.

No justification

Meanwhile, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said there was no justification for any Malaysian to describe another Malaysian from a different ethnicity as 'pendatang'.

In a statement, the Gelang Patah MP said that this is especially so as the term is loaded in a "very derogatory, pejorative and even abusive sense".

"This is in fact questioning the citizenship rights of Malaysians, which is entrenched as one of the four sensitive rights in the constitution, whereby it becomes an automatic sedition offence to call for the withdrawal of a Malaysian's citizenship."
He also called on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to review BN's nation-building policies as Malaysians are not ready to call one another immigrants.

He said that this also signifies the failure of the 1Malaysia policy.

"Calling loyal, patriotic Malaysians born, bred and who will die in Malaysia as 'pendatang' must be condemned as a form of extremism which Najib had denounced in the United Nations and international forms since becoming prime minister," he said. - mk


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