
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 28, 2016

AG’s story has more holes than the colander

YOURSAY | ‘Najib must think we are morons and stupid like his ministers and Umno.’
Odin Tajué: No, PM Najib Razak, all sane, straight people will not move on. Only you and the rest of the insane or crooked, or both, knaves will do so.
Attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali's story has more holes than even a colander. Here are two major ones.
Strategic Resources Company International (SRC) is under Najib’s supervision, it being owned by the Finance Ministry. PM, your claim that you did not know where the RM42 million had come from and assumed that it had come from your imagined Saudi Arabian royal family might, if we stretched our imagination, be considered plausible. Note that I have used the word ‘plausible’, which is not the same as ‘believable’.
However, you must have known if such a vast sum as RM42 million had been remitted out from SRC. We are not talking of RM42 or even RM4,200 here. Quite besides that, how would anyone else have known about your bank account details if you had not provided them?
The Saudi royal family is very wealthy, but not so wealthy that it would have dished out US$681 million to one individual. But if we assume that it would, there is no reason for it to have dished out the sum is two tranches and the first being about 91% of the whole.
The first tranche remitted on 21 March, 2013 was US$619,999,988. The TT fee would have been about US$63. Therefore, the total for the first tranche would have been US$620,000,051.
The exchange rate applicable in that month was 3.7502 rials (SAR) to the greenback. Therefore, your imagined royal family would have remitted SAR2,325,124,191.26.
This does not make sense. Your imagined royal family would have worked on a round figure and have it converted to the greenback. Conversely, it would have ensured that you had received the money in US dollar in a round figure.
But US$619,999,988 plus the transfer fee would not have been such. The same logic applies to the second tranche (US$60,999,998) transferred four days later. (The total of the two tranches was US$680,999,986.)
No, the money was not a political donation. Your imagined royal family cannot be so stupid as to have dished out such a colossal sum to finance your or anyone else's political campaign.
It must have first determined how much would a reasonable sum be and donated the sum. It must have found out how much the leaders of countries of or around the size of Malaysia had spent, and decided a fair amount to donate to you.
Works of fiction contain imagined characters and events. But bits of information presented must be logical.
This applies even in fairy tales and stories supposed to have happened in extraordinary environments and imagined times, such as Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. The fabricators of your fiction have failed miserably.
Kim Quek: Najib, the attorney-general has said your US$681 million was a personal donation, but that was not what you have said.
In fact, you have said nothing, except that you have done no wrong. Now that Apandi has drawn his curtain down (not ours) on this case, how about breaking your silence?
You ask us to forget the past and move forward, but we can’t even consider doing that unless you tell us your story.
For a start, you must say in your own words the basic assertion made by Apandi - that the US$681 million was a “personal donation” to you from the Saudi royal family, of which, you had returned US$620 million.
Dear PM, can you just do that simple thing, so that we can start the ball rolling? If you can’t even do that, aren’t you asking too much from us to forget the past and move on?
Anonymous 122461436161429: “Case closed”, “unnecessary distraction”, “move on”.
The man must think we are morons and stupid like his ministers and Umno. He is wrong and the case will remain open until all wrongdoers are brought to book.
Versey: Persons of low moral fortitude will and can always figure out a way to justify anything.
When all the government machineries and institutions (including the Election Commission) is under the same person, who can defeat such a government that knows no shame?
CQ Muar: Najib, of course you welcomed Apandi's decision for clearing you of wrongdoings over the RM2.6 billion and RM42 million found in your personal accounts.
That was precisely the reason you sacked Abdul Gani Patail and hired a known stooge such as Apandi to serve your need and purpose, right?
And without hesitation, you call on the nation to close the case and move on? How easy it all sounded.
I wouldn't be too confident if I were you, Najib. Be reminded, apart from this fiasco, you had been riddled with many other alleged crimes and irregularities as a prime minister.
Frankie: Yes, not so fast, our beloved Mr PM. Someone in SRC is trying to fix you up by depositing RM42 million into your account, ostensibly without your knowledge.
This person has ulterior motive and the transaction has given you a bad name and it affected all of us because you're our beloved and the Chosen One. This person must be found and punish.
Hang Babeuf: "Case closed"? Really? Come off it! This is pure delusion.
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first deprive of reason and of any clear sense of reality." His position is that crazy, deluded. -Mkini

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