
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 20, 2015

Stop rocking the Bugis boat

Everyone knows that Najib is smart, straight and untainted by corruption.
By Iskandar Dzulkarnain
With our country drifting into uncharted waters due to the falling ringgit, GST, and a host of other economic and political problems, Prime Minister Najib Razak’s pledge to continue with his responsibilities of running the country and doing what is best for the people has brought a sigh of relief from the whole nation.
The country will face dark difficult times and become the new sick man of Asia if Najib is forced to resign. Ignoring the negativity around him, our noble Bugis warrior continues to steer our sinking ship out of treacherous waters to try to save the country. All the members of the Federal Cabinet have given him their undivided support and so should the rest of us.
Everyone knows that Najib is smart, straight and untainted by corruption. With his credibility, popularity and integrity, he will steer this country forward on the right track.
Najib’s government has always held fast to the principles of accountability, transparency and good governance, which is why his enemies find it so hard to unseat him.
Everyone knows better than to believe in a sleazy paper like the Wall Street Journal or the despicable Sarawak Report. The bias in their reports is so blatant that even the gullible public finds it hard to swallow.
It is unbecoming of Najib’s enemies to hit below the belt by highlighting the lifestyle of his family. What is so strange about a high rolling movie producer buying a USD65 million mansion or a prime minster’s son being employed in an international audit firm or having directorships in more than one company?
Rosmah Mansor has always been the perfect first lady, taking on unofficial ambassadorial roles, projecting an air of professionalism with her immaculate hairdos and expensive accessories like handbags and jewellery. Najib’s enemies must be seriously running out of ammunition if they have to train their sights on poor Rosmah.
The opposition politicians should take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror and stop deceiving themselves and others or disappear for good.
Najib has implored us to stop believing in all the unsubstantiated hype about runaway corruption as it is simply a case of perception. It is a smokescreen carefully weaved by the opposition in an intricate web of deception to distract from the failure of the Pakatan Rakyat pact.
How can the DAP call Najib a crook when he doesn’t even look like one? Tired of answering the public’s incessant queries, Najib has decided to keep an air of elegant silence about him, preferring to allow the untainted truth to clear his name someday.
MCA’s Chew Mei Fun was right when she said that Najib should not be answerable for the 1MDB debacle as the directors of the company were solely responsible. It isn’t Najib’s fault if the board refuses to listen to his noble advice but continue to throw good money after bad investments. Even MCA President Liow Tiong Lai has concluded that there isn’t any need for Najib to declare his assets unnecessarily.
1MDB’s debts are solidly backed by RM51 billion in assets. A prestigious and internationally acclaimed company like 1MDB could easily be sold for RM60 billion in a matter of minutes, making a handsome profit of RM8 billion, which will benefit the whole nation.
Even Tabung Haji is set to make a cool profit once it concludes the sale of the TRX land, which goes to show that any company who dares to deal with 1MDB would ultimately discover a gold mine.
No one can deny that Najib’s marvellous reforms have touched the heart of the nation, with BR1M being an ingenious policy to alleviate the hardship of the poor and neutralize the effects of the GST. GST ensures that every Malaysian under the sun, whether rich or poor, is painlessly taxed.
The retention of the Sedition Act continues to provide a web of security for our democratically elected government. And anti-terrorism laws ensure that Malaysia will not turn into a hotbed of terrorism.
Freedom of speech has increased, with even closet extremists like Perkasa and Isma crawling out of the woodwork to voice their genuine fears and concerns, which they could not do under past administrations.
The ulamas feel more comfortable under the present Najib administration. They are free to impose their religious values on the nation.
The 1Malaysia programme has reunited the races and the People First, Performance Now policy ensures that we become a nation of endless possibilities.
So as Malaysia moves quietly forward, basking in prosperity under Najib’s exemplary stewardship, we should refrain from rocking the Bugis boat as it makes perfect sense not to tinker with a perfectly good engine.
Continue to place your faith in Najib. He knows what’s best for this sorry nation of ours.
Tour consultant, sports pilot and naturalist Iskandar Dzulkarnain has been writing for a few years now, especially satirical articles like this. He is an FMT columnist.

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