
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

PAS can’t divorce and still sleep in same bed

YOURSAY ‘The begging to stay on in posts in Penang and S’gor has just begun.’

'Don’t quit posts yet, DAP divorce not final'
Vijay47: Let us stop splitting hairs here, PAS. Whether muktamar, or tahaluf, or the host of Arabic words you now seem compelled to use, you have made your stand.

Almost from the time you joined Pakatan Rakyat you have been insincere and cunning, seeming to be married to DAP and PKR yet allowing yourself to be seduced by Umno.

The only reason you have a respectable presence in Parliament and the state assemblies is that many voters, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, believed that PAS had reformed and was now committed to a progressive Malaysia.

For all we now care, you can make Najib-speeches or even walk on water, non-Muslims will never again trust you. Leave Pakatan, you will not be missed, in fact your departure will be most welcome.

Go ahead, dream your dreams with Umno. Time for bell, book, and candle, PAS. Pakatan does not need any Brutus, nor for that matter, a Judas.

Swipenter: PAS ulama is in damage control mode. One partner caught the other one sleeping in bed with another.

The unfaithful one now wants to be the sole right to decide to annul the partnership or not. The faithful one is not the one to decide, according to the former.

Meanwhile, the unfaithful one wants to keep up with a farcical partnership to maintain all the privileges but not responsibilities of a partnership.

It’s a classic case of have the cake and eat it too.

Ferdtan: Ulama wing information chief Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, what is the highest body in PAS? Isn’t it the muktamar?

The delegates there, who included all important members who had just voted in the office bearers, including the top position of presidency, must be higher than all bodies, isn’t it?

Maybe in PAS the syura council may have veto power; other than that all motions passed at the muktamar is confirmed and irreversible.

After all, the muktamar, without debate, passed the motion to sever ties with DAP, then why there is a need to let syura council and its central committee, serving to the dictates of the muktamar, to revisit the approved motion?

Penang CM Lim Guan Eng, unlike Selangor government, does not need PAS to remain control of the state. Now the dare has been challenged.

PAS, please be principled enough like your defeated candidate, Mohamad Sabu - resign from all state posts.

Myop101: PAS no longer believe in the welfare state. Look at Kelantan’s flood victims. It will Hari Raya soon and yet many still don't have a home. What is PAS doing other than pointing fingers, slandering and name calling?

And they keep saying Lim Guan Eng is provoking them. My question is, isn't it Abdul Hadi Awang's fault for starting all this?

Not only is he not willing to meet Pakatan in the middle, he refused to even attend any Pakatan meetings. To top it off, he overwrote all decisions made by the party.

Wsoi: PAS ulama can switch their highest decision-making body among their president, syura and central committee, depending on which one favours them most.

In short, these are people with no principle or limited confidence in what they are doing.
Shanandoah: The begging to stay on in posts in Penang and Selangor has just begun. PAS is too shy to admit it. The muktamar decided to cut ties with DAP but syura council has the last say.

Come on you hypocrites - don't play, play. Face the consequences of your action if you are man enough.

Lim Chong Leong: These religious people want to divorce but still sleep in the same bed. Get lost, please.

Fair Play: This is like a very high stake poker game. PAS called DAP bluff by severing ties with DAP. Guan Eng made a bigger bluff by asking all PAS members (about 100 of them) to quit their posts in the Penang government.

Now PAS backed down stating that the divorce has not been finalised. Really?

With such acrimony in a marriage, there is no hope whatsoever of a reconciliation ever going to happen. If it does, DAP is just like a battered wife clinging on to an abusive husband.

Me? DAP can kiss my vote goodbye in GE14 and beyond.

Bluemountains: Since PAS has declared that it has severed ties with DAP, it is DAP's responsibility to sack all PAS representatives who are still holding state government-appointed posts.

In Selangor, it is PKR/DAP's responsibility to sack all PAS reps (including the state exco members), except Saari Sungib dan Hasnul Baharuddin who may cross over if need be to be with PKR/DAP.

Mushiro: The motion to sever ties with DAP was played by Hadi to the gallery. When it comes to PAS quitting from all government posts in Penang, Hadi leaves it to his lower liners to re-explain to PAS members.

I guess it hurts when it hits their purses. -Mkini

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