
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 24, 2015

So, who else did you mislead to justify your end(s), Mr Tong?

"Me, I have only ONE question for Tong: Did you pay Justo for the information?
- My posting last Monday, h e r e

Friday 24 July: If the Singapore Straits Times' interview with detained blackmailer Xavier Justo was explosive, tycoon Tong Kooi Ong's subsequent confession that he had misled Justo is equally, if not more, shocking.

Tong's confession, which is not exactly voluntary - he made it only after Justo had pointed a finger at him during his interview with ST - puts crucial things in the 1MDB/plot to topple PM issue in perspective, finally.

It also raises questions about honesty and ethics:

1. It proves that Justo has been telling us the the truth about the 1MDB issue and the Singapore "plot" to topple the Malaysian Prime Minister after all;
2. It establishes that Tong is more involved in the scheme of things than he'd led us to believe initially;
3. If Tong had misled the source/whistleblower,  who else has he conned to achieve his objective(s);
4. Ho Kay Tat, the managing editor of The Edge, said in his "We couldn't walk away ..." statement that "We did not pay for our information." Was Kay Tat aware all along that Tong, who owns The Edge, was misleading Justo - promising to pay the Swiss USD2 million without the intention to keep his word?; and
5. Did Clare Brown, the owner of Sarawak Report, know what Tong had promised to pay USD2 million so as to mislead Justo, and did she go along with that?

Read Tong's confession:
Tong: Okay, okay, I conned the guy USD2 mil. So what?
Yes, we misled Justo — Tong Kooi Ong
JULY 24 — We refer to the story in the Singapore Straits Times in which Andre Xavier Justo accused us of not paying him what we said we would for the information he gave us on the scandalous 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)-PetroSaudi joint venture.
First off, we must say the Singapore Straits Times journalist must be very well connected to be given access to Justo in his Bangkok jail.
Even our Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, who is now in Bangkok, has so far been refused access to Justo.
We wonder which powerful hidden hand arranged for Nirmal Ghosh of the Straits Times to meet Justo so that he can launch an attack on us?
Justo is obviously an angry man, and undestandably so, as we did not pay him what he wanted.
Yes, we misled him. But that was the only way to get hold of the evidence to expose how a small group of Malaysians and foreigners, cheated the people of Malaysia of US$1.83 billion (RM6.978 billion).
His statement confirmed what we have said earlier i.e. we never paid anyone.
As for Justo’s allegations that we told him we intended to tamper the documents and that our objective was to bring down the government, surely if we had such intentions we would not tell it to someone we were meeting for the first time.
All the more so, when we know he will be upset with us because we will eventually not pay him what he wants.
There was no tampering because we immediately did a digital fingerprint of the hard disk that contained over 400,000 emails and documents and secured it. What is in the discs we have given Bank Negara Malaysia, the police and MACC this week is the exact copy as the one Justo passed to us and he has said he did not do any tampering.
Furthermore, the money trail we have put together and passed to investigators showing how money from 1MDB were moved into the accounts of various people at several global banks in several countries can be easily verified by investigators with help from their counterparts in this country.
Justo is understandably a bitter man. But this is not about Justo, neither is it about us.
It’s about a scheme to cheat the people of Malaysia of US$1.83 billion through the 1MDB-PetroSaudi joint venture.
The fact that so many government agencies are now investigating 1MDB and that it is now almost an insolvent company that needs to be bailed out validates all the work The Edge Media Group has done to expose what had happened.
We have done nothing wrong and we are here to assist investigators unlike some who seem to have disappeared.
* Tong Kooi Ong is the chairman of The Edge Media Group.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/what-you-think/article/yes-we-misled-justotong-kooi-ong#sthash.Mb7zofLm.dpuf

p.s. Quite amusing that Tong has the cheek to ask how ST could have gotten the interview with Justo.
First off, we must say the Singapore Straits Times journalist must be very well connected to be given access to Justo in his Bangkok jail.
Even our Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, who is now in Bangkok, has so far been refused access to Justo.
We wonder which powerful hidden hand arranged for Nirmal Ghosh of the Straits Times to meet Justo so that he can launch an attack on us?
I'm sure, Tong, that the ST did not have to mislead anyone to get the interview. -rocky's bru

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