
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Part 1 - Devoid Of Ethics And Morals

Image result for najib and 1mdb

Hi folks. Could not update the Blog yesterday.  Tending to other things as well.

An old school buddy smsed and then called to ask if everything was alright. Many people (cos its happened before) think that if I do not update my Blog everyday,  I have been arrested or something.  

As I have said many times before I am no threat to the country or society. 

I am a threat however to thieves and their gang who steal our money and religious liars and their gang who steal everything.  These two groups do not like me.  

Ergo, if you dont like me you most likely belong to one of these two categories. (Or you may suffer other tribulations.  Haa haa). I know this sounds obnoxious but  the country suffers a serious infestation. 

This is just a short post. There is something even more seriously wrong with the society than 1MDB or a thief at the helm.  1MDB and the thief are just the symptoms or the manifestation of a serious malaise. The malaise is the society seems to be quite devoid of ethics and morals.

I was advised not to say anything about the mob violence for a few days. Apparently some people were looking for scapegoats. Well the few days have passed.

Yesterday I was in Section 7 in Shah Alam which perhaps has the biggest concentration of Datuks per square kilometer in the nation.  Almost all are the beneficiaries of projek dan kontrak

Referring the recent ruckus, the messaging in one Datuk dominated WattsApp group in Section 7 was to express glee that some parts of society had vented mob violence at other parts of our society.   Their comments were racial.  

There was some consolation when a young boy who also lives in Section 7 said, 'orang yang curi handfone pula boleh pukul  mangsa curi'.    The boy had a better moral perception of things. Tapi mazhab dia lain sikit - serupa sikit macam saya.

It was just a case of theft. It is a very sick society  indeed that not only turns a blind eye but actually celebrates, supports and hoists thieves, cheats and liars high up on its shoulders. Few people spoke up to defend the victims of the mob. Until today. I hope you are not one of the silent ones?

I was not surprised at all to watch the You Tube where the uniformed guys just stood around flapping their arms while the couple in the car were assaulted. Their car was trashed. The male was pulled out and beaten up and the woman inside the car was kicked repeatedly.  Moral tak ada, ethics pun tak ada. Lepas itu dalam "bulan yang mulia" lagi.  Boleh 'buka puasa', boleh sembahyang maghrib, boleh sembahyang terawih. Walaau-ehh !! 

I read an article recently that describes Malaysians as not knowing "what they want in life". Fortunately this does not apply to all Malaysians.  In my view this statement applies more to those same people who seem devoid of ethics and morals.

I want to go back a little. Recall that road bully girl who attacked an old man with a steering lock sometime ago. She was charged in Court and found guilty. But large numbers of people came to be her supporters.  Many people treated her almost like a hero. Large sections of the Social Media was in full support of her.  The language was not much different from the WattsApp group in Section 7 Shah Alam.  No good moral values.

Then I want to remind you of those 10 people who died of food poisoning at one wedding feast in Kedah. It has been more than two years now.  No one was arrested and no one was charged.  It was a mass murder. But nothing happened.  10 people died. So what?  No one really cares. 

Then that dam released water that killed four people. Again not a single person has been held responsible for the deaths of those four people. There was supposed to be an "international panel" to investigate the disaster (I cannot call it an accident, there is no independent investigation yet) but that has turned out to be more lies.  Habuk international pun tak ada.

Yesterday the minister was reported as saying that there was nothing wrong with 1MDB. Everything checks out he said. 1MDB never paid any US700 million into someone's personal account.

Again a person without ethics and without morals.  Trying to fudge the truth. 

1MDB never paid any money directly into that person's account. The money went around the world and changed ownership before it ended up in that personal account. Everyone knows that.

So of course that personal account has no direct relationship with 1MDB (that we know of yet).  

The correct  line of questioning and investigation should start with :

1. Did or does such a personal account exist in the name of the alleged public official?
2. If yes, what were the transaction balances throughout the history of this public official's personal account?
3. Are the allegations of US$700 million plus minus (RM2.6 billion plus minus) being passed through this personal account true or false?
4. If yes, where did these moneys come from? Where did they go?

The questions are relevant because the allegations center around a public official of the highest rank.

This personal account has nothing to do with 1MDB - yet.  

It is not even part of the PAC investigation or the Auditor General's scope of audit. 

The allegations about the personal account came to our knowledge long after the PAC and the Auditor General became involved.   So dont fudge the two. 

This personal account needs its own investigation.  And that investigation is being done by that Special Task Force - which has now gone somewhat quiet.

So the minister trying to fudge the personal account fiasco through a backdoor reference to the 1MDB investigation simply proves my point - no morals and no ethics.  

I read and learnt from a long time ago  that the highest "law" by which a society can govern itself are its moral and ethical values.  All the laws that can be passed in a Parliament, a Congress or any legislature become useless if a society's moral and ethical values fall below the minimum standards required to sustain and implement such laws.

To be modern and up todate we passed our Federal Constitution which promises freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc.  The reality is that in this country both are actually tahi ayam. 

We have not evolved sufficient moral and ethical values to support such a law to its fullest.

I say fullest because there is substantial freedom to speak in the Social Media (I hope) but the religious freaks have severely curtailed discussion about religion. By controlling the debate on religion, they can vomit any amount of lies without suffering the embarrassment of their lies being exposed.

Again this sustains their moral and ethical bankruptcy. 

One monkey says you need to bring four witnesses to prove the 1MDB allegations. This is lying at the highest level by the ostard wal retards.  And how many of you said anything about this to anyone? You just kept quiet? And contribute to your own decay.

I have said it before and I will say it again - the religious people are the biggest and easiest liars.  It is their stock in trade.

This makes them morally and ethically bankrupt. And who are their supporters? Mickey Mouse? Donald Duck? Upin? Ipin? Not likely.

Then who?  Y....o.....??

So who do we blame for the decayed morals and ethics?

Lets try to prove the argument.

Look around the world. There are people who track integrity levels, transparency levels etc. Transparency International (which by the way has distanced itself from its former country head here who is now a fervent supporter of the same regime he once castigated as corrupt - what a flip flop) is one such outfit.

There are various established indexes to gauge the whole world. Human Traficking Index, literacy rates, GDP levels, etc etc.  

The top of the pile are of course the 'economically advanced countries'. Almost all of them are secular, scientific and have really put religion where it belongs - inside a coffin. They have driven a stake through the devil's heart and nailed his coffin with nine inch nails.  Hence, their societies manifest a higher level of morality and good ethical values.

At the bottom of nearly all these lists and indexes are the economically backward countries. This is called the Third World. 

Sadly, there is a huge subset to this group. This huge subset must include the Arab countries and the people who want to be like them, all around the world.  Whoever subscribes to this Arab version of culture and tradition seems to be devoid of morals and ethics on a very large scale.  It keeps them backward. And poor.  This is a common denominator that we see in the real world. 

The rest of the Third World has made substantial progress towards becoming better societies. You do not hear of coup d'etats in South America anymore. In the 60s and 70s hardly a year went by without a coup in South America. Democracy has broken out on a large scale in South America.

Even Africa is organising itself and moving forward (thanks to the benevolence of China).  Thailand has sit ins which unseat governments. No more violent military coups.  They have started their journey towards a better society. They seem to know what needs to be done.

But the followers of the heretic camels are still digging their graves. Considering that the rest of the planet earth is moving up higher, it means that their graves are getting relatively deeper.

When people who steal telephones and then assault their victims are hailed as heroes, then you know that society has nailed itself inside the devil's coffin.  

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