
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fixing Malaysia : Careful and Clear Thinking Essential

Problems arise for us because there is an erosion of democratic principles embedded in our system of government. This is my take: when a Prime minister also appoints himself or herself the Finance Minister, it does not really matter whether that Prime Minister is directly or indirectly elected. When an election can be rigged, it does not matter whether the rigging is carried out to elect the Prime Minister directly or indirectly; and it makes no difference if all important institutions of government are made to report directly to the Prime Minister who is either directly or indirectly elected.
…How did subjugation and subservience come about and how do we get out of it? Alternatively, one must ask how was it that one man rose to dominate the leadership of a country that professed to observe democracy for more than 22 years. How was he allowed to amend the constitution to create a one man rule while pretending that Malaysia is a democratic and Islamic state?–TK Chua
Recently, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah recommended two things. The first was to open UMNO membership to non-Malays while the second was to allow direct elections for the country’s Prime Minister.
TR HamzahFor a man of his stature and experience, I think he was either talking without thinking or making these suggestions only because the country is now in dire straits. How can opening membership to non-Malays help UMNO? Non-Malays are a minority outside UMNO. Non-Malays will continue to be a minority inside it. Let us be realistic, non-Malays can only support progressive and enlightened Malay leadership given our present circumstances.
I think the fundamental question Tengku Razaleigh needs to ask is why UMNO has not been able to nurture an environment that produces enlightened leadership for the country? What are the real cultural and ethical impairments? Has UMNO looked at the evolution of the patronage system, elitism and parochialism within the party that has impeded its open dynamism and effectiveness?
Asking non-Malays to join UMNO without considering the glaring weaknesses within the party is illogical. It will only make the patronage system more expansive, parochialism more entrenched and more Malaysians being rendered blind.
Reform UMNO first. Make it a genuine party for grassroots Malays before opening membership to non-Malays or the party will be useless and non-Malays will not be interested in it either.
With regard to Tengku Razaleigh’s call for direct election of the nation’s Prime Minister, I think this too is superficial and not well-thought. Many countries today have presidents or prime ministers “elected” by more than 90% of popular votes. What does that tell us?
We must realise that it is not just the model of government that is causing us problems. It is the erosion and abuse of institutions of government that give rise to dictatorial powers and poor governance.
The Westminster system of government Malaysia adopted when we achieved independence has been in existence for a long time. Many countries have successfully practiced it without having to resort to electing their prime minister directly.
Problems arise for us because there is an erosion of democratic principles embedded in our system of government. This is my take: when a Prime minister also appoints himself or herself the Finance Minister, it does not really matter whether that Prime Minister is directly or indirectly elected. When an election can be rigged, it does not matter whether the rigging is carried out to elect the Prime Minister directly or indirectly; and it makes no difference if all important institutions of government are made to report directly to the Prime Minister who is either directly or indirectly elected.
The failure is not the system per se; it is the systemic and deliberate subversion of the system. Making the country more democratic and accountable, and less abusive and  probably requires much effort.
However my personal opinion is that Tengku Razaleigh’s suggestions are probably just too simplistic and mundane to bring about any real change. How did subjugation and subservience come about and how do we get out of it?
Mahathir Mohamad-2014Alternatively, one must ask how was it that one man rose to dominate the leadership of a country that professed to observe democracy for more than 22 years. How was he allowed to amend the constitution to create a one man rule while pretending that Malaysia is a democratic Islamic state?

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