
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Najib and Dr M mess Malaysia up, we pay for it

YOURSAY ‘Najib, this is not an excuse for you to do the same as Mahathir.’

Najib: My 'bigger mess' is Mahathir's doing

Odin Tajué: PM Najib Razak, you have told lies with regard to the 1MDB financial scandal. Second Finance Minister Husni Hanadzlah has told lies with regard to the 1MDB financial scandal. 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda has told lies with regard to the 1MDB financial scandal.

All those lies have been from you and not from the opposition, neither are they from former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, nor from any other parties.

Your explanation of how you have come into possession of enormous wealth has been nixed by your very own brothers. You have given illogical, irrelevant answers with regard to the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder.

Mahathir or anyone else does not need to accuse you of being a pathological liar and having no credibility whatsoever. You have exhibited all that yourself. And it is all too clear to those who have brains between their ears.

So what are you ranting and raving on about? Anyone in your position and has even a semblance of principle would have resigned a long time ago.

Kingfisher: What appears to be a cantankerous tit-for-tat blame and counter-blame diminishes the esteem of particularly a sitting PM as it is now obvious to ordinary Malaysians that he is the one who is being repeatedly asked to account for his executive responsibility.

All that is required of him is for him to respond truthfully so that the matter.

Any suggestions that the two should meet to iron out and clarify their differences so that the dispute can be arrested will further aggrieve ordinary citizens who expect the nation to be guided by rules and regulations, not the dictates of any individuals, groups or political organisations.
Oh Ya?: If it is falsehood, why he does not bring Mahathir and his cohorts to court or charge them under the Sedition Act as he had done to Malaysiakini, the opposition leaders and dissidents?
Onyourtoes: PM, you just don’t get it. It does not matter if allegations leveled against you were true or false. The most important thing for you to do is to answer, counter and explain the allegations.

This you have not done or were unable to do. Please think, your administration has been riddled with endless scandals, extravagance and indulgences, none of which has ever been explained satisfactorily.

But the way, it does not matter if Mahathir has committed malfeasance in the past. That is not an excuse for you to do the same. Also, it does not matter if Mahathir has lived in a benign era with limited or no social media and Internet. This is our time, you have to live with it.

TehTarik: I agree with Najib. Because of Mahathir's wasteful spending, we are straddled with huge debts. Many of the white elephant projects under Mahathir cost billions. Much of the money was borrowed and is yet to be paid. Hence the huge annual debt payment.

It is time that Najib exposes the dozens of scams and wasteful spending during the 22-year tenure of Mahathir. Mahathir is the last person who should talk about financial prudence and integrity.
Anticonmen: Najib, whatever justification you give to explain the mess rings hollow now because you failed to remedy the mess you inherited from your predecessor, given the power you had in your hands as a PM.

Only in-built controls, checks and balances in government can prevent abuse and fraud by our leaders. No one should be allowed to remove these controls.

The controls set in the original 1957 constitution and financial system should not have been tampered with or dismantled. We are now paying the price for it.
TC Chan: Mahathir has left office more than 10 years ago and if his mess is still with us, that doesn't say much for our leaders. It is no good to us that everything is blamed on him.

If he has left a mess for us to clean it up, don’t add on to it, which is what our leaders are doing.            
Angelababy: PM, perhaps you can undo what Mahathir did - reinstate the original Article 121 of the constitution, revoke the political declaration that Malaysia is an Islamic country, give due respect to the Malaysia agreement with East Malaysian states, remove quotas in education institutions, go for meritocracy, sell those planes, move out from the grand residence and live the way your late father did, cut unnecessary spending, check on corruption, allow independence of the judiciary by appointing the right judges and not those only to protect only one’s interest, make the civil service more multiracial, tell all high-ranking officials including ministers to be humble, and no grand entry during functions.

Common Good of Society: The reality is that this whole mess is created by the Umno/BN-led government from the time when unjustly policies were introduced to protect certain people.

And till today, we don't see real positive results but rather the country being plundered and saddled with massive losses and debts.

If it’s any indication, a comparison of our currency exchange rate against our tiny neighbour of Singapore will tell you that their currency is 2.6 times stronger. Malaysia has ample land, plantations, minerals, yet our economic outlook is in a real mess.

Fair Play: It looks like Najib is losing his mind about what is right and what is wrong. Instead he thinks by playing the blame game would absolve him from the wrongs about 1MDB by avoiding all questions and instead posing self-answers to self-questions and using image consultants.

In fact, a public forum answering all questions from the public, including Dr M’s, could have provided most, if not all, the answers that the rakyat seek. But dare he?

Abasir: So the 'warrior' continues to wage war on the rakyat by formulating his own questions and answering them with the panache of a Hang Pi'mana.

Would he deign to answer my rather complicated question, which I admit is infrequently asked? How does he keep tabs on how frequently a question is asked before deciding it is ‘frequently asked’?

Or does he get Mr Badhair Day to creatively conjure up these questions? Anyway, what will it take before he finally decides to shut the FAQ up and vacate the palatial premises in Putrajaya?

RakyatBiasa: Thank God for Internet and online media or Najib would get away with murder just like Mahathir did.

Now the pot is calling the kettle black. Both are the same. Both are from the same ruling party. Both practice the Umno principle of ‘You help me, I help you’ - one secretly and the other openly. -Mkini

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