
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A political checkmate of sorts dished out – J.D. Lovrenciear

The highly speculated Cabinet reshuffle has happened. Looking at the line-up, it is not a re-shuffle. It is a checkmate. Question is against who and why?
Foremost, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad must be forewarned. Your signature political recipe of the past has finally cooked you too.
You are checkmated by the Najib administration with the removal of Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and several others.
Next, making Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi as DPM against a widely held speculation that Najib’s cousin will be the handpicked choice, drives home a hard message to anyone who still is plotting to stand by Dr Mahathir’s agenda to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Remember, Zahid is one actor who will not hold back even pulling punches squarely on the faces of people he does not like or is made to understand he must not like.
Remember that case of a potential suitor to his daughter’s hand? Even his reported remarks in the blurred face of Muhyiddin on the latter’s public splat over 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) is a good enough cue.
The good, the bad and the nasty that Dr Mahathir groomed as a check-and-balance are now being replaced with more of the nasty only, no?
Henceforth, it is a straight road ahead for the pro-Najib camp.
Sorry guys and girls who still want to holler from the narrowing gulley of the opposition race track.
Sounds horrible, but Najib has proven that it is either his way or no way!
And that is also the price to pay for thinking and saying that it would have been more dangerous to have Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as a free man to contest.
While we may remain glued to the homeground scenarios playing out to the hilt for now, we must also connect the dots with the metasphere of global politics.
The Trans-Pacific Pact is extremely critical for the US to carve another lease for its economic strength to shoulder its political position in this part of the world where an imminent Moscow-Beijing-New Delhi betrothal must be weakened at all costs.
Hence Cuba and Kuala Lumpur will enjoy great immunity and support from the Obama Administration. And they already have, for a start, with the upgrading from Tier 3 to Tier 2 ranking for human rights abuse.
Najib is merely cashing in while the season is high. Sorry Dr Mahathir, you are cooked meat.
So, which side of the fence do we sit? Will your moral compass take over or will realigning to a safer and more “realistic” disposition be your mantra for survival?
What we are witnessing in all probability is only the beginning of more perilous times not just for Malaysia but cutting right through the heart of Southeast Asia.
If you have driven up to the narrowest point of south Thailand you probably will go away scratching your head wondering what a dual-carriage highway is doing in this out of nowhere spot.
Well, the truth is if China bulldozes with its half-way completed plans of opening up the Isthmus of Kra where Singapore could well end up favourably as the port managers, you know it is a done deal for an open war by the US.
They will need Malaysia more than ever before. So, the Najib Administration is cashing in early, folks. Gosh, what a nightmare!
* J. D. Lovrenciear reads The Malaysian Insider.

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