
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 26, 2015

PKR - hopeless as ever

TMI - PKR sidesteps PAS call to make stand on GHB, says friends with all

caught between Scylla and Charybdis

but unlike Odysseus, gutless and evasive

PKR is renowned for its evasive, elusive, secretive side stepping, tap dancing, and manmanlai manoeuvres when it comes to its firm commitment to policies, ideologies, alliances and agreements, as it did to DAP in Selangor during the exco appointments after the GE-13 state elections. In my postSelangor saga shows PKR's ketuanan mentality? I wrote of how it played out DAP:

... Khalid Ibrahim did what would be considered
ungentlemanly before he left for abroad, in unilaterally announcing via just a cowardly tweet the revised composition of the Selangor exco, which saw the agreed four exco positions for DAP reduced to three. 

Couldn’t he have phoned DAP to advise his reason for the amendments, but then, we have been familiar with the lamentable PKR habit, of making unilateral decisions or policies on Pakatan (not PKR) issues, with their allies only learning of them via the media.

Thus it left Tony Pua, DAP Selangor deputy chief, bewildered on what was obviously an overturning of a Pakatan agreement on the exco composition. And of course Khalid Ibrahim was conveniently not around to answer why there was been a change to DAP’s disadvantage.

But from HRH’s revelation via his private secretary that Khalid Ibrahim had submitted the exco nominations to the palace prior to his departure for overseas, it would suggest that his tweeted message had already reflected the list submitted to HRH, lending doubts as to whether there was even a second list with the 5:5 racial ratio.

Be that as it was, even if HRH required a 6:4 makeup in the state exco, that would have been easily fulfilled with the four PAS members and two from PKR, which would still allow DAP to staff the exco with four of its assemblypersons. 

Be that as its manmanlai DNA has been and may be, I wonder how long it can continue to weave its deceptive way around PAS, GHB and DAP.

One thing it proves, nay, confirms is that it is still the weakest and sneakiest link in Pakatan 1.0 and 2.0, and shows it needs all the help it can, like a thirsty vampire, suck out of PAS and DAP, and even GHB.

How could Wan Azizah
 with such blithe ignorance of the situation between PAS and DAP and PAS and GHB,  so casuallybring herself to say, "We are all friends. We are open when it comes to our common struggle."

"We are friends as we have a common policy framework shared by everyone who is of the same mind, including the rakyat who care about the national crisis affecting the country."

"All who are of the same view, we welcome them to be with us in the struggle to find a solution to the economic and political problems we are facing."

Where has she been for the last several months to say "... we have a common policy framework ..."? Huh?!

What common struggle was she talking about when PAS has clearly shown it has already abandoned the political objective of defeating UMNO?

Who are the 'friends' she had in mind? Has she so easily forgotten how PAS had objected to her being MB for Selangor?

But it does show she's only the new coalition leader because she's the wife of Anwar Ibrahim. She's unworthy of that crucial leadership role. And in this regard, I find it increasingly difficult to blame PAS for objecting to her as the MB candidate to replace Khalid Ibrahim.

Azmin Ali has been no better, avoiding the unavoidable issue of choosing either PAS or GHB, and PAS or DAP! Look, the PAS and DAP boats have already sailed towards different directions and any persistent attempt to still retain a foot on each vessel will end up with him rendered asunder real kangkang.

I suppose I have to grudgingly admit it's at times like this I miss (though not much) the more confident leadership and personality of Anwar Ibrahim, wakakaka.

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