
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 27, 2015

MUHYIDDIN IS RIGHT: From Altantuya to siphoning 1MDB money, Najib is TOO SCANDAL-TAINTED TO BE PM

MUHYIDDIN IS RIGHT: From Altantuya to siphoning 1MDB money, Najib is TOO SCANDAL-TAINTED TO BE PM
Name one nation where it is hogging media attention the world over and all for the wrong reasons – from murders to kickbacks to mysterious money trails to the tune of billions of dollars. Name one country whose leadership still smiles on camera with “Semua okay” (Everything is fine) and others on the camp can crow “Seronok” (Exciting and enoyable), while the citizens are up to their noses drifting in financial and economic woes.
If it is not Malaysia, then pray tell.
The much loved and hated ‘Iron Lady’ of the British government is noted to have maintained that, “The state has no source of money other than money which people earn themselves. If the state wishes to spend more it can do so only by borrowing your savings or by taxing you more. It is no good thinking that someone else will pay – that ‘someone else’ is you.”
But if you look at the massive borrowings that Malaysia has got itself into and ended up with probes not only in its own yard but has a barrage of endless questions being raised the world over by concerned media, you wonder how long more can this 1MDB saga drag on then.

Pic: Low-profile deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin stunned his critics on Sunday when he again berated the 1MDB sovereign fund as a debt fund, rather than the wealth fund it was intended to be. He also revealed he had advised Naib to resign from the 1MDB board and called for the Auditor-General's interim report to be made public. - Malaysia Chronicle
Malaysia's sovereign wealth creation vehicle, 1MDB, is today surviving on a lease extended by the sufferings of the wage earners. It is tax money, fuel price hikes and savings from institutions that seem to head to save 1MDB with urgently needed breathing space on time.
And lest we forget, international outfits that are prided by acclaimed institutions, as in the likes of the Goldman Sachs are embroilled in what is turning out to be the heist of the century politically-ringed money trail cutting into several destinations around the world.
When you take into account the Goods and Services Tax (GST) that was imposed upon the people of Malaysia despite numerous calls to reconsider alternatives, you cannot help making a connection between the dots of the borrowings, the spending and the taxing of the man in the street, vis-a-vis what Margetret Tatcher held.
As you take a eagle’s eye view of the entire works – ranging from the very start of Datuk Seri Najib’s entry into the driver’s seat of the country’s leadership, right up to this minute when he quipped to media inquiries, that “semua okay” (everything is okay) at a festive Open House gathering hosted by his predecessor Pak Lah, the connecting dots make an even larger impression on public perception.
The Altantuya murder is not over despite all the publicity, spotlights and lengthy years. One killer is behind bars still counting the hangman’s deadline that remains elusive to this date, while another is is having an indefinite breathing space in Down Under. How can you even say that the government of Australia is not involved in a larger ring that what meets the eyes?
Then you have the MH370 mystery that eludes the entire world as nations in its ill-fated pathway remain tight-lipped. And to that you can also add the MH17 disaster that implicates more than a mere stance of air-accident, i.e. a US verses Russian agenda.
The recent discovery of mass graves on Malaysian soils that reeks of modern day slavery and skin trade which was at a point denied vehemently by the authorities but mysteriously enjoyed a resurrection of sorts with the USA re-ranking of our status from Tier 3 to Tier 2.
The crown of course is the 1MDB story. Getting murkier by the weeks but made to appear more like a simplistic home-grown agenda to overthrow a government.
Woven within these seams of puzzles ranging from murders to massive money trails you cannot pretend to be blind to the looming push for the TPPA bulldozed by the Obama Administration of USA.
The question is, are there any connections to these dots (the murders, the arms purchases, the political imprisonment, the mysteries affecting and shroudding our aeronatical history and the mind-boggling money trails) that have marred a nation and dragged us all Malaysians in shame?
Even if there is no connections whatsoever, the question is why are all these 'independent' and 'unrelated' magascale damages hounding and pounding te Mlaaysian shore?
Has it any thing to do with the USA agenda vis-a-vis China and Moscow partnering?
Who, why and how come? These are the questions that may go unanswered while the heat is taken out of the sail over time by boomeranging on the insignificant details that will cause sufficient local suffocation and keep the dots unconnected for decades to come.
Yes, as the days tick by it appears more surreal that the voices of protest on the streets are proving to be incapable of saving a nation for generations to come.
Maybe we then have to set the clock back and go to the doorsteps of our palatial Rulers in defense of our nation, its people and rulers for the Umno-BN politics has proven to have failed Malaysia? - MAILBAG

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