
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 4, 2015


Son of slain AmBank founder talks of 'KARMA' & Najib's RM2.6 bil 'private Ambank account'

Yesterday, Malaysians were reeling from the damning and incriminating disclosures by The Wall St. Journal (WSJ) and Sarawak Report, that $2.6 billion from the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Group (ADCB) was transferred to the personal bank account of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak

Refer to my blog post yesterday. CLICK HERE.

The WSJ and Sarawak Report articles imply that this $2.6 billion is irretrievably linked to a subsequent 1MDB $3 billion bond issue that is fully guaranteed by the Malaysian government. Such guarantees are approved by the Ministry of Finance which is headed also by Najib, as Minister of Finance!

Some $2.6 billion allegedly found its way into PM Najib's personal bank account just shortly before the 2013 General Elections. Again, this implies that the money was used to fund PM Najib's party and its election campaign, and replaced later when 1MDB floated its $3 billion government guaranteed bond.

The news has gone viral and global as evidenced by a special interview conducted last night by CNBC with WSJ.CLICK HERE.  

Some of the other most important points about the WSJ report are:

1. The source of their information originated from the government's own investigations, probably Bank Negara or the Auditor General.

2. This information and documents "were shared with and seen by PM Najib, the Attorney General Gani Patail and others in the government"!!

3. The money trail ended at PM Najib's bank account.

Prime Minister Najib denied the allegations of possible money-laundering, CBT, corruption and possibly, criminal fraud. Most curiously, instead of a specifically worded denial that any such money was transferred to any bank account in his name, he responded  with:

"Let me be very clear. I have never taken funds for personal use as alleged by my political opponents - whether from 1MDB, SRC International and other entities as confirmed by these companies." CLICK HERE.

In turn, the WSJ stuck to its guns and confirmed that its investigation was thorough and professional, particularly in view of the charges of corruption against a serving prime minister. CLICK HERE

But, PM Najib's statement about never having taken funds for personal use is pregnant with an implied admission that $2.6 billion was actually transferred to his personal bank account. PM Najib seems to be saying, and one doubts he seriously thought through the implications of this open admission, that he used the entire $2.6 billion for the benefit of his party, and therefore everything is hunky dory, and he should not be questioned about it at all!! 

About two years ago, Michael Chia was caught in Hong Kong with undeclared $40 million in his suitcase. This was only a fraction of the money, derived from kickbacks given by timber loggers, that Chia had laundered for Sabah politicians. Incredibly, PM Najib came to their rescue, claiming that the $40 million was a "donation" to UMNO, without identifying the donor. The police and MACC, oh so readily, backed from from further investigations. Now, is Najib going to claim that this $2.6 billion was a "donation" to UMNO from ADCB and his Arab friends? The public are not going to buy any such story, as they did not Michael Chia's $40 million "donation". It is an insult to the intelligence of the common citizen.

And although no one accused 1MDB of paying the $2.6 billion to Najib, it came out in unsolicited but spirited support of Najib, answering, a question no one had asked of it, that it had not paid Najib any money. 1MDB has acquired Najib's craze for PR Speak and spindoctoring. It announced that it had serviced interest and retired debt without following through with the disclosure that one debt had been replaced with another of equal size!

And if Bank Negara, MACC, the police, Attorney General, Auditor General and who knows what other general, are all aware of the enormous crime that has been committed and are sitting on it or planning a massive cover up, then, they, along with the PM and his government of thieves, must accompany Najib to the gallows! 

Well foks, we are witnessing the dying days of the UMNO Baru/BN regime. All the classic symptoms are there - leaders, their cronies and elite party members looting and plundering public coffers with impunity, thinking they will never be found out or caught. The state of denial. The breakdown of the separation of powers of the various arms of government. Chiefs of police and anti-corruption agencies acting as though they are accountable to no one. A bloated civil service with its untenable wage and pension cost. A spineless judiciary bought over by gloss and glitter. Breakdown of the rule of law and order. Endemic corruption, looting and economic plundering.

PM Najib's crappy defence is that, as he is a democratically elected leader, he should only be brought down democratically i.e. at the next general elections in 2018. This is of course the pathetic bleating of a low IQ mind. If the Mafia has taken control of our country via the electoral process, we should wait 5 years before we do everything in our power to exterminate the vermin?

This is a shameful state of affairs in Malaysia. These "leaders" have no sense whatsoever of  honour, self-respect or integrity in their bones. It is to the eternal shame of the Indian and Chinese communities that MCA and MIC have thrown their weight behind UMNO, to foist upon the Rakyat a government of thieves. 

And this is what logically evolves from within a government of thieves. One lie leads to another; a small crime leads to a big crime; a small sting to a global con job. PM Najib continues to serially lie to us. He claimed that he would never allow public money to be used to rescue 1MDB. Yet, only a month ago the MOF extended to 1MDB a $950 million "line of credit" without which it would have defaulted on debt interest. Much earlier, 1 MDB was given a $1 billion "grant" by Najib to finance its contra deal for the Sg. Besi land.

The corruption of UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and their component parties in Sarawak and Sabah began when Mahathir became prime minister in 1981. Now, we have monsters and ogres sitting in high office and running the country into the ground as economic recession and bankruptcy loom large on the horizon.

It is clear that in the first place, Najib should never have been elevated to the top position. He arrived with a lot of extremely bad baggage. The kiss of death was Mahathir supporting him even though he knew of Najib being mixed up in the Altantuya murder, where to-date he has not ordered a RCI into who gave the orders to kill Altantuya and blow her up with C4 explosives. There is also the fiasco over the $7.5 billion scorpene submarines  procurement contract signed by Najib as Defence Minister, where $575 million touted as "co-ordination and support fees" was paid to a company controlled by his crony, and which most suspect to be fraudulent commissions paid to facilitate bribes and kickbacks to various parties.

Now, let us sit back and enjoy the gloriously spectacular spectacle as it unfolds - the hanging (out to dry) of PM Najib, his Ministers and administration, his cronies, 1MDB and the total and complete collapse and demise of Mahathir's vile and evil creation. The decline and fall of  of the UMNO Baru empire, as it were! 


Donplaypuks® with personal bank accounts, man!

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