
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Part 5 (a) To The Judges of the Federal Court - 2% Low Fat Milk Versus "9% Asbab Ul Nuzul" Which Did Not Exist

Again I would like to address this to the Judges of the Federal Court. The Federal Court  is the highest Court in the land.  Hence I hope that all other judges in the lower Courts as well as our lawyers and lawmakers also read this. 

Because it is also things like these that are used to sustain the differences and the contradictions that lead to the sectarianism, the religious hatreds, the feelings of religious supremacy etc that has screwed up the Muslims all over the world and which is threatening the Muslims and non Muslims in our country now. 

Here is some information for the Muslims as well as the non Muslims.  This is a "religious" topic so if the nons find this boring you need not read it. 

But because of the increasingly confused religious topics that impact upon every thing so much, maybe you should read this. Remember 'Knowledge is power'. 

In one of the earlier posts (way way earlier) someone made a comment about this topic known as 'Asbabul Nuzul' and I wrote  a reply.  I have expanded this post from that reply.

First of all here is a picture of a carton of 2% low fat milk. What does 2% low fat milk mean? This means this milk has a low fat content of only 2%.  (Regular full cream milk straight from the cow has a 3.25% fat content, so I am Yahooed.) 

2% low fat milk is therefore an incomplete milk. It is not the original stuff straight from the cow.  It is off by about 38% from regular milk (3.25% fat content).

Some religious folks say that you cannot understand the Quran without checking why, when and even where a particular verse was revealed. 

Hence they refer to something called the asbab ul nuzul

Asbab = sebab = reason
Nuzul = the sending down= revelation

In English - "the reasons for the revelation" of a particular verse in the Quran.

Well I beg to differ.   The Quran is a stand alone book.  You can understand the Quran just by itself.  If you cannot undestand a verse just by itself, by just reading it, there is no guarantee that the asbab ul nuzul will make it any clearer.

Religious people, jangan marah sampai padam dulu ok.  

Be patient.  Read this first, because evidence is provided. 

After that, if you want to marah sampai padam, then please go ahead.  

A long time ago I read books on the asbab ul nuzul. They were full of speculation and did not convince me of anything.  These are all just stories. 

Here is some simple research I did on the asbabul nuzul. Siapa tak percaya pi lah buat research sendiri. Bukan susah pun. 

1.  Etymology

Asbāb is the plural of the Arabic word sabab, which means "cause", "reason", or "occasion".

Nuzūl is the verbal noun of the verb root n-z-l, literally meaning "to descend" or "to send down", and thus (metaphorically) "to reveal", referring Allah sending down a revelation to his prophets. 

Though technical terms within Qur'anic exegesis often have their origins in the Quran itself, sabab/asbāb does not ! ! !

Despite the appearance of the stem s-b-b over 11 times in the Quran (Q.2:166, Q.18:84, Q.18:85 Q.18:89, Q.22:15, Q.38:10, Q.40:36-37), none of the verses seem the least bit connected to a statement concerning the occasions of revelation.

(My comments : In other words despite the word "sabab" itself being mentioned 11 times in the Quran, this idea  of asbab ul nuzul is not found anywhere in the Quran. It is an extra Quranic idea. It is a manufactured idea.)  

So who wrote the earliest asbab ul Nuzul? Do read on: 

3.  History of Asbab al-Nuzul works

The earliest and the most important work in this genre is undoubtedly Kitab asbab al-Nuzul ("Book of occasions of revelation") of Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi (d. 1075 CE).

(My comments : Wahidi died in 1075 AD ?? That is 403 years AFTER the prophet. There is no way anyone could have written in detail about when or why a verse was revealed 403 years AFTER the event.)  

al-Wahidi mentions occasions of about 570 verses out of 6236 verses of the Quran ! ! !

(My comments: You must be joking. The Quran has 6236 verses, if you do not count the 112 un-numbered bismillahs. 

The Quran has 114 surahs.  But there are only 112 un-numbered bismillahs at the beginning of 112 surahs.  Here is the reason:  

Surah Fatiha's bismillah (Surah No 1) is already numbered.  Surah Taubah (Surah No 9) does not have a bismillah.  Leaving 112 un-numbered bismillahs.

So if  you add back these 112 un-numbered bismillahs to the 6236 numbered verses, then the Quran has a total of 6348 verses.) 

Anyway, Wahidi's Asbab ul Nuzul only explains 570 verses of the Quran

This is only 9% of the verses (based on 6236) or 8.9% based on 6348 verses.

How can a book that only tries to explain 9% of the Quran's verses be declared an asbab ul nuzul of the entire Quran !! 

Folks, if I were to say something like this, many of you, especially the wal retard types, would accuse me of arrogance.  "Tak cukup ayat pun" you will say.  Only 9% of the verses are "explained".  

This is worse than 2% Low Fat Milk.  2% Low Fat Milk is only 38% below regular 3.25% full cream milk. 

Wahidi's asbabul nuzul is  91%  below the 6348 verses of the Quran !! 

Wahidi's work is not only the first attempt to collect all the material regarding the occasions of revelation in one single volume, but it is also the standard upon which all subsequent works were based. 

(My comments :  So there is no other "complete" or even "incomplete" asbab ul nuzulbefore Wahidi. This guy was the kick off for the asbabul nuzul, 403 years AFTER the prophet ! !

So what happened during the 403 years BEFORE Wahidi manufactured his asbab ul nuzul?

Were the Muslims bungling in the dark? 

Not knowing how to understand the Quran for 403 years?  

Long, long before Wahidi, the Islamic Empire had already reached its greatness, without Wahidi's incomplete 9% Asbab ul Nuzul.  

Wahidi's Asbab Ul Nuzul should rightly be called 'The 9% Asbab ul Nuzul'. Because he tried to explain only 9% of the Quran.  

Itu pun kelam kabut juga.  Do read on.  

al-Wahidi was born in the city of Nishapur and he died there at an advanced age. He was a poet, philologist, grammarian and Quranic commentator. He was considered a great commentator of the Quran of his time (nauzubillah). His main teacher was the famous Quranic commentator al-Thalabi d. 1036 CE (nauzubillah) and Wahidi seems to have enjoyed the support of the Seljuq vizier Nizam al-Mulk.

(My comments : Ok folks, many Muslims do not know zilch about the history of "the scholars" (nauzubillah) and their writings.  And yet like gullible paesanos, too many Muslims (I hope you are not one of them) swallow whatever the retards tell them  (telan dengan botol sekali). After that they (or you dear reader) are ready 

  • to condemn your fellow Muslims
  • to condemn your neighbours
  • to call other Muslims 'sesat'
  • to support barbaric laws which they tell you are 'Islamic' (nauzubillah) 
  • and all other kinds of c**p. 
Let us make strenuous efforts so that we do not become like those "m.u.i.s" or Muslims under influence of s*t*n who are killing and murdering people for these flimsiest reasons.

Cant you see? This is why the Arab countries are all in deep sh*t, killing each other over their sects (mazhab), chopping off peoples' heads, stuck in poverty and stupidity. 

Why? Because they believe in all these manufactured books written 400 years and hundreds of years AFTER the Prophet. AND  they ignore or forget about the Quran. 

Anyway al Wahidi was a Persian. He was not an Arab. His patron Nizam al Mulk was also Persian.  Many of the so called early writers were Persian. 

The reason I say this is because there was plenty of politics going on. Exactly like today, the powerful and the power crazy at that time were also embroiled in money. Its always about money.  

The powerful  paid money to the religious writers and religious 'experts' to legitimise their hold on power.  

The best example of this today is the marriage between the Wahhabis and the Sauds in Saudi Arabia. 

During Wahidi's time, his money patron was the vizier Nizam al Mulk the Persian.

Nizam al Mulk was another Persian character  from the Middle East. He was a Persian vizier to the Sultans. Here is a snapshot :

"Under Nizam's guidance the Seljuq armies contained the Ghaznavids in Khorasan, rolled back the Fatimids in Syria, defeated other Seljuq pretenders to the throne, invaded Georgia and reduced it to a tributary state, compelled the submission of regional governors, and kept the Abassid Caliphs in a position of impotence.  He was the pivotal figure who bridged the political gap between both the Abbasids and the Seljuqs against their various rivals such as the Fatimids."

This guy was a political animal. So where did this guy find time to read al Wahidi's book? 

Very simple. He had his religious department guys do it for him. Just like today. His job was to keep the Abassid Caliphs in a position of impotence.   Just like today. 

The Shiahs, the Salafis, the Wahabis, the Ahmadis, the Sufis, the Sects etc all have to keep each other in a position of impotence.  Everything was and is political.

Another important work is by al-Suyuti (d. 1505 CE) which is a slight improvement of al-Wahidi's book. Suyuti wrote his book about four centuries after al-Wahidi. 

It contains more occasions of revelation compared to Wahidi's work. His work covers 102 chapters (sura) of the Quran.  The name of his book is Lubab al-Nuqul fi Asbab al-Nuzul(meaning "The best of narrations concerning the circumstances of revelation").

My comments :  Wow. So the only other well known book on the asbab ul nuzul waswritten another 400 years later by al Suyuti who died in 1505  (six years before Alfonso de Albuquerque captured Malacca).  Suyuti covered only 102 chapters of the Quran (which has 114 chapters). 

But it does not say how many verses of the Quran he was able to explain. Wahidi only managed 9% of the verses spread over 83 chapters.   Both their asbab are therefore incomplete. 

So here is the soalan cepu mas : How can two incomplete books explain the whole Quran? Wahidi's asbab only covered 9% of the verses. Suyuti's asbab only covered slightly more.  Ini cerita apa ? 

Wahidi's asbab was manufactured 403 years after the Prophet.

Suyuti's asbab was manufactured 800 years after the Prophet. 

No asbāb works from earlier than the 11th century are known, and it is unlikely that this genre of exegetical literature existed before then. 

Though there is a section titled Nuzūl al-Qur'ān in Ibn al-Nadīm's 10th-century bibliographical catalog Kitāb al-Fihrist (including one Nuzūl al-Qur'ān attributed to the semi-legendary Ibn 'Abbās as transmitted through 'Ikrima), there is no evidence to believe that most of these works ever existed, or that their ambiguous titles signify texts within the asbāb al-nuzūl genre. 

My comments : 

"..there is no evidence to believe that most of these works ever existed.."   

This is a huge problem with these old books. We do not have the original copies of most of them. This is a fact. Even if there were any old copies, there is no way of knowing that it was really written by those people who are claimed to be the authors.

For example the famous Tafseer Jalalayn was written by two people, both of whom shared the same name Jalal. Hence the phrase 'Jalal-ayn' which means 'the two Jalals'.  

One was Jalaludin Mahilli and the second was his student Jalaludin Sayuti. The problem is no one knows for sure which part was written by Mahilli and which part was written by Suyuti. Nothing is known for sure. And the original copy of this book does not exist. Maybe it never existed. Latter day writers may have cobbled them together.

I have a friend whose arguments have followed this line 'there is no evidence that Santa Claus did not exist'.   

Anyway, before the 11th century AD (ie before the passage of 400 years after the Prophet) there are no known works of the asbabul nuzul

The good Prophet died without knowing that hundreds of years after him (400 - 800 years after him) some people would come and write books claiming to "fully" explain the Quran but would hardly go beyond 9% of the verses in the Quran.

Will continue with Part 5 (b)...where we will see that the incredible and fake 'Satanic Verses' which got Salman Rushdie into so much trouble were actually part of Wahidi's asbabul nuzul. Stay tuned.

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