
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

NAJIB'S CUSTER'S LAST STAND: No wonder Lim Kok Wing scooted off...

NAJIB'S CUSTER'S LAST STAND: No wonder Lim Kok Wing scooted off...
So now, all the lies that Najib built to cement his "BN house of cards" have come home to roost on Hari Raya eve. What a gift to the Malaysian people. Will Najib's BN house of cards come crumbling down before this Christmas as many had predicted? That would be the greatest gift to Malaysia.
The USD 700 million question that Najib will do anything to cover up
Najib is damned if he answers and damned if he don't.
So far he has avoided by sidestepping with stupidity, hoaxes, fabrication and more twisted lies by himself and his Ministers of Lies.
Najib is not known as the LYING KING for nothing.
All fools but no gold
What's so difficult with a pure simple denial with 2 letter "NO"?
This is not 1969. The Rakyat can plainly see what is right and what is wrong, even if they do not outwardly express it.
So far, all the "Macai warriors" Najib sent to counter Sarawak Report (SR) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) expose' have all met with dismal failures.
We have seen how a CIMB CEO fell from grace, in trying to discredit WSJ professional journalism.
CIMB banker who foolishly disputed WSJ report resigns CIMB Islamic Bank's CEO Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, who publicly disputed documents used by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) about fund transfers to the prime minister's personal bank accounts, will resign from his post effective August 15, The Edge Markets reported. Badlisyah had initially said there was a discrepancy in the 'Swift' code mentioned in the documents that WSJ uploaded to the Internet to back up its July 2 report that some US$700 million (RM2.67 billion) had been transferred to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's personal accounts at AmBank in Kuala Lumpur. He posted his analysis of the swift code on his Facebook account, saying that it was proof that the documents used by WSJ were "an absolute hoax", but later corrected it after news portal Malaysiakini pointed out his error.
So it is no surprise to see another pro-Najib fake NGO fell in disgrace after its intended fabricated Statutory Declaration hoax would be easily exposed with further inquiries on the ethnicity of the fake SD. Rather than be "killed" or taken "prisoner", GAG-M (CAGM ) committed "harakiri" by twisting it as a social experiment. WHAT?
Which of course, didn't prove anything damaging to the proponents of truth. It confirms what Najib could not admit. That the USD 700 million question was more damning than what Najib was willing to ADMIT.
Just like their boss, pro-Najib group shows their DISHONESTY with fake statement
Custer's Last Stand" The epic massacre where US soldiers lost the battle and were killed by native warriors
It’s obvious that the objective of these nefarious characters behind CAGM was to try and convince readers that perhaps the media’s reporting so far on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may have been littered with inaccuracies and errors.
Such low-down tactics won’t work. What matters is the Court of Public Opinion, not journalism. The Jury is no longer out on many of the pressing issues of the day. The verdict is in on the issues of the day, no matter how many “experiments” CAGM undertakes. Live with that!
Since they are not journalists, CAGM can’t claim to be subject matter experts.
The media publishes in good faith. If its reporting was inaccurate, others have the right of reply.
In this case, AmBank and its Chairman Azman Hashim can exercise their right of reply and rebut our reporting, which was based on the CAGM email and statement carried on its website, and we will carry it.
When that happens, CAGM will be discredited.
Sooner or later, the faceless creatures behind CAGM will be exposed and the regular media and the social media will go to town with the expose and have the last laugh. He who laughs last, laughs the longest and the best! - FMT
Despicable hatchet job by pro-Najib group condemned
The CAGM ‘hoax experiment’ reporting a Statutory Declaration about an ex-AmBank executive being sacked unceremoniously over corrupt money transfers should be condemned by all right-minded citizens who care enough for our country.
Indeed CAGM’s act is totally uncalled for especially in these times where the nation’s political climate is overheating and fissures already appearing all across the divides including precarious business and foreign investments.
When our nation is being gripped with allegations and scandalous developments, with foreign media all training their head lights on the country, here we go with a Made-in-Malaysia NGO ridiculing the citizens and a host of media.
we quote what normal responsible citizen blogger would posted
The CAGM blog, which posted an unredacted version of the SD this evening, said it is fictitious.
However, the commissioner for oaths stamp was genuine, and could have been misused.
Prior to publishing CAGM’s SD claim, Malaysiakini had run a check on the commissioner for oaths whose stamp appeared on the SD, which showed the person existed.
According to the commissioner for oath’s database, Faridah Abdul Hamid (No. PJS: W420) served as a commissioner of oaths from Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2014. The SD was dated May 8, 2013.
Malaysiakini had also emailed AmBank for response.
The CAGM blog also posted what is purportedly a conversation between The Wall Street Journal Asia markets editor Tom Wright and Zainal with regard to the SD.
The posted conversation with WSJ appeared to be an attempt to discredit Wright and WSJ in the wake of allegations against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak published in the financial daily.
Editor’s note: Malaysiakini has retracted the original article.
Obviously, GAG-M was going no where with its blatant lying in defence of Najib's fradulent 1MDB. Rather than face continuation humiliation of poor responses to its articles, Najib's PR team headed by Scam Guru Lim Kok Wing, decided to make one "Custer Last Stand". - http://fraudwatchmalaysia.blogspot.com/

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