
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bang...tukar kabinet kat dapur dulu baaaang....

Zahid appointed DPM in new Cabinet line-up 
28 JULY 2015 
Najib announced a Cabinet reshuffle 
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi appointed Deputy Prime Minister
seven new ministers and nine new deputy ministers
Najib said Cabinet must act as united team 
“..differences in opinion should not be in an open forum that can affect the government negatively,” he said. 
Highlights of the new Cabinet line-up
  1. Prime Minister and Finance Minister - Najib Razak 
  2. Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister - Ahmad Zahid Hamidi 
  3. Communications and Multimedia Minister - Salleh Said Keruak 
  4. Domestic Trade - Hamzah Zainuddin
  5. Transport Minister - Liow Tiong Lai 
  6. Health Minister - Dr S. Subramaniam 
  7. Foreign Affairs Minister - Anifah Aman 
  8. Agriculture Minister - Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/node/93608

My comments : The Cabinet Reshuffle is meant to strengthen Najib.  I think this is a trap that Najib has set for himself. 

The deputy president of UMNO (Muhyiddin) and one vice president (Shafie Apdal) are already out. 
Vice president Zahid Hamidi has been elevated to DPM. 
One more vice president Hishamuddin Hussein is left intact as Minister of Defense.
Lets assume that Najib will not remain in power long. 

In such event the reshuffle is a brilliant pre emptive step. 
  • Home Minister Zahid Hamidi. 
  • Multimedia Minister Salleh Keruak.
  • Watch out Bloggers and Online Media.   
No more Sarawak Report for me. I will just call it 'the thingy'.

Strategy wise this is an unavoidable disaster. 
Najib has just opened another front in his losing war. 
He has just made open enemies of the UMNO deputy president and a vice president.

Do you need these new war fronts at a time when you are going down? 
What type of strategy is this?

Surely Muhyiddin and Shafie have their Ketua Bahagian supporters and their followers. They are NOT without influence. Why make enemies of them? There will be a greater undercurrent of discontent throughout the party. Just wait and see.

Hiring Nur Jazlan as a Deputy Minister is possibly a reward for all his hard work.

The bigger surprise is the return of Azalina as Minister in the PM's Department.

Firing Ghani Patail the Attorney General at this point was also a really bad case of poor timing.  All sorts of conspiracies are being bounced around the Net.

However folks - to me the most interesting 'Cabinet' reshuffle is dropping the Head of Special Branch Dato Akhil Bulat.
Dato Akhil Bulat was a no nonsense Head of Special Branch. It is an open secret that he did not get along well with the IGP.

His replacement Dato Fuzi Harun is another very capable cop. Dato Fuzi used to head the Counter Terrorism Unit.  A very nice man who does things by the book.

Conclusion : Rosmah Mansor akan kekal sebagai isteri PM dan First Lady of Putrajaya (F.L.O.?.)
Bergurau saja. Jangan marah tak tentu pasal. Kena makan laxative nanti.

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