
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 26, 2015

Najib camp spins away talk of Umno rebellion BUT DEATH IS CLOSE BY

Najib camp spins away talk of Umno rebellion BUT DEATH IS CLOSE BY
The Romans must have known quite a bit about government.
In fact, one cannot help but think that they knew quite a bit about ours.
Inside the first century the senator and historian Tacitus said, “A bad peace is even worse than war!”
He must have envisioned Umno circa 2015.
A recent Asian Sentinel report will have us believe that on June 17, a regular Management Committee meeting of the party took an unusual turn.
Citing a “source in KL” it claimed that the meeting, said to have been chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Muhiyuddin Yassin, saw Wanita Umno Head Shahrizat Abdul Jalil “unloading bitterly” on Prime Minister Najib Razak.
The source claimed that “the meeting, which included the party’s three vice-presidents and other top members, appeared largely kept silent (sic).”
Whether those claims are true or not cannot be verified, unless one of those present breaks ranks and divulges what actually transpired, if there was such a meeting in the first place.
But the likelihood of anyone breaking ranks within Umno is negligible.
As The Sentinel notes, there appears to be no “irresistible force” on the horizon capable of taking Umno, and with it Malaysia, out of the political headlock it has put itself in.
Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed himself said as much during a recent interview.
Whether it is his fault that Umno has fallen into such a quagmire is irrelevant. It is surely not his fault that no one was capable of mounting a successful challenge to dislodge him from office.
The real question is where any challenge to Najib’s leadership is going to come from.
Mahathir himself claims that he is speaking up on behalf of people who have approached him and asked him “to do something.”
It is a damning indictment when people choose to look to the fringes of UMNO where Mahathir looms, rather than to the inner circle where actual power resides.
Umno seems to have spent the last six months in huddles whispering who-knows-what behind closed doors.
In the public eye, though, they pretend all is well.
The current situation has all the trappings of Tacitus’ bad peace. Something much worse than war!
No one has to date been brave enough to step forward and address the nation on the real issues at hand.
Why is this so?
The more sinister will argue that there is much personal interest at stake.
Others will say that there is unlikely to be much support from within the party, and that political careers are too important and too fragile to be risked even for the noblest of causes.
Or, has it finally dawned on them that they do not have the people’s mandate to run this country anymore and are just holding on for as long as they can? - FMT

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