
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Where Anwar failed, Rosli Dahlan having a ball in court with conspiracy theory

Rosli Dahlan, or now respectable Dato Rosli Dahlan was a character from this blog's past.

Court proceeding for his 2009 civil lawsuit against Tan Sri Abu Kassim, MACC and Government of Malaysia for RM20 million resumed few days ago.

For someone acquitted from corruption related charges and have secured an apology from a subsequent lawsuit, this is bordering on revenge and hatred. This Singaporean UIA graduate that made a living in this country is trying to shame the government.

Now that POTA was passed at Parliament last night, any provision to get this immigrant "Melayu tak sedar diri" deported back from where he came from?

The pre-media prepping before the trial tried to paint the picture of himself as "collateral damage" in the Gani and Musa animosity toward Ramli [read FMT here].

The court has heard the evidences from Rosli, former MACC adviser Robert Phang, former deputy public prosecutor Shamsul Sulaiman, senior partner of Lee Hishamuddin Allen & Gledhill, Lambert Rasa-Ratnam and other staff [here and here], MACC Investigating Officer Saiful Exral Ariffin  here and here], Azmi Ismail and Augustine Manson.

So far all report are coming from pro opposition aka pro-Rosli media. He has the support of bloggers Prof Din Merican and Raja Petra Kamaruddin, former MACC Adviser cum former bag handler and Mr Fix-it Tan Sri Robert Phang.  

One important point that need to highlight is former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) prosecutor, Kevin Morais testified before Saiful to deny he did not have valid reasons to order the lawyer to declare his assets.

Rosli refused to declare his asset. He was not cooperating with the enforcement officers and on a fault finding mode. One would naturally suspect he was hiding something.

Words on the street is that he had allegedly stashed large amount of corruption money under his name for someone close to him to the tune of at least more than RM25 million.

His action is clearly an attempt to allude from the process of law but it was twisted as conspiracy by the MACC, Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Attorney General (AG) against him and Dato Ramli Yusof.

Kevin quoted Section 21(4) Corrupt Prevention Act 1997 to show Rosli's claim that the notice is not valid and in contravention with the law is wrong. There is basis from the investigation by Saiful that there had been an offense made under Section 11(a) of the same act.

The Act is available here

For a background, do google this blog here for the voluminous work done. Lazy to repeat the exploit of this UIA graduate Singaporean with former Commercial Crime Director, Ramli Yusof.

No explanatory words and comfort from any police or MACC or law enforcement officer will ever convince this blog that they are not corrupt. Unfortunately, one is only legally considered corrupt when the court determine so.

Defended by the great lawyer, Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah, both Rosli and Ramli was acquited. It is heard from sources in the legal profession that MACC and Attorney General office made the mistake in filing the wrong charges against me. 

Subsequently, Rosli made a civil suit against Tan Sri Musa Hasan and he got a morally victory. Musa made an apology and it was an out of court settlement. Realiable sources told us Musa could not afford the exorbitant legal fee.

Yet Musa is being accused as a corrupt IGP and was said to be in his elements when he was Johor CPO.

He must be have stashed his money somewhere and pretending to live modestly in his humble unrenovated home in PJ, goes around in motorbike or Perodua, making a living as part time lecturer and lied to claim he refuse temptation offered to him while in service.

Or he was never a corrupt cop. Allah knows.  

Taking an extract from TMI, the history of Rosli's legal pursuit using the conspiracy argument are below:
Rosli filed his RM20 million suit in September 2009  against MACC chief commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, his officers and the government for conspiracy to injure his reputation, assault and false imprisonment.

Rosli had also filed a defamation suit against Abu Kassim.

In his statement of claim, Rosli said that former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s animosity towards Ramli resulted in the defendants conspiring to destroy his reputation and integrity.

MACC officers arrested Rosli on October 11, 2007, two days before the Hari Raya Raya celebrations and the lawyer said newspapers Utusan, The Star and the New Straits Times gave an extraordinary amount of publicity.

He said he had issued a letter of demand to the newspapers and later commenced legal proceedings.

He said The Star issued a public apology after admitting they were wrong, while the NST was found liable for defamation and ordered to pay RM300,000 in damages.

Rosli said the articles were defamatory because it was untrue that he had not complied with the terms of a notice that was issued to him by the MACC.

"I did in fact comply to the best of my abilities at the time. Finally, the article suggested that my asests were somehow linked to the cop (Ramli) who was under investigation. That was completely untrue," he added.

In December 2010, Rosli was acquitted without his defence being called over a charge of failing to disclose his assets to the MACC.

The prosecution later withdrew its appeal against the lawyer in the High Court.

Rosli and Ramli had also won a civil action against Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and nine others who attempted to strike out their suit against them for abuse of power and malicious prosecution.

Ramli and Rosli in November 2013 filed suits against Gani and several others for, among other things, over alleged malicious prosecution over corruption charges.

Last month the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of a High Court but the defendant had filed a leave application in the Federal Court to appeal that ruling.

Ramli, in his RM128.5 million suit, had also named (former IGP) Musa and 10 others for wrongfully bringing two charges against him.

Rosli, in his suit, is claiming more than RM47 million for conspiring to arrest and charge him in court over an alleged failure to declare his assets.

Rosli named Gani, Musa and Abu Kassim in their personal capacities.

The lawyer has alleged that Gani had a role behind the malicious prosecution.
In summary, where Anwar failed, Rosli is having some level of success to get acquitted and now fighting back using conspiracy theory. It is beginning to be more than just revenge or seeking justice but an obsession.

-Another Brick in the Wall

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