
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Please save our country

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The Cabinet reshuffle yesterday was a reshuffle to ensure all the misdeeds of the government are concealed from the knowledge of the people. The reshuffle affirms the allegations that the 1MDB issue and all the allegations on Najib’s role in it are all true and real. The Attorney General was terminated just two months before he was due for retirement and the AG was taken aback by his sacking without notice.

They were wild rumors that the AG was prepared to charge Najib over the 1MDB issue and by his sacking just few weeks before he was due for retirement adds a firm believes that Najib was very terrified to face the reality of the 1MDB’s case. However the prerogative of the PM to appoint anyone for any position in the Cabinet has got to be recognized and accepted by all. The alleged dubious role by the PM in 1MDB issue now is very predictable and his action to cover up all the misdeeds by appointing fresh leadership under him is too telling that he is involved directly in the 1MDB fiasco.

As ordinary people understand what the goings on in 1MDB, the effort to put off Najib from power is mandatory and it must be done through the various political and democratic institutions available has to be applied immediately. There must be a consolidated and united effort to save this country from the plunders of irresponsible and deluded minded Cabinet lineup. The nation is in serious danger as the current new line up is giving blind loyalty to the disputed PM and it is going to have serious repercussions to the sovereignty of this beautiful nation that we have.

On the opposition side there must be a united stand and the opposition has to burry all differences within intra and interparty disorder for the sake of saving the country from further falloff and destructions. The rakyat has to repossess the power now in the hands of the irresponsible and undependable leaders. The building of the nation didn’t come easy, hence any group that works to destroy it has got to be circumvented and displaced.  

All the eighty odds opposition leaders in Parliament have got to stay united and put up strong stand to work on the disposing the illegitimate leaders that control us currently. Warring Hadi and LGE as well as Kit Siang has got to be submerged deeply and leaders from PKR have got to put up ‘save Malaysia’ as their main agenda. If this effort succeeds the following and subsequent moves will come in much easier to arrive at our ultimate, a new government and protected Malaysia.

Ultimately there must be enough numbers to push aside the illegitimate leaders led by Najib Razak currently. Please save this country.

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