
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 4, 2015

BIRTH OF 1MDB, 'DEATH' OF NAJIB RAZAK: Banks named, a/c nos given - plentiful proof to 'hang' Najib

BIRTH OF 1MDB, 'DEATH' OF NAJIB RAZAK: Banks named, a/c nos given - plentiful proof to 'hang' Najib
Abu Dhabi Commercial bank transferred RM2.3 billion into Najib’s personal account. SRC International, formerly a subsidiary of 1MDB which later was given up for free to MOF, transferred RM42 million into Najib’s account.
News about the payments were carried by Wall Street Journal, Reuters and Sarawak Report. These publications are serious outfits not easily given to publishing bitchy stuff so liked by the PM.
The monies (not fund units yes) were paid into account numbers 2112022011880 and 2112022011906. The owner of both accounts is said to be of Najib Tun Razak's. Prime candidate as serial liar and plunderer.
But we need to verify the owner of these accounts. The banks involved can deny if these accounts are invalid or not Najib's. So far they have been no denials from these organisations.
Banks named, accounts nos. given but Najib sycophants insist no proof given

But we have detected what amounted to as mere denials and they say that, we say this riposte. But a riposte is a knee jerk and instinctive response. Such as a mere refutation from the PM on his tweeter, I think. It amounts to nothing as it is just a mere denial. What can he say other than that? The manner he said- let me be clear sounded to me similar as to when Clinton said, i did not have sex with that intern.
Some ministers have come up with some feeble counters such as treating the reports as gutter journalism and unsubstantiated reports. How do you know that? Mere verbal jousting meant nothing.
So, in the absence of robust and rigorous defenses, the rakyat will accept that PM has done all those things. There was a report that carried the stupid response by one of Najib's aide that the money paid into the account was not used for personal purposes. This amounted to an admission, that indeed money was paid into the boss's accounts. if that truly took place, even if the money were not used for personal purposes, the placement of government's money into a personal account is bloody wrong!
I hope UMNO leaders won't excuse this conduct because it was done by a Malay. The sense of entitlement has gone too far.
The birth of 1MDB and the fall of Najib Razak
But before that....what if the story began like this:-
Some years ago, a young Chinese with deep pockets managed to meet up with HRH Sultan of Terengganu. The meeting was probably arranged by a sister of the Sultan for Jho Low. For that was his name.
Jho low talked about the formation of a sovereign fund for Terengganu. He even suggested a name for it. Terengganu Investment Authority. TIA was to be the custodian of Terengganu’s oil royalties and revenues. It would invest wisely. The Sultan of Terengganu liked the idea. It was a smart idea. Only he didn’t know the fee Jho Low had in mind.
But the Sultan was not a slacker either. He sought advice from some of the country’s wisest business and political leaders. The advice given to HRH the Sultan was- if the fund were to work, it must NOT be placed under the control of politicians. It must be under the direct supervision of HRH the Sultan himself and his appointed executives.
TIA came into being. RM 5 billion bond was razed raised. More funds later were to come the stream of oil revenues.
But when the bill for services and idea was submitted to the tune of RM500 million, the Sultan refused. Even the Sultan felt it was humongous. TIA came to a halt. No monies were taken out. A bill in the Terengganu state assembly to move for the conferment of authority to the Sultan, never came to life.
Jho Low called on his college friend Riza Aziz's famous dad for help
So what did Jho Low do? He called or WhatsApp or sms good buddy and fellow fun lover by the name of Najib Tun Razak, telling that HRH Sultan wants to meet up for dinner. He of course told the Sultan, Najib wanted to have dinner with the Sultan. Jho low arranged everything. Like Najib he runs with the hare and hunts with the dog.
Dr M, Riza Aziz (Najib's stepson) and Jho Low
What’s arranging a dinner like? It was a snap. He can order the elite of the entertainment world to drink and make merry at his party so arranging a dinner for wheeling and dealing Najib is a cinch.
From the dinner, emerged the idea of the formation of 1MDB. 1MDB paid TIA RM1 million for the takeover. The liability over the bond issuance was taken up by 1MDB. Jho low got his consulting fee of RM500 million.
You see, the whole thing about this 1MDB has got Najib’s finger, foot and body prints all over 1MDB right from the beginning.
Jho low drew up the whole business and organizational structure of 1MDB.
Can a business structure drawn up by Jho low benefit anyone other than he and Najib? -  http://sakmongkol.blogspot.com/

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