
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Reminders to Najib from his father and previous prime ministers – Amar Singh and Lim Swee Im

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This is an open letter to our prime minister from a nation in despair. We are struggling and our nation is dying.
Everywhere we go we see fellow Malaysians facing despair or apathy. The prevailing outlook is one of no hope, no meaningful future and depression.
But it seems that you have difficulty hearing the people. You are silent on so many important issues that face us – our crippling GST; our simmering ethnic discord; our explosive corruption; the 1MDB mess you are embroiled in; the declining value of our currency; the stifling of our free press.
You are our prime minister. That means you are our key leader in the country and cannot afford to be silent or lacking in leadership.
You are our elected representative to lead our nation. We need you to lead, not be silent. To lead all the people of Malaysia, not one party. To make real, the aspirations of the people of this nation.
So perhaps some reminders from our previous prime ministers, including your father, might help.
On listening to the people about truth
Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said “When I became prime minister, I said, tell the leader the truth. I don't want to hear nice things only. Truth can be repeated again and again so we won’t forget to address it (issues) until we resolve it”.
So we hope you will recognise why we have written on behalf of our fellow Malaysians to you.
We are taking the advice given by the fifth prime minister of our nation. We are telling you what we have heard from every single Malaysian for these many months.
You need to listen to the people, not just those around you. We the people of Malaysia, the ones you were elected to serve, are struggling. About 20-30% from all ethnic groups are in serious poverty. Even those in the middle class are having difficulty making ends meet. Many small businesses are closing.
On power
Tun Hussein Onn: “The power entrusted to us is not to be used against others, not to improve our position and not to make us rich. Power is given to us, not to lord it over others, not to improve our standing nor to enrich ourselves.”
The current actions to stifle the media and restrict the work of NGOs/elected leaders (even if they are from the opposition) is against the spirit of this nation and that of our forefathers. It is not becoming of a child of Tun Abdul Razak.
Our second prime minister, who was a good listener and inclusive in his consultation of all sectors of society. Please remove all the unwarranted restrictions placed on journalists, media organisations and individuals that are trying hard to heal and restore our nation.
On honesty and integrity in leadership
Tunku Abdul Rahman: "... if you think you are honest, then you are among the few and in this instance, it is best to be among the few."
Tun Hussein Onn: “Without integrity, a leader will use his position as a commodity to peddle influence and to achieve status, name and riches.”
You are now perceived as seriously lacking in integrity. This is disastrous and undermines your position as our prime minister.
We sincerely ask that you answer your critics with documented proof, corroborated by independent evidence. We as a nation need to move forward from the crippling 1MDB scandal. Please re-establish your credibility with us as a nation.
On unity and racial harmony
Tun Abdul Razak: “The future of our country depends on one important thing, that is on the unity of our people of various races.”
As your brother, Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, recently stated in an interview when asked “If your father could speak to the people of Malaysia today, what message do you think he will convey to us – the people, the politicians and those who are in positions of power?” Nazir replied “I think he would say that it is time to set up another national consultative council, like he did in 1970, to discuss critical issues around preserving harmony and fostering unity amongst Malaysians. I think he would be shocked that it is 2015 and race and religion divide Malaysians even more today than during his time.”
We are more divided racially than we were at independence. Only strong non-partisan leadership with robust networking and consultation with all sectors of civil society can help heal our beloved country.
All Malaysians must be made to belong and have a part of our nation’s resources. You need to act on this now.
We the people of Malaysia are not against you. We are against blatant corruption, the use of religion to suppress anyone, the abuse of power, the lack of a free press/media. If you serve the people, all the people of Malaysia, then we may have a way forward as a nation.
* Datuk Dr Amar-Singh HSS and Datin Dr Lim Swee Im read The Malaysian Insider.

1 comment:

  1. Precise and on the dot. Yes, this should be the main guidelines of a PM especially as said by the former 3 premiers. Tq


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