
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 21, 2015

NAJIB'S HYPOCRISY: BTN used as 'racist tool to deceive, manipulate & brainwash the people' - Kasthuri

NAJIB'S HYPOCRISY: BTN used as 'racist tool to deceive, manipulate & brainwash the people' - Kasthuri
Once again, emotions, sans intellectual discourse, run high in UMNO judging by the comment by Dato' Razali Ibrahim, Deputy Prime Minister in the Prime Minister's Department challenging critics to show evidence of racism in the highly noxious National Civics Bureau or fondly known as the Biro Tata Negara (BTN)
Perhaps like many lambs led astray, Dato Razali Ibrahim too has been so badly misled or is grossly ignorant on the disgusting methods of brainwashing and compartmentalizing thoughts to further thrust the wedge between this multicultural, multi religious society along indoctrinating efforts by BTN.
Those who have been for BTN courses and camps will stick to their guns to say that the BTN syllabus is “racist and anti-national in character, causing a gross waste of public funds” as also stated by DAP Parliamentary Opposition Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang yesterday.
6 presentation slides by BTN uploaded on the internet shows in essence, a detailed breakdown and analysis of seats under BN and the opposition parties from 19 August 1959 till the 13th GE in 2013, Malay, Chinese and Indian support in BN seats and PR seats, analysis of the popular vote, the difference in votes for BN and PR (%), Malay majority BN seats, simple majority BN seats and 2/3 majority BN seats secured, using phrases such as “akhbar Cina jarum halus menikam kerajaan melalui liputan berita yang mempromosi gerakan pembangkang” which translates to “fine needles in the Chinese press to promote the opposition movement”, a breakdown of BN seats won by less than a 3000 vote majority, BN seats won by a razor slim, less than 1000 vote majority, detailed breakdown of Muslim and non Muslim MPs as well by race or ethnicity in the Dewan Rakyat, distribution of BN-PR seats in Malaysia and Malay and Chinese support base, what UMNO/BN needs to do to cement power, a breakdown of the richest men in Malaysia (mostly of Chinese ethnicity), number of Tamil and Chinese vernacular schools in the country, a remark on Christians making up 9.1% of the population and granted permission to build a mammoth church as well as an observation of what could possibly happen in the 14th GE, and a strongly worded message on turmoil and uncertainty if there is a change of government, citing the Killing Fields' Pol Pot regime as comparison.
One has to be either stupid or blind not to see that there is absolutely nothing patriotic or rather remotely relevant to civil servants about the contents of the slides belonging to BTN, judging by their subtle desperate attempts to win over support (and votes) by using cheap dirty manoeuvers to cement their position and power in the country in their preparation for the next general election.
These lifeblood of these 6 slides also lays out details on young Malay leaders in the DAP such as Zairil Khir Johari, Dyana Sofya and Young Syefura used to penetrate and gain Malay support, the imminent G25, the people behind it as well on their stand with what is happening in the country as well as a venomous slide spelling out that racism or “asabiyah” which originally means tribalism and “clanism” is good for the country.
With concrete proof in the 6 slides by BTN and one aptly named 'Racism', what more proof does Razali Ibrahim need to substantiate that this entity not only is a waste of public funds, but it is villainous in nature to continue to disrupt the harmony of Malaysians who crave for peace, equality, freedom and justice.
None of these slides can be found now on the website after being hastily brought down a week ago.
The PM Najib Razak, the infamous one-finger 1Malaysia warrior is an undeniable hypocrite in the highest order and a charlatan, as this virulent poisonous bureau, the BTN is parked right under his nose in the Prime Minister's Department and he has yet to make a stand on its survival.
So while on one hand the PM advocates the idea of 1Malaysia, particularly during the 2013 GE, calling upon for the establishment of the Global Moderate Movement, a self praising defender of wasatiyah or moderation, the PM remains tightlipped and silent on a cancerous organ such as the BTN under his very own office knwoing well what its true functions are.
How is it possible that Razali Ibrahim challenge critics to proof that the BTN is not a racist mouthpiece while there is concrete evidence before him that it is that and more. In defending this vile organ, it is him who should proof its worth.
Not only should the BTN be abolished and dissolved, policy makers at BTN should be exposed along with the names of those who call the shots and give instructions.
Kasthuri Patto
MP for Batu Kawan

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