
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 8, 2015

Maktab Rendah Zombie MARA, Zaid Ibrahim's 'Bleak future for lazy Malays' Etc.

Image result for maktab rendah sains mara

The following is another article by Dato Zaid Ibrahim. It is taken from the Malaysian Chronicle   here

BLEAK FUTURE FOR LAZY MALAYS: Najib and Hadi will rule, corruption and extremism will thrive

Written by Zaid Ibrahim
I have a speaking engagement in Singapore next week where I’ve been asked to talk about Malaysia’s future – if they were hoping to be painted a pretty picture then they have asked the wrong man.  (My comments : Dato Zaid - I told ISEAS I will be attending your talk in Singapore tomorrow and also join the lunch but I have had to cancel. Something urgent has come up. Will miss your cannon fire.)

I will tell them Malaysia’s future will not deviate from its current path, and that Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak and Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will lead the country for years to come. 

Malays decide who Malaysia’s leaders are and according to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malays are lazy. I happen to agree with him. Malays do not like to think, which is why the current crop of leaders like Najib and Hadi Awang appeal to them.

Najib knows this very well. That’s why he has not bothered to give a proper explanation about why the Government invested good monies in Tier 3 investments in the Cayman Islands, and why he has not bothered to explain why there was cash in Singapore one day and not the next. 

He just needs to tell Malays that if you don’t like my way, then go away. Malays like that style and that’s why they have stayed with him.
Unable to think

Hadi Awang will also win big as the PAS leader because he wants hudud and rejects the DAP. 

Malays think hudud will solve everything, and his victory will mean that hudud can finally be implemented in the country.
  • Islamic laws and businesses have a bright future in Malaysia. 
  • Islamic businesses, like the halal industry, zakat collection and wakaf investments, will be corporatised even more. 
  • Making money, not spirituality, will be a priority for Jakim and the other state religious councils. 
  • Making big money is Islamic after all.
Malays do think about the country’s problems but they want one solution to fix everything, and Hadi has promised them that. His supporters even canvassed for an institute to be established to study his thoughts. He has only one: hudud.

Malaysia’s future does not depend on non-Malays because they have no real power when it comes to changing the nation’s leaders. They can’t be in PAS or UMNO as both parties only welcome Malay members, but then these fellows are unable or unwilling to think.

Non-Malays can forget about their rights

This leaves us with the question: does Malaysia have a future? 

Yes most definitely, but it’s a future where non-Malays are just taxpayers, just like the dhimmis who lived in Muslim territories were in the days of the caliphate. Non-Muslims can practise their religion, but only to the extent that’s permitted by the Muslim ulamaks. They can forget about their rights under the Constitution.
  • Malaysia as a democracy is dead. Malays do not like contrarian views so watching TV3 and reading the New Straits Times is enough for them. 
  • The future will continue to be defined by leaders like Najib and Hadi Awang. 
  • Malaysia will import specialists who tell good stories, knowing full well the people will swallow them whole. 
  • Malaysia will continue to see businessmen having close relationships with the top leaders or their wives. 
  • These businessmen will continue buying government assets for cheap and then selling them later at great profit. 
  • Malaysia will continue to make news for human slavery and all the ugliness it brings.
  • Malaysia will have fast trains to Singapore but we will continue to borrow heavily from the Arabic sheikhs. If things do not work out, more government assets can be injected. 
  • Figures and statistics can be threatening to the Malays so the art of spin will feature in Malaysia’s future. 
  • We will continue to organise the world's biggest conferences on corruption and accountability in public office, but we will also remain high in the world rankings of corrupt nations.
This is what you get under Najib and Hadi Awang: a good image, good spin but little of substance. 

Under the Tok Guru Hadi Awang / Najib combination, more and more Muslims will lose their fundamental rights and liberties, and many may go to jail for being “unIslamic”.Some may even lose their limbs for stealing food and bicycles, but not for stealing “units “and parking them in the Cayman Islands. This is Malaysia’s future. - zaid.my

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=525421:bleak-future-for-lazy-malays-najib-hadi-will-rule-corruption-extremism-will-thrive&Itemid=2#ixzz3cQmw1YO6

My comments :  I disagree with some points.  Here are some notes from the CIA World Fact Book about Malaysia:

Population : Malay 50.1%, Chinese 22.6%, indigenous 11.8%, Indian 6.7%, other 0.7%, non-citizens 8.2% (2010 est.)

Religions : Muslim (official) 61.3%, Buddhist 19.8%, Christian 9.2%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 1.3%, other 0.4%, none 0.8%, unspecified 1% (2010 est.)

The Malay / bumiputra Muslims make up 61% of the population. Non Malays make up the balance ie 37%.  Just the Malays alone are 50.1% of the population.  The bumiputras also include non Muslim Ibans in Sarawak and non Muslim Kadazan-Dusuns in Sabah. 

Economically the non bumiputras namely the Chinese and to some extent the Indians hold a large chunk of the economy. Most importantly (for the economic health of the country)  the non bumiputra economy is more market oriented. It is independent of subsidies, licensing, APs etc. It has to compete, it is therefore much healthier and contributes to the health of the economy.

The Malay and bumiputra economy is still independent of market forces. It does not compete much. Hence this is an inherently unhealthy economy that cannot sustain itself in the near term or the long term. This has a bearing on what Zaid has said. 

There will be a dichotomy. The Muslim economy will lag behind (as it does in all Islamic countries).  The non Muslim economy will stay afloat and prosper well. 

As an example I believe the Chinese per capita GDP will eventually become multiple times the per capita GDP of the Muslims.  And it cannot be stopped. There are some reasons for this. There was some hope that the Muslim economy - during the time of Dr Mahathir as PM - had a chance of behaving normally, along with the rest of the world.  The education system had just been switched back to PPSMI.

Then after Dr Mahathir, it was switched back again to an all Malay system. That was the nail in the coffin.  The Malay language does not yet have the capacity to be the language of science. It is also not yet a fully "modern" language in that it does not have the vocabulary or the 'language history' to express complex ideas or modern ideas as efficiently. Compared to say Chinese, Japanese etc.

The Chinese in Malaysia are now the beneficiaries of a fantastic explosion in science, technology and modern thinking in the Chinese language oming out of China.  Discussion in knowledge subjects is very robust in China. All Chinese speakers all over the world benefit from this, including Malaysian Chinese of course.

China is about to become the largest economy on earth  because of their absorption of knowledge. Surely Chinese all over the world will also be lifted by this tide. A Chinese aircon technician  simply searched YouTube (in Chinese I think) to see how a window unit is hung outside apartment windows 15 floors off the ground.

The Malays (AND THE MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE WORLD) do not have access to such modern and science based thinking in their respective languages. 

Not just Arabic but Urdu (Pakistan), Pushtun etc cannot yet convey complex ideas and modern thinking in large enough quantities.

Just imagine a hypothetical situation where someone says that the rituals that you perform did not exist in reality. They were created along the way by some village fellows. 

Now how should you reaact?  

3-5-6 is one way. 3-5-6 is 3 years jail, RM5000 fine and 6 strokes of the rotan. 

Or you can kill the people who suggest this. ISIS style or Saudi Arabian Wahhabi style.

These are not  modern methods. These are very backward methods of "not arriving at the truth". 

You will never arrive at the truth. Or defend the truth even if you have already found it.

The modern method is to ask for proof, to show proof, to be able to demonstrate your proof. That is the modern method.  

And when people show you their proofs for their side of the argument, then you should be able to listen intelligently, answer their questions intelligently and prove your case intelligently. The key word is 'intelligently'.

Did you know that according to the Quran, being unintelligent is one of the traits of satan? Here it is :

Surah 4:76  "..feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan" ("..inna kayda al shaytani kaana daeefan).

Satan thinks he is cunning but satan is actually 'daeef' (Malay also 'daif') or stupid. 

Ergo, putting it another way, being consistently stupid (and thinking you are clever) is indeed satanic.  
So how do you know (I am talking directly to you dear reader) that you are cunning, stupid, intelligent, not intelligent, satanic or otherwise? The same applies to me and everyone.  How will you know?  

The answer : You must be able to engage in intelligent conversation. Without getting excited. Without getting angry. 

Without 3-5-6 or 'I kill you' (ISIS style).

How can you say, "if you disagree with me about some belief system then  I will jail you, fine you or rotan you?'  Or worse 'I will kill you'?

Is that what you call intelligent? And you think you are very cunning as well?

Surah 4:76  "..feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan" ("..inna kayda al shaytani kaana daeefan).

Well the purpose of this walkabout is to tell you that the Chinese people, the Japanese, Koreans, Singaporeans etc have adopted a very Islamic method of gaining knowledge - they engage in intelligent discussion. They have adopted the Quranic method.  Intelligent discussion is a very, very modern concept. That is why they are progressing.

The Muslims unfortunately do not have as much easy access to intelligent discussion. Hence they are doomed.

It becomes worse if the languages spoken by the Muslims around the world have not expanded their capacity to express complex ideas and modern scientific thinking. 

There is no word for psychology in Tamil, Malay or Urdu. That is why in Pakistan and India, the language of science is still English.  Imagine if India dumps English and reverts to Hindi, Tamil etc. Will they be able to produce as many scientists and computer programmers? I dont think so.

And all over the world, English is the super highway to knowledge. It has surpassed German, French, Chinese etc. And it is getting even more  stronger.  

At a time when English is getting stronger, we have decided to dump English for Malay (and lagi bodoh, for Arabic).

All this is only possible in Malaysia when there are little avenues to dicuss things intelligently.   So the Muslims remain poor. The non Muslims particularly the Chinese and also the Indians, who have better access to knowledge-languages (Chinese, English) will be economically better off. 

Then we have had two Prime Ministers after Dr Mahathir who did not know a hole in the ground from a hole in their heads.  For 12 years and still counting, since 2003, our country has suffered the worst leadership crisis in the world. 

And since the Malays are so dependent on the government (whereas the Chinese and Indians are not, well not as much) they have also suffered from the weak leadership. Hence the Malay or Muslim economy has suffered.

And the worse fate of course has befallen those Malays and Muslims who support the PAS. For 20 years or more Kelantan has been ruled by the PAS. That State is so backward, economically and socially that the people have become numb. They are so numb that they do not even know they are backward.

There is absolutely no way you can have any kind of conversation with them anymore,  let alone an intelligent conversation.  The sad thing is they are not even close to Islam. 

So the point where I diverge from Zaid is that the non Malays will be better off just by their own. A point will come where they will be fully independent of the Muslim political power. Once the oil revenues dry up (they will) the Muslim political power will become subservient to economic power again.

We thought that Felda's owning hundreds of thousands of acres of land will be strategically good for the Malays but even there they are making losses.  

Whether Felda owns hundreds of thousands of acres or millions of acres it is not relevant. The question is 'So what?' 

Finally we come to Maktab Rendah Zombie Mara. This is something I heard recently coming from someone within the Ministry or from within MARA. 

The MRSM or Mara Junior Science Colleges used to be good schools producing well rounded, thinking professionals for the country. Well this is not the case anymore. 

They now have the MRSM Ulul Al Bab (sounds like that P Ramlee movie's Ahmad Al Bab).  These are basically madrassas. The kids wear tudung labuh and kopiah to classes.

I found out that one MRSM asked an allocation for horses and archery sets which they were given. But their concept was  that it was incumbent for students to take up these activities because it is reccomended by the "religion" to prepare for jihad.

They are churning out religious zombies. Hence Maktab Rendah Zombie Mara. Ini bukan saya cakap. Orang Kementerian sendiri cakap.  

I have to rest my case here. This is getting beyond belief.    

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