
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, July 23, 2015

Umno minister’s post criticising DAP lawmaker sparks debate on Facebook

Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan's latest Facebook post, criticising DAP lawmaker, draws ire from readers. – The Malaysian Insider filepic, July 23, 2015.Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan's latest Facebook post, criticising DAP lawmaker, draws ire from readers. – The Malaysian Insider filepic, July 23, 2015.
The latest attempt by an Umno minister to defend Putrajaya from criticism over the controversies surrounding 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has sparked a debate among Facebook users.
A post today by Barisan Nasional's (BN) strategic communications director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, in which he hit out at one of 1MDB's fiercest critics Tony Pua (DAP-Petaling Jaya Utara), drew fire from several of his readers who said the issue was about the government's credibility.
"It's not just about Tony Pua and his antics, Dato'. It is about the credibility of our current government going into the future. Allegations after allegations left unanswered with no concrete evidence in avoiding these allegations. It's makes the people think, not once but twice," said Zain Putra.
Anuar Rafie said: "Hahaha, are you even being serious with this article? How is it past events involving Tony Pua and Syed Mokhtar even relatable to what is happening right now?
“Granted Pua might have been over-zealous in his approach then, and some might even say now, but does that mean there is no reason for him to do so what with all the scandals and problems 1MDB is mired in currently?
"Look around Dato! There are multiple investigations going on, audits being carried out, people being arrested and you're acting like you are in some kind of a bubble. I thought you weren't born yesterday, but then you go and write something like this."
In his post, Rahman had said that the opposition had been reckless in making "wild accusations" against the government which could affect the economic stability of the country.
Singling out Pua, the urban well-being, housing and local government minister said that the DAP lawmaker had made accusations against tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary that were similar to Pua's allegations against 1MDB.
According to Rahman, Pua had written several articles in his blog, just before the 13th general election that Syed Mokhtar's business debt of RM34.3 billion could "genuinely cause fears of bailouts with taxpayer money".
"Tony did not just write the articles in his blog but he also spoke about it spiritedly in Parliament and peddled his doom's day prophecy in his ceramahs. Of course DAP's machinery relentlessly amplified this message nationwide.
"It was quite clear that this self-appointed bearer of bad news wanted people to believe that Syed Mokhtar's debts would cause systemic risk to the financial system and might lead to collapse of the economy. He wanted to paint a gloomy picture of the economy to give Malaysians the jitters."
The Umno minister said three years later, the economy is doing better but Pua was now picking on 1MDB, adding that his main objective is for everyone to "eventually despise and angry at the government".
"Back then it was Syed Mokhtar, now it seems it is 1MDB's turn. I don't know about you, but I do remember this proverb 'once bitten, twice shy'. Look it up!" Rahman added.
To this, Facebook user Jordan Jude said: "Dato, Please stop making yourself look stupid. The rakyat wants to see how your boss defend himself. Not you defend your boss. Why do you even dare to spoil your image by doing this? In the eyes of rakyat. You are just licking najib foot lol. I'm sorry if this hurt your feeling but it's the truth."
However, several Facebook users agreed with Rahman's contention, with Ahmad Nizam Radzi saying: "Well written Dato'. Agreed."
"Thanks Dato. Such a good reading!" said Ameyo Leo.
1MDB, a state investment arm established in 2009, sits on a RM42 billion debt and is also tied to allegations that some of its funds were transferred into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's personal accounts in 2013.
Rahman has recently sought to defend Najib over the 1MDB fiasco, alleging that opposition politicians had worked with Sarawak Report to forge documents leading to the many exposes on 1MDB.
He said there was "solid evidence", including an alleged video confession by disgraced Sarawakian journalist Lester Melanyi, who named Pua and PKR's Rafizi Ramli as opposition figures who worked hand in hand with Sarawak Report.
The minister used this "confession" to call for investigations against the whistleblower site, resulting in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission blocking access to Sarawak Report.
PKR’s Rafizi Ramli and Pua have dismissed the allegation and are mulling over legal action against those who made the allegation.
Rahman has also come under fire for using Melanyi, whose credibility has come under question, to show that reports on 1MDB alleging financial wrongdoing were based on falsified information.

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