
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 27, 2015


All we are getting is press statements from ministers denying the allegations. Where is the proof? Show the people proof that the allegations are wrong and then take necessary actions. 
Karamjit Gill
The three months suspension imposed on The Edge has earned the government a lot of criticism by citizens nationwide. Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz and CIMB chairperson Nazir Razak have condemned the act.
While the Ministry of Home Affairs justified their reason for suspending operations of The Edge, their action is being deemed as an act to shut the whistle blower up. The 1MDB saga is so huge that definitely everyone is going to have a go at it. Do not blame The Edge for its publication. Blame the authorities instead for taking such a long time with investigations. No proper explanation has been made available to the public that is being backed up with evidence. All we are getting is press statements from ministers denying the allegations. Where is the proof? Show the people proof that the allegations are wrong and then take necessary actions.
Is suspending The Edge going to do any good? Obviously not. If anything, it has gained them a lot more support and popularity. The Edge is moving into the digital world now. How is the government going to stop that? Even those who never followed The Edge will start to follow now. The Malaysian government has given The Edge group such a huge advertisement and that too for free. The Edge should issue a thank you note to the Home Ministry.
As Nazir rightly said his defense of The Edge does not mean he defends their action. It just means he defends press freedom. Malaysia is known globally for restriction of press freedom and the government has supported this claim by their latest action. If such a huge issue is affecting the nation and the authorities is taking forever to give a conclusive answer, then the media will definitely do its part in publishing what they have and what they believe. Like a clueless fool our IGP goes to Thailand to meet Xavier Andre Justo without first acquiring permission and faces the snub. Now he has to come back to Malaysia and start all over again. What a waste of tax payers money for his trip.
On a daily basis, the opposition is gaining strength without having to do anything. They themselves are in so much mess but still looks like heroes thanks to the government. Barisan Nasional is losing ground not only because of 1MDB, but its because of snails pace investigation by authorities. Even if things turn out to be in their favour eventually, it might just be a little too late. The police can do nothing about it. The IGP duties a huge number for online patrol but their portal still gets hacked. Bunch of jokers, really.
The government should realise that you could never suppress freedom of expression or press freedom. Please do not even attempt in doing it otherwise the people will together suppress your victory and representation in the next general election.

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