
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 26, 2015

WATCH OUT, BN: Anwar not just reading books & Quran in prison - HE IS STRATEGIZING!

WATCH OUT, BN: Anwar not just reading books & Quran in prison - HE IS STRATEGIZING!
KUALA LUMPUR - A political analyst has taken to his blog to remark that the G18 group in PAS, accompanied by several PKR and DAP leaders, convened at the residence of former PAS Secretary- General Kamaruddin Jaafar shortly after jailed Opposition Chief Anwar Ibrahim sent out a message on broadening Pakatan Rakyat, the informal opposition alliance, to take on Umno/Barisan Nasional (BN).
Anwar’s reference, stressed Shahbudin Husin, was on a new Pakatan which would also include NGOs. “The stress is on building an alliance that would be formidable enough to take on and defeat the ruling coalition.”
It’s obvious that Anwar was not just reading his books and the al-Quran in jail but was also following political developments in the world outside, he pointed out. “Anwar in or out of jail, is always about politics.”
“Obviously, he’s more free to think in jail as he has space for himself. He’s strategizing.”
It was noteworthy, he said, that those who met with the G18 included Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Tian Chua, Johari Abdul, Saifuddin Nasution and Shamsul Iskandar from PKR while DAP was represented by Lim Kit Siang, Teresa Kok and Liew Chin Tong among others.
A new party, noted the analyst, has already been confirmed by Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad after earlier hints in that direction by defeated PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu, former Perak Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin and others. “There would be a new party made up of the professional and Islamic block in PAS who, except for one who made it to the Central Executive Committee, were completely wiped out during the recent party elections through the block voting process employed by the ulama block.”
The new party, he added, would be for all irrespective of beliefs and would be based on justice for the people and fighting corruption. “It’s clear that the G18 have lost hope in a pro-ulama PAS.”
The presence of PKR and DAP bigwigs at the meeting with the G18, he continued, was confirmation indeed not only on the formation of a new Islamic party to partner Pakatan but the re-organisation of the informal opposition alliance as raised by Anwar in his message from jail. “The alliance has been going through some unsettling times of late and there needs to be greater clarity on its direction to emerge strong and viable.”
All this raises the question of what would happen to PAS which has said that it remains with Pakatan. “It would be up to PAS to decide whether it was in or out of the new Pakatan,” said Shahbudin. “If PAS stays, the alliance would have four parties including the new one. If it leaves, then the alliance would still continue to have three allies.” - FMT

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