
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 20, 2015

Can a Fig Leaf cover the carcass of an Elephant?

So MCMC has decided to block off Sarawak Report. The website is now inaccessible. It is the reaction of the muscled Jock against the brain. The government thinks might is right. They will be proven wrong in the end. In the fight between brawn and brain, brain wins in the end.

It says it is doing that to ensure stability.  That will only invite the cynical question of whose stability?

It will only cause people to seek access through alternative ISPs. It is not up to the government to define what affects stability in this age of digital democracy. Instability requires action not definition.

We are not under threat of foreign invasion. The only invasion that we are now suffering from is the invasion of illegal immigrants which the government is allowing. The government’s inaction is glaringly visible.

We are not besieged by internal disorders unless the government stands idle and let anarchic elements in the country assault the peace that we have.
I am surprised the police are almost handling the people spreading rumours about the Lowyat incidents with kid’s glove when we expect sterner action to be taken. Preachers and instigators of hate crimes ought to be locked up for extended periods.

Having allowed Sarawak Report to report on alleged wrongdoings for so long, it is now not opened to the government to block it.

Can’t the government offer alternative believable narrative and counters?

We all know the reason why it can’t. The only reason is that the propaganda industry of the government is no match for the social media opponents from the other side.

That move will only intensify the belief that the government of Najib has much to hide. In any case, Sarawak Report now has achieved more believability than the party making futile attempts to discredit it.

The challenge for the defenders of the ruling clique is how to make the consecrated narrative of Najib’s innocence regnant. How to make the story line that Najib is Mr clean and Mr Do-good, stick and drown out the PM’s critics?

Well it is now doing some sort of book keeping.  A political bookkeeping. Najib’s incompetence and perceived wrongdoings are all kept in one column and kept off the official consecrated narrative. 

His record during his tenure as defence minister beginning with the submarine purchase, his 2009 hijacking of Terengganu Investment Authority by 1MDB, 1MDB’s willingness to pay RM1 million for TIA and paying RM500 million to Jho Low for his consulting work, the dubious and unanswered bond issuance and debt accumulation of up to RM46 billion, the flow of RM2.6 billion into his private accounts, his inability to answer clearly where the money went; all these are kept off the official sacred narrative.

In fact all these failures are used to add to the numinous stature of Najib- which is only believed by his diehard supporters and the malleable minds of unsuspecting Malays. 

The best magical description of Najib, is that he is doing all these for race country, religion and King. 

We shall expose these measures as what they truly are- fig-leafed denials.  Can a fig leaf cover the carcass of an elephant?

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