
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

After PAS polls, all eyes now on Selangor

YOURSAY ‘All 15 PAS assemblymen in Selangor must now resign.’

Kit Siang proclaims Pakatan is dead

Quigonbond: I find it amusing that PAS central committee now says they are the final decider on whether to sever ties with DAP. It assumes that DAP and PKR still want to be with PAS in Pakatan Rakyat.

Abdul Hadi Awang and his merry men are clearly in a dream world of their own. For the sake of Malaysians who want moderation, integrity and principled leadership, DAP and PKR should tell PAS that the moment the muktamar passes the motion, they are effectively no longer part of Pakatan.

It's also time for PasMa to rise from the ashes and join forces with what remains of Pakatan. No one will blame the progressives for being ingrates or disloyal or unIslamic. In fact, quitting a party of hypocrites and backstabbers should by all counts be very Islamic.

A snap election for Selangor will be a brilliant idea. It will show what folly Hadi Awang in his thirst for power has made.

There is of course a question of whether the Election Commission will prevent that from happening in order to let Pakatan’s uncertainty linger.

Prudent: DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, please act now to push for the effective dissolution of the Selangor State Assembly and call for snap state elections. Do not wait as you have been waiting for the results of the PAS muktamar.

Your waiting to dissolve Pakatan only gives PAS (the new Umno ally) and Umno-BN the initiative. This can be fatal to the opposition. The Selangor government is hanging by a thread.

The state assembly is now effectively a hung assembly on paper. If the state assembly cannot be dissolved and a state election called with the help of the two PAS Adun (state assemblypersons) who previously supported Pakatan against the wishes of Hadi, then it is more than likely that a coup ala Perak 2009 will be carried out by PM Najib Razak.

If this eventuates, then DAP and whatever is left of Pakatan will likely be rejected by the electorate, not because it is incompetent, but because it is perceived to be politically inapt - slow to see a crisis coming and failed to resolve the political crisis.                    
Anonymous_3e86: The problem now is that if DAP leaves Pakatan and PAS stays on in Pakatan with PKR, PAS becomes the majority party. Thus PAS will want control of Selangor. When that happens, PAS will want to implement hudud in Selangor.

That's why Hadi does not want to leave Pakatan. He waits for DAP to do so instead. DAP must completely severe ties with Pakatan to force a state election. Otherwise, PAS will take control of Selangor. PKR must denounce PAS.

Ferdtan: Whether PAS will be in Pakatan coalition or not, the present elected lawmakers, parliamentarians or state assemblymen, many whom are from the pro-Pakatan clique, have to decide their fate in the current scenario.

They can be sure that they will not be nominated to contest again in the next general election, no matter they are winnable candidates or not. To these religious men, form is more important than substance. They demand complete loyalty. This is seen from the non-compromising attitude of the ulama group.

After having purged the progressive leaders from the party positions, next we expect the people to fall are the current lawmakers. You can sure they will be retired as the divisions, which mostly made up of the ulama-inclined, will not propose them, many are whom are strong candidates, as their choice.

Bluemountains: All 15 PAS assemblymen in Selangor must now resign as DAP is part of the state government.

Saari Sungib dan Hasnul Baharuddin (from PAS) must now state their stand. They must quit PAS and join PKR/DAP to ensure continuity of the PKR/DAP government.

Swipenter: Since the Kajang Move and MBgate, many of us have prepared ourselves for the break-up of Pakatan judging from the behaviour of Hadi and PAS.

Kit Siang's proclamation that Pakatan is dead is not that shocking. Now all eyes are riveted on Selangor. Are they going to do Selangor what they did with Perak? I think they would try to do it because if they succeed then Najib would become a hero.

This is high stakes game but what has Najib got to lose given his tattered image now? He has everything to gain if he succeeds in pulling off another coup.

DAP and PKR must mull a merger. Umno and PAS is planning a UG (unity government) since GE12. The lure of race and religion is as strong as ever.

What is stopping them is the uncertain reactions/consequences from Sarawak and Sabah. MCA, Gerakan and MIC are inconsequential to Peninsular politics these days. We are entering into uncharted and dangerous waters.

Throughout human history, politics mixed with race and/or religion can only mean sectarian violence, sooner or later.

Proarte: Yes, Mr Lim, please put into practise what you are preaching now. For 16 years, DAP has collaborated with PAS whose 'core aspiration' was to set up an Islamic state with syariah as the supreme law of the land.

Please recognise this was unprincipled and has led to so many wasted years and opportunities to realise the Malaysian Dream. The Malaysia Dream will remain but a dream unless secularism is unapologetically and unequivocally defended and fought for.

No more playing ball with Islamists or pandering to ‘ketuanan Melayu’ and ‘ketuanan Islam’.

Fair Play: DAP and PKR can call for snap polls, but would the sultan stand in their way, since HRH (his royal highness) is in favour of both BN and PAS?

That's another dilemma for Selangor Pakatan, even if the two PAS Aduns back PKR and DAP.

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