
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nur Jazlan May Want Your Underwe@r

Image result for Nur Jazlan

Well, scapegoats are being identified.  First the news :

  • New Straits Times – Thu, Jul 23, 2015
  • (PAC) said (1MDB) top executives, directors, auditors blamed for muddled state
  • Nur Jazlan said their weak corporate governance ..national scandal
  • Jazlan said management, board and auditors should shoulder major blame
  • “I wish auditors had played their part to flag issues earlier for corrective action
Nur Jazlan was also quoted as saying that the people have a reason to worry that more public money would need to be committed to solve the corporation’s financial situation.
  • 1MDB under public scrutiny because RM42 billion debt within six years 
It was also reported that the firm had not been able to generate enough earnings to service its debt and it raised public concerns over some of its debts papers that were issued with letter of support from the government.
  • So far arrested managing director of a company which handles corporate social responsibility programmes and a director of several construction and development companies who was once on 1MDB’s payroll.
My comments :  There is great danger here folks. Another RM27 BILLION of our taxpayers'  funds or more are at stake here. 

First of all it is quite lame to blame the management and the BOD. This is a gomen owned company where the PM was the founder, advisor and the moving force.  

How come there is no mention of the huge role played by the advisor ie the PM? 

The BOD, the management etc are just macais who will do as they are told. 

Must be fair lah Nur Jazlan.

Herein lies a lesson for all these gomen appointed BODs - you may never know when you will be made a scapegoat. 

But...but...but...since you have made your bed now its time to lie in it as well.  

Folks, now the shocker. Do take note of these two very, very scary statements:

"Nur Jazlan was also quoted as saying that the people have a reason to worry that more public money would need to be committed to solve the corporation’s financial situation"

To me this is the crux of Nur Jazlan's statement. More taxpayers money is going to be needed from us (the taxpayers) to solve the thievery at 1MDB.

Why?  Here is the New Straits Times again :
It was also reported that the firm had not been able to generate enough earnings to service its debt and it raised public concerns over some of its debts papers that were issued with letter of support from the government.

The firm had not been able to generate enough earnings to service its debt !!

This is the crux of the matter. 

  • The kway teow seller has bought hundred million Ringgit apartments in New York, Singapore and has bought paintings for tens of millions of Ringgit. 
  • They have used stolen money to launch Wall Street movies.  
  • They have put at least RM2.6 Billion into personal accounts.
  • They have paid off Arab co-conspirators hundreds of millions of our money
  • And we dont know what else they have bought with the stolen money.
So the money is gone.

And the power plants, the desalination plants crap (has anyone seen those plants) they have bought are not generating enough cash to even pay the interest on the RM42 billion debt.  

Kalau interest pun tak boleh bayar how are they going to repay the RM42 billion principal amount? 

Let me ask again :   Kalau interest pun tak boleh bayar how are they going to repay the RM42 billion principal amount? 

Here is the answer from Nur Jazlan :  

"Nur Jazlan was also quoted as saying that the people have a reason to worry that more public money would need to be committed to solve the corporation’s financial situation"

"...more public money would need to be committed to solve the corporation's financial situation.."

Woi banyak cantik.  

They took our money by the billions, they put money into their own personal accounts, they bought houses, apartments and partied with Paris Hilton at our expense and now we have to fork out even more money to cover up the hole they created ??
This reminds me of my younger days when I was a confused deviant  and attended religious talks at the mosques.  

One speaker went on and on about jihad in the Sudan. Finally he said,  'brothers we need your contributions for this jihad, please open your wallets generously, give us whatever you can".  He wanted our money.

Another time, a Kashmiri fellow  went on and on about the jihad in Kashmir. Finally he said,  "brothers we need your contributions for this jihad, please open your wallets generously, give us whatever you can, give us your watches' (! ! !)

So one fellow gave his watch and they started auctioning his watch. Someone else bought the watch.

So this is what Nur Jazan is saying. We must all jihad. We may even lose our underwear to keep 1MDB afloat. 

Be prepared folks.   These folks are super morons.

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