
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


umar mukhtar
Umar Mukhtar
Malaysia has a working Federal Constitution. It has served us well under various governments. Under that Constitution are spelled out various means of changing a government in power. Any change because the Prime Minister voluntary resigns, or comes incapacitated, he is replaced constitutionally by the Deputy Prime Minister whom he had appointed earlier.
Any method that causes the change of government that does not involve the Constitution and the legitimate powers of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong who is an integral part of the Constitution, and the powers of the elected Parliament under the Constitution, is a coup d’état.
We don’t to go there no matter how or what reasons a coup d’état is justified by its promoters.
The main reason is simple. A coup d’état is a double-edged sword that thrives on physical power or perception of power. Might is right? It opens floodgates of anarchy and is often repeated by opposing rivals, disrupting civil order and our lives unnecessarily.
I say unnecessarily because there are already provisions in the Constitution that manifests the power of the people under a Constitutional Monarchy to change governments by the majority. There is no provision for any impeachment of the head of government as in Indonesia, USA and some others.
No matter how urgent or how big the need to change a government is perceived by some of us, we mostly depend on the Parliamentary Vote-Of-No-Confidence, and a General Election to reflect the will of the people in a Constitutional Monarchy.
Now it is noted a conspiracy of sorts involving foreigners is underway to create a condition that may justify a change of government not following the Constitution. To change public perception by means of free speech is acceptable. We are a democracy. But there is a thin line that divides democratic rights of free speech, information and assembly, with those activities that may subvert the Constitution.
I am sure that true democrats are conscious of that line and will respect it and refrain accordingly. But when megalomaniacs are involved, the government in power must take heed and be stringent in their monitoring to discourage this. Be firm but fair. No sacred cows, please. Megalomaniacs think that they are the law onto themselves.
The only thing that rules over our justification of whatever that influences our worldly conduct or misconduct is our Constitution. Respect it. To do otherwise is to invite anarchy and a drastic change on how we rule ourselves and our choice to that effect.
Use the powers we gave you, judiciously. Act now, unless people who live in glass houses don’t throw stones. We do not deserve this ridiculous drama that, unless handled with a firm hand, may lead to more uncertainties beyond your control.

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