
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 27, 2015

Muhyiddin puts the brakes on Najib's culture of HAND-KISSING, SYCOPHANCY

Muhyiddin puts the brakes on Najib's culture of HAND-KISSING, SYCOPHANCY
KUALA LUMPUR - Deputy Umno President Muhyiddin Yassin’s dramatic “going public” during the closing of the Umno Cheras division’s annual general meeting on Sunday night, said a political analyst, will have little meaning if other divisional meets beginning this week do not follow through on this good beginning. “It appears that party members can still hope that Muhyiddin will be able to help bring closure to the 1MDB scandal.”
“It’s the responsibility of the other Umno divisions as well to send a clear message to the party and the leadership that the 1MDB issue can no longer be handled by sycophancy and singing praises,” said Shahbudin Husin. “Umno members must henceforth stop virtually kissing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s hand.”
“This culture of hand-kissing, sycophancy, and singing praises will only embolden Najib to prolong his stay at Seri Perdana when it clearly doesn’t bring any benefits to the people.”
In short, he said that Najib must get a clear message through the Umno divisional meets on when the transition of power should take place if the party was to stave off the possibility of crashing to a defeat in the next General Election come 2018. “Already, there are many who have sworn that they will not give their votes to Umno as long as Najib remains Prime Minister.”
“Muhyiddin has fired the opening salvo to help Umno divisions decide whether they are going to ‘silat’ against attacks by the enemies or just put on a semblance of a fight,” said Shahbudin. “It was only in an earlier blog posting that I had questioned his silence especially in the wake of allegations against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in the Wall Street Journal report on Friday 3 July.”
The analyst referred to the thrust of Muhyiddin’s closing remarks during the hour-long address at the Cheras meet.
Briefly, said Shahbudin, Muhyiddin who is also Deputy Prime Minister stressed during his speech that Najib needs to address the issue of billions entering his personal banking accounts; that he didn’t listen to his deputy who advised him to relinquish his position as Chairman of the 1MDB Advisory Board; that he had to read The Edge, now suspended, to understand what was going on at 1MDB; and that if The Edge was wrong, he wants to know where he could get the right information.
Muhyiddin, added the analyst, made two additional important points viz. that the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition would lose if the polls were called immediately; and that Umno members attacking former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on the 1MDB scandal and related issues will only make him more popular and further weaken the party given the thrust of his criticisms against it.
It’s clear, said the analyst, that Muhyiddin has captured the essence of the public perception, including the Umno grassroots too, that 1MDB and Najib and the related issues was the single greatest factor bringing the party and the government to the lowest possible point in the eyes of the people. “This is not just about debts, investments, Jho Low, and other suspicions about 1MDB, touted as a government-owned strategic investment and development company.”
“It’s more about the shocking fact that this is the first time that a Prime Minister has been accused of receiving nearly USD700 million in his personal banking accounts.”
The kampung folks and those out in the Felda settlements, he continued, probably have a tough time figuring out exactly how much money is involved here when the figure of RM2.6 billion is mentioned. “What’s even more disturbing is the fact that Najib has not addressed any of the concerns on this large amount of money, giving rise to various speculation, persuading the hardcore Opposition supporters and the fence-sitters to keep a distance from the government.”
“In fact, even BN supporters are beginning to waver in their support for the ruling coalition.” - FMT

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