
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

AMBANK MURDER BLOWS UP ON NAJIB: 'You have no feelings or morals' - son of slain banker takes PM to UN

AMBANK MURDER BLOWS UP ON NAJIB: 'You have no feelings or morals' - son of slain banker takes PM to UN
UPDATED KUALA LUMPUR - Pascal Najadi, the son of slain AmBank founder, has sent a startling warning to Prime Minister Najib Razak, whom he believes is embroiled in his father's murder via the leader's recently revealed private banking accounts held at Ambank.
Determined to find justice for his father Hussain Najadi, who was brutally assassinated in broad daylight in Malaysia soon after the country held its general elections in 2013, Pascal has apparently lodged a complaint with the United Nations office in Geneva.
Najib has not responded to Pascal's claims and but has vehemently denied wrongdoing in the 1MDB financial debacle.
The notorious 1MDB is a sovereign wealth fund created by Najib and has been dogged by financial scandal.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported a money trail that purportedly showed RM2.6 billion (US$700 million) of 1MDB-linked money funneled to Najib's personal accounts at AmBank in 2013. The accounts have since been closed.
Justice is catching up with you
This is the message Pascal posted to Najib in the Justice for Najadi - Ambank Facebook page
"Mr. Najib Razak, today I was at the Palais des Grandes Nations in Geneva regarding you and your government affairs.
You should feel ashamed of yourself. Is this the Malaysia your good late father dreamt about?
You have proven to all Malaysians and the world that is observing you that you are not only not fit and proper to be in government but worst, that you have no feelings or morals.
Let me predict here this. Justice is catching up with you via the level playing field of international law. You will feel pity of yourself at the end of the road when Justice who is blind will judge you."
Beefing up the expertise to nail Najib?
Pic of the late Hussain Najadi, an influential man  with powerful connections
Pascal's investment banking firm Najadi & Partners AG on the same day also announced the appointment of a former Police Chief of the Financial Crimes Brigade of the State of Geneva.
However, it is not clear if the appointment is to specially facilitate investigations into Hussain's murder and the high-level money-laundering trail he had reportedly uncovered and wanted to make public before he was shot down by a hired gunman.
"We are pleased to announce the joining of Mr. Maurice Herren to the team of Specialist Senior Advisors at Najadi & Partners AG. Mr. Herren brings along a lifetime expertise in Special Police Investigations and Judicial pursuit of crimes committed in relation to international financial fraud, international corruption and special investigations. With his senior level expertise our team will be able to better serve a broader spectrum of clientele that fell victim to crimes related to financial fraud and international corruption. We will also be in a position to offer tailor made special investigation and risk management services relating to the security for clients in demand.
"Mr. Maurice Herren is a Swiss Citizen. He is the former Chief Inspector of the Financial Criminal Brigade of the Geneva Police from 2001 until 2006. Prior to this, 1976 until and up to 2006 he was the Geneva Police CID Inspector for the sections: Special Investigations, Criminal Brigade, Spokesperson of the Canton of Geneva Police, Special Branch of the CID attached to the International Airport of Cointrin-Geneva and the Financial Crimes Brigade of the Canton of Geneva Police.
"He is a Senior Specialist Advisor on special investigations and forensic financial industry investigations. In his capacity Maurice is also specialised in matters relating to anti money laundering investigations on behalf of Banks and Financial Institutions. Maurice is fluent in French, Spanish, Swiss German, German, English and Italian."
Meanwhile, the scandal-tainted Najib who has previously stirred controversy in France and Europe over the murder of a Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu in connection with the Malaysian government's purchase of two exorbitantly-priced Scorpene submarines, is now making the Euro headlines again.
Un scandale financier éclabousse Najib Razak
Malaisie Le premier ministre aurait détourné de l’argent. Une autre accusation lancée par un financier suisse jette le trouble.
Le premier ministre malaisien, Najib Razak.? (Photo: Reuters)
Alain Jourdan
Ce n’est pas la première fois que le premier ministre malaisien Najib Razak se trouve mêlé à un scandale financier. Il y a quelques années, son nom était apparu en marge d’une enquête ouverte en France après le versement de rétrocommissions lors d’un contrat de vente de deux sous-marins. Cette fois-ci, l’affaire est beaucoup plus grave. Najib Razak est accusé d’avoir détourné 700 millions de dollars de fonds publics, une somme qu’il aurait utilisée pour financer sa campagne en 2009.
This is not the first time that the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is mentioned in connection with a financial scandal. A few years ago, his name appeared on the sidelines of an investigation opened in France following the payment of kickbacks in a contract of sale of two submarines. This time , the case is much more serious. Najib Razak is accused of embezzling US$ 700 million of public funds, an amount that could have been used to finance his campaign in 2009 (sic) (Najib took office in 2009 and is accused of using the funds to win the 2013 general elections that saw the Opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim defeated despite winning 52% of all votes cast versus Najib's 47% - editor's note, Malaysia Chronicle)
L’affaire a éclaté après la publication d’un article dans le Wall Street Journal et leSarawak Report,un site d’information basé à Londres. Pour porter leur accusation, les deux médias se sont appuyés sur l’enquête ouverte par le procureur général de Kuala Lumpur pour retrouver les bénéficiaires du détournement de fonds commis au préjudice de la 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), une société mêlant fonds publics et fonds privés venant des Emirats arabes.
The case came to light after the publication of an article in the Wall Street Journal and the Sarawak Report, a news website based in London. To back their accusations, the two media have relied on the investigation documents held by the Attorney General of Kuala Lumpur to find the beneficiaries of the funds allegedly diverted from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad ( 1MDB ), which is a company managing public funds and also private funds from the Arab Emirates.
Malgré la découverte de documents attestant de transferts vers ses comptes, Najib Razak dément tout en bloc. Mais cela ne suffit pas à apaiser son opposition et la presse qui fait ses gros titres de cette affaire. Sur les réseaux sociaux, les Malaisiens se déchaînent et réclament des comptes. Depuis quelques jours, leur héros est un financier suisse. Pascal Najadi voit dans ces révélations une explication à l’assassinat de son père, Hussain Ahmad Najadi, en 2013 à Kuala Lumpur. L’homme était à la tête de la plus grande banque industrielle du pays. Son assassin a été arrêté, mais le mobile du crime n’a jamais été établi. L’intermédiaire qui a recruté le tueur a pu quitter le pays sans être ennuyé.
Despite the discovery of documents showing transfers to his accounts, Najib Razak has denied the accusations. But this has not been not enough to appease his opponents and the press continues to headline this case. On social media networks, Malaysians have gone wild and demand accountability . In recent days, their hero is a Swiss financier. Pascal Najadi sees in these revelations, an explanation for the assassination of his father, Ahmad Hussain Najadi in 2013 in Kuala Lumpur. The man was at the head of the largest industrial bank. His killer was arrested but the motive for the crime was never established. The intermediary who recruited the killer was able to leave the country without interference.
Pour Pascal Najadi, les révélations sur le scandale qui éclabousse le premier ministre malaisien permettent de comprendre pourquoi il fallait faire taire son père, qui se trouvait de facto en première ligne pour voir tous les mouvements financiers douteux. Cette accusation reprise dans les médias malaisiens a provoqué d’énormes remous et poussé certains responsables politiques à réclamer une réouverture de l’enquête pour vérifier s’il y a bien un lien entre les deux affaires.
For Pascal Najadi, revelations about the scandal embroiling the Malaysian Prime Minister have helped him to understand why his father had to be silenced, as his father was in a position to see all the questionable financial transactions . His accusations in the Malaysian media have caused enormous ripples and prompted some politicians to call for a reopening of the investigation to check whether there is a link between the two cases.
Les menaces d’emprisonnement à l’encontre des journalistes qui relaieraient tous ces soupçons se multiplient. Sur le plan international, l’affaire a déjà des conséquences. Certaines banques, notamment en Suisse, ont décidé d’abaisser la note de confiance de la Malaisie. (Tribune de Genève)
Threats to jail journalists who write on all these suspicions continue to multiply. Internationally, the case already has consequences. Some banks, especially in Switzerland, have decided to lower their confidence rating in Malaysia.  (Tribune de Genève, translations in English by Malaysia Chronicle)

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=553401:najadi-murder-blows-up-on-najib-you-have-no-feelings-or-morals-son-of-slain-banker-takes-pm-to-un&Itemid=2#ixzz3fxHJjean
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