
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 5, 2015

NAJIB AFRAID HIS 'BILLIONS' ARE BEING TRACED? Group goes after Sarawak Report editor - wants answers on her funding

NAJIB AFRAID HIS 'BILLIONS' ARE BEING TRACED? Group goes after S'wak Report editor - wants answers on her funding
CAGM today welcomes the denial by Clare Rewcastle Brown that her husband Andrew Brown was acquainted with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Her denial is nothing more than a lie to deceive the public and protect her husband.
EDF Energy UK is wholly owned by EDF of France.
The chairman of EDF Energy UK is Jean Bernard-Levy, who is also the chairman of the parent company Électricité de France (EDF).
It is a well-known fact in United Kingdom that Andrew Brown was working with EDF’s board of directors to bring EDF operations into UK when his elder brother Gordon Brown was Prime Minister.
As a matter of fact, Andrew Brown was the main coordinator when then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited London in 2008 to sign the nuclear deal with Gordon Brown.
Gordon Brown was PM from 2007 to 2010 while Andrew joined EDF in 2004.
To say that Andrew Brown was never involved in EDF's global operations is a blatant lie by Clare to shield her husband.
Andrew Brown and Dr M
Andrew Brown has commuted frequently between Paris and London in EDF’s corporate jet with the top bosses of EDF France.
Andrew’s primary role is “to lead the communications agenda in all of EDF’s nuclear projects” as reported in the British press.
CAGM also wishes to ask Clare for answers to the following questions:
1. Who arranged for her special and exclusive interview with Dr. Mahathir in January 2015?
2. Who is the ‘European philanthropist’ funding Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak’s operations as quoted by Clare herself in an interview with Foreign Policy on 31 March 2013?
3. Can Clare shed more light on her friendship with international money chaser Theodore S. Greenberg or better known as Ted Greenberg who is married to White House access peddler and lobbyist Tammy Haddad?
PM Najib
(Ted Greenberg, a law expert in commercial crimes, played an integral role in recovering hundreds of millions hidden by former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos. Ted is currently working on the recovery of billions hidden by deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and dead dictators such as Muammar Gadafi of Libya and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein)
CAGM hopes Clare Rewcastle Brown practices higher standards of journalism and not to manipulate facts for ulterior motives even though CAGM supports Sarawak Report’s initiative to expose the alleged wrong doings in 1MDB.
Dr M
There is nothing wrong if her husband is 'friends' with Dr. Mahathir especially if it is to pursue a business venture.
But is it morally and ethically wrong to hoodwink the Malaysian public on the pretext of fighting for justice and transparency.
If Clare is a honest journalist, she should investigate and expose Dr. Mahathir similar to what she has done towards Taib Mahmud, Musa Aman and Najib Razak.
Md. Zainal Abidin,
Chairman of CAGM

1 comment:

  1. CAGM, you are Malaysian. I don't think you know or you refuse to know that what the critics are doing will also help your future generation. If you don't care about your future generation, I think there's no place for you in "the universe". There's no place more suitable for you than the bin. It doesn't matter who, why and where is Sarawak report. The isuue should be whether their comment and revelation is correct and real. The fact that BN refuses to reply and answer questions already show us SR may be right. There's no point beating around the bush. You are only embarrassing yourself. What you are doing or are trying to do has no effect on SR, but instead, is an insult to the intelligence of the Malaysian.


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