
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, January 1, 2016

Critics: Even Ahmad Maslan can be PM, with 1MDB ‘fix’

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may have declared that his brainchild 1MDB’s major challenges are now behind it, but his critics believe otherwise.
One of his fiercest critics, former Langkawi Umno member Anina Saadudin, said the state investment company had simply sold its assets in efforts to reduce its debts.
“What he (Najib) is doing now is only saying what they have and not what they earn. They are just selling whatever the country has built so far,” she told Malaysiakini.
“Even Ahmad Maslan can be the prime minister if you are only selling the nation’s coffers to rectify the country’s economy,” said Anina, who rose to prominence after suing Najib over the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ issue.
Ahmad, last week, suggested that Malaysians should juggle two jobs to tackle the rising cost of living.
His suggestion had earned him the ire of many and the deputy minister - who once boasted a cumulative grade point average of 3.85 - has once again been labelled as foolish by his critics.
As for Najib, who in June promised that 1MDB’s problems would be resolved by 2015, Anina is of the opinion that the premier’s promise was made for the sake of saying something.
“He has basically broken his promise again. There is no indication that 1MDB is getting better,” said Anina.
A person who has lied once, she said, will continue telling lies and will “lie until the world ends”.
“As long as we do not replace the prime minister, the country will continue to be shrouded with lies.
“We must remove the roots that are causing the problems. As the root cause is Najib, he needs to be replaced,” said Anina, who has never hidden her desire for Najib to resign.
Najib yesterday proudly related how 1MDB has already entered into agreements that will see its debts reduced by about RM40.4 billion.
He highlighted the latest of these which was the sale of 60 percent equity in Bandar Malaysia to a consortium comprising Iskandar Waterfront Holdings and China Railway Engineering Corporation.
1MDB previously sold off its energy assets under subsidiary Edra Energy, and also arranged for a portion of its liabilities to be taken over by foreign firm IPIC, for a soon-to-be executed asset transfer.
‘Not something to be proud of’
As for former Batu Kawan Umno deputy chief Khairuddin Abu Hassan - who had lodged international complaints against 1MDB - selling the company’s assets to foreign parties was not something to be proud of.
Khairuddin believes the rakyat want to know the details of the agreement that was signed.
“We want to know how much 1MDB’s debts have been reduced. Has it really been reduced by 100 percent?” he queried.
“Stripping 1MDB of its assets, what is that? Even a Year One student can do that. We want to know where the money has gone.”
What should be done, he said, is for Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak to organise a special programme for Najib to present the matter in detail.
Apart from this, forming a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) would be best to address issues surrounding 1MDB once and for all.
“This negative perception is a serious issue as it affects the country’s politics and economy. So an RCI must be formed to ensure that the rakyat are satisfied,” he said.
Meanwhile, another of Najib’s critics, Gabungan Ketua Umno Cawangan Malaysia spokesperson Kamarul Azman Habibur Rahman, pointed out how problems faced by the rakyat remain unsolved with Najib’s announcement.
“He can say that 1MDB’s problems have been solved, but what about the livelihood of the rakyat?” said Kamarul, citing the rising price of goods and the various price hikes.
And no matter what step that has been taken by 1MDB, at least RM42 billion has “disappeared into thin air”, he said.
“He is not solving the problem since the money was gone in the first place.
“Money loss is money loss, and now he is making the rakyat pay for it,” said the Taman TKK, Teluk Kemang Umno branch chief.
With the new year, Kamarul could only hope for Najib to listen to the people as well as his critics.
“He should not just listen to (Umno) division leaders who say that things are okay.
"And he should not say that he understands the problems faced by the rakyat because understanding and experiencing are two different things,” he said.
Kamarul was among the Umno leaders who urged Najib’s resignation in October last year. Together with eight other leaders, they have since faced the party’s disciplinary board over the matter. -Mkini

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