
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

In taking down Najib, Mahathir must remember he is dismantling his own Frankenstein

In taking down Najib, Mahathir must remember he is dismantling his own Frankenstein
It is an open secret that our former premier of twenty-two years is storming with guns drawn in getting the current prime minister to vacate his seat of power. But he must also be aware of the many Frankenstein he himself created. And this he must undo too as duty to nation.
The people are clamoring behind the Tun, lending their support to the many concerns being expressed and shared over the nation’s uncertain future. While the Najib administration is solidly backing Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to stay his ground and fight on, the very man who once had a direct hand in removing Pak Lah and having Najib take the nation’s driver’s seat is not alone in this battle.
Leaders like Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh, Rafida Aziz and others have not shied away from asking probing questions about the many unanswered concerns plaguing the nation like the 1MDB, the Altantuya murder, the renowned banker’s murder and a host of deals being stuck on or off.
At some point all these are bound to boil over before things can simmer and cool off. While the citizens and the business communities watch with gasping breath and guarded caution respectively, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad also needs to be told in no uncertain terms that he has that categorical moral duty to also dismantle the many monsters he created, or allowed to take root, that have now come to not only haunt him but also pressurize the current Umno-led government and bleed the common folk.
Dr M and Ku Li
Here is a critical list of ‘Must Do’ if we are to fast forward for all the injury time that this growing nation had to endure.
First, Umno must be re-invented. It cannot anymore be a race-based political party that uses religion as its currency. It also cannot anymore be entrenched as a cocoon for absolute power-wielding.
He must disband all the oppressive and curtailing laws that inhibit the nation from progressing democratically to embrace the Fifth-Wave of opportunities that are sweeping across the world. The Printing and Publishing Act, the Official Secrets Act and the draconian Sedition Laws must be removed.
Seeing to a free and responsible Press is a starter. Getting all GLCs to open their Books to the public and opposition Lawmakers’ scrutiny will be the way forward to ensure the creation of a more accountable society that thrives on transparency.
Enable the poor segments of society not through the long practiced affirmative policies that have been proven to suffer from diabolic re-engineering, but by re-visiting the Education policy. Meanwhile, the fast tracking of a ‘Malaysia for all Malaysians’ will be the remedial prescription to see a merit-based society rise to build a nation of excellence that will not forget the disadvantaged communities of people.
Enough of the credo that if you tell lies so often, it becomes truth!
Purge the philosophy of the ends justify the means. We need to be a moral society of people and nation. The means to an end are just as pivotal in creating a society that thrives exuberantly on an ethical landscape of politics and business.
Musa Hitam
Enough of this madness of mega-structures and overnight monetary gains through the needless to say many speculative exploits by government. Our penchant with bloated egos must deflate immediately.
Declare assets of politicians as well as the political parties. By all means raise money for political missions; but do so within the prudent and acceptable parameters of justice and highest standards of ethics.
Do away with the gerrymandering strategies that can only help you cheat to stay in power. Fight the battle like a real soldier. The best man wins based on how people regard him, her or the political party he fans under. It is all about KPIs (Key Performance Index).
Will the Tun Dr promise to these TO DO list?
If it is a No, he either must convince the voters why not or stay away from the Najib Administration. What good would it make for all Malaysians if we treat one malignant cancer only to invite an equally if not worse cancer to spread all over our nation’s future. - MAILBAG

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