
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Even the word 'bumiputera' is borrowed & you want to tell us to 'GO BACK TO YOU OWN COUNTRY, LAH'

Even the word 'bumiputera' is borrowed & you want to tell us to 'GO BACK TO YOU OWN COUNTRY, LAH'
It has been almost 60 months since the concept of 1Malaysia was introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. As average civilians, almost all of us – though we’d love to experience otherwise – can feel it in our bones that this concept is a mere show.
We strongly think that there is a dire need to clarify that being a Bumiputera does not make you the only rightful owners of this country.
To begin with, even the word “Bumiputera” was derived from a Sanskrit word, belonging now to the Indian minority (if you want to talk about what belongs to whom). How do your pools of genetic makeup define your love and allegiance to this land?
The non-Bumiputeras have long contributed to the nation side by side with the Bumiputeras, and if you are not willing to accept the former as a part of this nation, would you then choose to be hypocrites who exploit, then, applause at the said contributions?
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak (centre) chairs the Bumiputera Economic Council meeting.
Is it relevant to speak of your great grandparents and how they owned the soil back in their days – and to use it against the non-Bumiputeras as an excuse to chase them back to where they originated from?
Through this piece of writing, however, we do not intend to dismiss India and China as countries any lesser than Malaysia. Rather, we seek to address the low intellects of some people who use this feeble and moronic “argument” to express hatred.
Our concern does not only favour the Indians, Chinese, and other non-Bumiputeras in Malaysia, but it goes globally, beyond man-set boundaries. How many people – up to this day – have warned us to not befriend the blacks!
Racism has been and still is prevalent not only in Third World countries but also in the First World like the United States.
It is now appropriate to quote an English author and literary critic, Christopher Hitchens from Hitch-22.. “What is it you most dislike? Stupidity, especially in its nastiest forms of racism and superstition.”
It might be necessary to stress that bad behaviours are not hereditary nor are the good ones. It is not contained in the allelic pairs of a person something that makes her a cheat.
On Datuk Seri Nazir Razak’s proposal of criminalising racism, while it could indubitably serve as a deterrent, we fear it will fail to completely curb racism.
The sole key to combat this sickness is effective and unbiased education. Critical and creative thinking should be promoted, as absurd and sad as it is to have to teach people how to think. Religious education in schools should be revived and reviewed as to lose whatever internal prejudice it may contain.
Parents should take the initiative to kill racial barriers by instilling in their kids not to associate one’s personality to her or his skin colour.
May God let us go through one day we finally won’t have to hear another person say, “Go back to your own country-lah.” – TMI

1 comment:

  1. Most of the current malay language in the present, originates from Sanskrit, around 40~ 50%, although the exact percentage will be subjected to many debates (I hope) for an extremely long time.
    What that amazes myself is, no single language is owned by a single group or race.
    The ownership of the language, belongs entirely to the language itself.
    I speak English, does that mean I own English?
    I speak a number of languages, and learning more each day.
    Does that mean that I own all those languages?
    (I must be extremely RICH)
    It will FLOURISH or WITHER, depending on the language.
    Look at the language of Latin, it is almost DEAD, rarely used even in science, except in biology.

    After reading the constitution over and over and over again, certain ARTICLE seeks my attention.
    Article 160, is one of those.

    "Malay" means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay
    language, conforms to Malay custom and -

    (a)was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of
    parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or is on that day
    domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or
    (b)is the issue of such a person;

    (note: Merdeka Day means 31st August 1957, the day MALAYA was born, not MALAYSIA)

    Currently, anyone that professes the religion of Islam, will be a "BUMIPUTERA" first, "Malay" second, "Muslim" last.
    Around the world, anyone that professes the religion of Islam will be called a "Muslim".
    Why the confusion in this country?

    What exactly is the "Malay language" when most of the language originates from Sanskrit?
    North, south, east, west, each speaking in a different "Malay" tongue.
    Will anyone in the right mind, consider extending extend the so called "Malay title" to those that speak Sanskrit, in the near future?

    What is exactly is "Malay custom" ?
    Is not placing flowers on the tombs of their loved ones a "Malay custom"?
    The act of placing flowers on tomb stone predates, MOST, if not all religions!
    No "SALAM" to those of different or opposite gender?
    Is it HARAM to extend a SALAM to the opposite gender?
    Will the other entity, pass a DEADLY disease, maybe EBOLA?

    Either FLOURISH as one, or WITHER as one, BANGSA MALAYSIA !!!

    (0.05 on the Bullshit Index)


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