
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CABINET RESHUFFLE TO DROP MUHYIDDIN? Out-of-bullets Najib, Rosmah anxious to stop Dr M

CABINET RESHUFFLE TO DROP MUHYIDDIN? Out-of-bullets Najib, Rosmah anxious to stop Dr M
Mahathir Mohammad is hot on the heels of Najib Tun Razak and is in full pursuit to ensure the prime minister steps down from office but attempts to stave off this is being made by Najib through a much anticipated Cabinet reshuffle and stepping up on a Public Relations campaign to undo the damage done by the 1MDB fiasco.
Those in the federal Cabinet who have failed to support and endorse the leadership of Najib have been asked to send in their resignation letters and there is now a melee taking place by UMNO aspirants who are waiting in the wings to take power. There is a whiff by power grabbers that this is time the winds of change are blowing in their favor.
Now that several of those ministers seen to have 'independent' opinions and who have publicly expressed curiosity as to why they should quit for doing their duty as ministers and questioning the 1MDB debacle, Najib's ultimatum has all but fizzled out. No one including his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin, regarded by many in Umno as the prime minister in waiting, is going to resign and give him a free ride so easily.
Resign ultimatum has fizzled out, so what next?
Thus, there is now talk that running out of options, Najib and Rosmah may go for a drastic Cabinet cut that will see Muhyidding and his supports reshuffled into positions of lesser or no power. Now, this is a bold move because plodding Muhyidddin is no longer without grassroots support and moreover, power-broker Mahathir Mohamad is waiting in the wings to seize on any bad decisions by the first duo.
Will Najib dare to pull such a stunt? If he does, it could possibly be one of his final moves as PM and Umno president.
Be that as it may, those who follow Najib say he is still hell bent on ensuring that he stays on in power despite the latest no-show fiasco at a tell-all 1MDB forum. The enormously damaging consequences from that farce, where he failed to turn up to face an already present and sprightly Mahathir, are still reverberating down the Umno line. It is possible that the Nothing2Hide forum marked a negative turning point for Najib, where he finally lost the last shreds of support and confidence of the people.
Indeed, Najib is assessing his position carefully and wants to share power only with those who toe the line of his instructions. This is why the old guard of UMNO is on guard and keeping quiet while covertly taking into consideration the stance taken by Mahathir.
Mahathir is livid with rage with Najib and is unrelenting in wanting to let him off the hook. He thinks of Najib as being irresponsible and being evasive and dodgy on questions he has posed over 1MDB and decisions of Najib while in power. Mahathir is beginning to demand accountability by Najib and even feels that criminal negligence has been committed by Najib as prime minister.
A blow-by-blow account
Prior to the saga of 1MDB there were growing murmuring of complaints by Mahathir that the leadership of Najib was poor and weak. Mahathir claimed that there were many others who were more suitable and can do a better job as prime minister than Najib. But when the 1MDB scandal came out in the open, Mahathir went into overdrive with his attacks and accusations of Najib.
The scene now has turned full circle and it has become ugly and the Najib-Mahathir tussle has begun to boil over. While Najib and his wife Rosmah are being viewed as a tiger and tigress respectively, Mahathir is seen as a wise old lion that is out to do battle with them as a swansong to protect his legacy and go down in the annals of Malaysian history as a battling hero.
This might seem like a scene out of a Walt Disney movie, but the stakes in this Malaysian sandiwara (show) is really high and this is why Najib is pulling all the stops to try and cling on to power although there are hordes of Malaysians who are supporting Mahathir and believe it is high time the nation rid itself of the twin terrors of Najib and Rosmah.
While Najib has stated that everything he has done during his tenure as prime minister is on board, Mahathir is not buying the bull and wants him to come clean and take his punishment for alleged wrongdoing and other atrocities he and Rosmah are supposed to have committed and to make sure that the duo do not get away scot free.
Najib’s ploys and initiatives
While there is a fine line between defiance and determination, it is hard to say if Mahathir is being defiant or determined to nail Najib and Rosmah. While Mahathir is of the opinion that the duo are guilty of leading the nation with reckless abandon, Najib has mounted a wide ranging Public Relations campaign against the smear campaign by Mahathir against him.
Najib is out on a limb to curry favor with Malaysians of all walks of life and wants the Cabinet reshuffle to try and see that he can continue to be the head of government despite the on-going attacks and accusations by Mahathir against him and Rosmah. Both Najib and Rosmah are playing their cards close to their chest.

But the underdog in this battle to control Malaysia is really Mahathir who has spent all his ammunition blasting away at the duo and while there are people who are reportedly coming to visit him and providing him with more bullets, the bid to try and oust Najib whom Mahathir states is a grave and dangerous liability to the welfare and well being of Malaysians is draining Mahathir.
Najib’s ploys and initiatives are cunning and he is using the entire government machinery at his disposal and the civil service and captains of industry to try and strengthen his grip on Malaysia. This is why Mahathir is swimming against the tide and it just might be that this is the greatest political battle that the aging maestro is undergoing in his lifetime.
Watching from the sidelines
Malaysians are watching daily from the sidelines the slugfest between Mahathir and the duo of Najib and Rosmah and are waiting anxiously to see what the outcome is like and if peace can be achieved between the warring factions that have now divided UMNO’s loyalties to either Mahathir or Najib. Only time will tell if Mahathir will be successful in his endeavor to depose off Najib.
But meanwhile Malaysians are duly worried over their future and this is understandable as they need to butter their bread and are already saddled with rising prices of goods and services and finding the Quality-of-Life starting to deteriorate. This is why it is the hope and aspiration of every Malaysian that the country gets back on track towards normalcy.
The quicker and faster this is done, everyone can heave a heavy sigh of relief as the power play between Najib and Mahathir needs to be resolved as soon as possible that Malaysians can get on with their lives and try to build a brighter and better future for themselves. Only by solving this acrimony between Najib and Mahathir can peace and progress once again descend on this land. - MAILBAG

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