
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 26, 2015


umar mukhtar
Umar Mukhtar
The current Pakatan Rakyat melodrama will lead only to the solving of one profound mystery – how to work together without actually talking to each other. And you can bad-mouth each other however much you want meanwhile, but no one can kick you out of the hallowed coalition.
So the pertinent matter is not that PKR is uncertain about which choice of a partner to make, but more that no one, PAS or DAP, and not even PKR, wants to leave as a partner in the state governments under current PR control. The truth is every one of them wants to maintain the status quo. Even if PKR exercised its state government leadership and kicks out DAP in Selangor, then DAP will kick out PKR in Penang.
So why are they quarrelling? Because for this this time round, two of them, DAP and PAS, don’t just do not get along, they actually hate each other’s guts. So why do they still want to stay together? Why would one party want to give up space for the other to fill in? Furthermore, the perks of the office are lucrative and you get to award titles and appoint senators and local councillors, apart from having a say in matters on the State List.
So why did they get together in the first place? They both hate Barisan Nasional, so a pact with the devil seemed not too high a price to pay.
So what if it is not Selangor or Penang that is being affected, but the federal government which is the real target of their control? It seems that that’s okay, too, because they will just not talk to each other at cabinet meetings. Won’t a PR cabinet practise collective responsibility? That, they do sometimes, depending on what to collect.
But seriously, does such infantile behavior attract the support of the voters to send these parties to Putrajaya? What is now obvious from this spectacle is that when you had spent almost all of your career as an opposition, criticising and yelling and walking out, that quarrelsome trait sticks to you to the point of you feeling compelled to yell even at your own partners.
It all started when Anwar Ibrahim finally realised that he better be a Menteri Besar first before dreaming of being PM. That simple initiative on PKR’s part turned into an exercise in sparring among themselves that dragged to a split in one of the parties. DAP now claimed that PAS is planning to split PKR next! As if the first one that split was DAP and not PAS. PAS did not split itself. Isn’t it in DAP’s interest to split Malay votes?
So DAP’s objective number one has been achieved. What is next on DAP’s agenda? To take total control of the Penang state government when nearing PRU14. Quarrel with PKR, too, and buy over PKR non-Malay ADUNs till PRU14. Free itself from the stupid quota and contest in as many seats as it wants. Ridiculous? Yes, it is. But just wait and see. Funnier things have happened. Did you you ever imagine that the so-called PAS progressives would be bad-mouthing their brethren in PAS?
Or to put it subtly, would the so-called PAS progressives do what they did without being egged on, and having the assurance that they will have a wealthy shoulder to fall back on? Needless to say, they will be DAP slaves forever. But that’s the whole idea. Collect the has-beens and the young sluts. They are the viable targets because they can’t backtrack after sleeping with the enemy, so they will cling to your skirts forever.
So If DAP keeps losing whatever semblance of Malay support, how will they ever get to be part of the federal government by themselves? Fallacy number one, if you believe that Putrajaya is DAP’s top priority, you’ll believe anything. Have you any idea how painful it is to be a junior partner? Ask MCA, or Gerakan especially. And playing second-fiddle to a less superior race? Get outta here!
If DAP ever get to be in Putrajaya, it wil not be as a junior partner, not even an equal partner. It will have Malay partners but DAP will lead in the back-room. That is why it’s so important to collect spineless, gutless, intellectually-challenged, behaviourly-defective Malays to be dependent on you, as your supporters.
It is not difficult. Malays are so easily taken in by pomp and pageantry. Nizar became a puppet Perak MB for DAP at a flick of a finger. Never heard him so multi-racial before that. Lucky for him and the Malays that PKR had only an ex-postman to offer. Otherwise the State Assembly would be using bicycle bells to alert ADUNs to bill-voting.
The injustice DAP is doing to the Chinese community is immeasurable. Most Malaysians, the Chinese especially, long for stability, prosperity and the freedom to pursuit happiness to their hearts’ content. If the above debauchery is revealed by the DAP racists, surely most of the Chinese will reject DAP as they had done before.
The trouble is, the other side of the equation is as guilty of similarly selfish sins. Scandal after stupid scandal plus misguided, irrational decisions to cover-up insincere actions by BN, had pushed the Chinese to the waiting jaws of Lim Kit Siang.
Our best hope is the complete transformation of the minds of the ruling majority by a new generation of dedicated and honest Malays. It seems that, that, too, Lim Kit Siang will be putting in his pockets soon. No way LKS will allow them to be set free and destroy his dreams of a racially-tensed Malaysia. He needs to be relevant.

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