
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015


For about a year now, former PM Tun Dr Mahathir ‘s relentless campaign for the resignation of Prime Minister DS Najib has yet to succeed.
Unlike past endeavors where it was only him and his motley crew who pursued his agenda, this time, many citizens joined in the call for his resignation.
Oops, you have been duped into thinking there can be any end in sight in TDM’s favor.
There is no written rule that any former leader in a country has the power to command the resignation of a current leader or that the latter must bow to his wishes.
The late Lee Kuan Yew must have had many opportunities to tick off his son but most honorably, the world at large remembers LKY fondly because of his elegance and wisdom displayed as a former Prime Minister of Singapore and as Senior Minister later.
Do you ever remember LKY, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Kevin Rudd and other leaders criticizing their successors or asking them to resign?
Of course not, because that is not the way things are done in the real world of politics.
Many Malaysians are a funny lot in that a great percentage thinks they have been empowered by democratic space in Internet and that the world must dance to their tune with the click of a mouse to post a comment, update or share something in social media.
The Jaguh Kampung syndrome has never been as prevalent as now because many actually believe and have been deceived into thinking that just because they agree with TDM or other critics, things will pan out according to their hopes and foolish aspirations.
The endless effort to oust Obama is a classic reminder that all that is a sheer delusionary syiok sendirifeeling.
Surf the net and one can see how there are hundreds of thousands of sites and millions who have called for the resignation or predicted the fall of Obama and you can see the President of America is still ruling happily.
Regardless of how many tweets, negative comments, brainless artwork or gossip that are being circulated in social media or Android programs such as Whatsapp, WeChat, the fact remains that this country is ruled by laws that our forefathers laid down.
And nothing will change just because ONE man started it all. Be it nothing to hide, nowhere to hide or whatever slogans one may coin or whatever nasty blog post or news article may preach, the fact remains that Prime Ministers come and go according to the Constitution of this country.
So for those who have been duped, stop singing the wrong tune and think of ways to make this country a better place for all.
The insidious habit of posting negative comments about the status quo, especially our PM, does nothing for the repute of this country but only makes us a laughing stock for the world to see.
Have a sense of pride and respect.  Let the leaders rule and let them use the given mandate to steer Malaysia to greater heights.
Datuk Huan Cheng Guan,
Vice-President, Parti Cinta Malaysia

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