
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 20, 2015

REPRISING 'OPS LALANG' WON'T HELP: Unlike Dr M, Najib will go down like 'SUHARTO & MARCOS'

REPRISING 'OPS LALANG' WON'T HELP: Unlike Dr M, Najib will go down like 'SUHARTO & MARCOS'
KUALA LUMUR - Red hot speculation is swirling disgraced Prime Minister Najib Razak is on the point on a major crackdown that will see key critics, including prominent supporters of his arch rival Mahathir Mohamad, opposition leaders and several media bigwigs arrested.
"There is a high possibility of a new 'Ops Lalang'. The signs are all there. Najib has failed to stop the internal revolt within his own party, this is his final stand but we expect it to backfire. In the end, Najib will go down like Suharto and Marcos," a political insider observing the fast-unfolding developments told Malaysia Chronicle.
'Ops Lalang' or weeding operation was the code name for a major crackdown carried out in October 1987 by the Malaysian police, ostensibly to prevent the occurrence of racial riots in Malaysia. The operation saw the arrest of 106 persons, most of whom were NGO activists, opposition politicians, intellectuals, students, artists, scientists and others. They were detained without trial under the now defunct Internal Security Act (ISA).
The draconian action, initiated by Mahathir who was then the prime minister, also involved the revoking of the publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star and the Sin Chew Jit Poh and two weeklies, The Sunday Star and Watan. The notion that racial riots were imminent however is contested, and it is widely believed that the operation was designed to control Mahathir's political opponents through strong-arm measures.
Low Yat ploy, S'wak report and Justo twin dramas
Indeed, there is irony that Najib may chose to mimic the actions of his top critic. But the indications cannot be ignored, especially in the wake of last week's outbreak of racial violence at the Low Yat Plaza, an electronics and hand-phones specialty mall in downtown Kuala Lumpur.
Suspicion of a Najib 'ploy' had spread after a simple hand phone theft by a Malay youth suddenly ballooned into a bloody racial riot, where several Umno men were seen poking fire and instigating a full-blown ruckus. And just a day ago, the Malay newspaper Utusan, which is owned by Najib's Umno party and controlled by him, blamed the incident on Chinese syndicates and counterfeiters, warning of Malay anger if nothing was done.
Victims of Ops Lalang 1987
The controversial article was quickly followed by the shock blocking of London-based Sarawak Report, a website which has been instrumental in exposing the multi-billion corruption shenanigans in Najib's brainchild sovereign fund 1 Malaysia Development Berhad or 1MDB. The website had through a series of articles traced how Najib's family friend Jho Low had allegedly plotted with Arab asset manager PetroSaudi to cheat Malaysians of billions.
"Najib is very ill-served by his coterie of highly and even over-paid 'Public Relations' consultants including the new-fangled Barisan Nasional strategic communications director to believe that blocking access to the Sarawak Report will be the end of his 1MDB woes, which had hounded and haunted him for the past five years but never in as intense and pressuring a manner as in the past five months, since Sarawak Report claimed at the end of February that it had obtained access to thousands of emails and documents relating to 1MDB transactions," Lim Kit Siang, a key opposition leader, wrote in an immediate response.
A duty to the people and nation
Another media The Edge Financial Daily, owned by tycoon Tong Kooi Ong, is expected to be the next to be punished.
The front cover of The Edge Financial Daily
However, instead of bowing to pressure, the well-respected media group opted to publish today another expose on 1MDB, this time detailing the role played by 'overnight billionaire' Jho Low in the embezzlement scandal.
“We have a public duty to find and report the truth. After this report, which could be our last, we will hand over everything we have to the authorities investigating 1MDB and assist in any way we can,” The Edge Financial Daily publisher said in the report on its front page.
“Our report is based on evidence corroborated by documents that include bank transfers and statements. There is no space to publish everything and, indeed, some material cannot be published. We will now be handing over these printed documents and the hard disk that contains them to the investigators."
In its report, the daily had revealed and tracked how a sum of US$1.83 billion (RM6.96 billion) invested by state-owned 1MDB in PetroSaudi between 2009 and 2011 was a scheme used by Jho Low to defraud Malaysia. Najib has denied involvement but documentary evidence is clear - as the Finance Minister, Najib is the final authorizing person for all 1MDB deals.
Facing corruption charges and jail
Most Malaysians are disillusioned with Najib and want him to step down. However, due to the power he holds from being Prime Minister, his opponents have been extremely cautious about how they went about dislodging him.
Sarawak Report billed Jho Low's shenanigans as 'Heist of the Century'
Those who have spoken out against 1MDB include Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Sabah Umno leader Shafie Apdal.
"It is obvious Najib is under tremendous pressure. His attempts to claw back credibility by accusing the Sarawak Report website and Opposition politicians of tampering with PetroSaudi emails stolen by Xavier Justo ( a former PetroSaudi staff) have failed," political source said.
"To everyone it is clear - nothing can win him back the trust of the people. But he is afraid to step down and face corruption charges. He also knows the Umno warlords have taken the decision to remove him and what is happening now is his reaction. Will it work or will it end in him being hauled off to prison - we have to wait and see. But over the next few weeks, Najib has destabilized Malaysia and the only way this country can come back is for him to go."
Malaysia destabilized by collapse of rule of law, with institutions blowing with the political wind
Malaysians are now not surprised by the daily twists and turns in the continuing saga of the 1MDB probes, that they are used to taking it all with a pinch of salt, and this is why everyone will be well-advised to believe that our faith in Malaysia’s system of governance is no longer there.
A scene from the recent Low Yat riot
Whatever the outcome of the 1MDB probes by the Public Accounts Committee, the Auditor-General’s Office, Bank Negara Malaysia or the special task force assigned by the prime minister, Malaysians can be assured that there will always be doubts and unbelief cast on these probes.
The reason is because most Malaysians believe that the credibility and integrity of authority figures in this country are tainted and therefore in doubt and questionable. Moreover, more and more Malaysians are losing their faith in Malaysia’s system of governance.
For some people this might just be a trivial matter. But for numerous Malaysians on social media, people can witness for themselves the agony and pain and suffering of Malaysians of all walks of life who are bitterly disappointed by the continuing saga of 1MDB.
It also looks as if there is not much space on other news or events as Malaysians clamor to digest and receive the latest information on what is happening on 1MDB and how it affects them and the country and this is why people are glued to their mobile phones and the internet and the media.
Word spreads fast
The Big 4 or '4 Stooges' to critics are Attorney General Gani Patail, BNM chief Zeti Aziz, IGP Khalid Bakar and MACC chief Abu Kassin Mohamad
If anything, the speed and alarming quickness at which the 1MDB fiasco is being reported is really something that is an eye-opener to Malaysians as this is possibly the first time in the history of the nation that an event of such a great magnitude has come out into the open.
If in the past it was easy and usually swept under the carpet and life will go on as usual, the phenomenon now is spellbinding as Malaysians of all levels of society are beginning to demand answers to their questions and queries.
No stone has been left unturned as Malaysians pose a flurry of questions and interrogate the powers that be regardless of how high their standing is in society or even if it is the prime minister himself as they seek explanations to what they feel is a criss that can destroy the very fabric of the nation.
There is a dire need not to underestimate the exploding anger and fury of Malaysians despite calls by the authorities for people to stay calm and the reason for this is simple as many Malaysians now believe that public officials practice double standards.
There appears to be laws in place to govern the people in this country. But these same laws do not appear to apply to the elite in this country whom many Malaysians perceive to be above and beyond the application of the laws of the land.
Sparking an outcry of outrage
Rogue PM? Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor
If the international community is now of the view that Malaysia is a rogue nation, it is perfectly understandable but why is it that many Malaysians especially Malays still do not believe that the present crop of leaders of this country have tarnished the image and credibility of the country.
The international community no longer holds any Malaysian political leader in high esteem or respect and from this it is easy to gauge that Malaysia is now facing the dark prospect of being isolated from the rest of the world by failing to uphold the tenets and obligations of democracy.
Malaysian leaders have painted themselves into a corner in the arena on the world stage and the world no longer views or considers Malaysia as being able to provide any support or encouragement to move the world forward as Malaysia itself has been regressing badly over one and a half decades.
The New Millennium has caused us to witness regression that was started by former Malaysian dictator and UMNO strongman, Mahathir Mohammad, who on the pretext of economic growth and progress failed to distribute wealth equitably and this resulted in the creation of the powerful minority elite.
Ever since then the credibility of political leaders have been undermined and the 1MDB fiasco was really an accident waiting for a place to happen and the fact that it has surfaced unveils the tip of the iceberg of a corrupt and inept Malaysian government.
Rogue nation to failed state
Police accused of not acting fairly in Low Yat riot
Credibility and belief is at the root of everything Malaysians hold fast and dear and it is a crying shame and a sheer mockery of how the Barisan Nasional (BN) government has failed us despite exclusively leading this nation since Independence from the British in 1957.
There can be no denying that the future bodes ill for this nation if things continue at this accelerated pace of corruption and cheating and Malaysians must not be in denial mode and every Malaysian should do their level best to prevent the nation from becoming a failed state.
The writing is already on the wall and if Malaysians, especially the Malay community, do not pay heed to the signs of distress that are beginning to echo across the country then there can be no doubt that Malaysia will head back towards being a backwater nation.
From all the indications and signs so far and the studies and research of independent researchers and think tanks, Malaysia is moving from the status of rogue nation and if nothing is done to stem the tide it will take less than a decade for us to fall into the status of a failed state.
Malaysians have to take note of where this country is heading and every Malaysian worth his or her salt must begin to agree to put the nation back in order and on the right track and for this it calls for making bold but unpleasant decisions and to move out of our comfort zones to face up to the hard, harsh realities of real life Malaysia. - MAILBAG

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