
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 29, 2016

Now we know why PM says he was not aware of RM42m

YOURSAY | ‘He cannot claim the money was a donation as it came from a company under his ministry.’
Kim Quek: It seems to me that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been treating PM Najib Razak with kid’s gloves, if Malaysiakini’s sources are accurate.
Why talk about “circumstantial evidence” and “possible abuse of power” just because suspect Najib “denies personal knowledge of the matter”?
How could PM cum Finance Minister Najib possibly deny knowledge when RM42 million from his Finance Ministry landed in his bank account?
Is it imaginable that any government official would execute such a crazy transfer of funds without being instructed by, or worse, without the knowledge of big boss Najib?
Shouldn’t Najib be dealt with much more sternly to get a confession from him as well as from the officials executing the transfers, keeping in mind how innocent political aide Teoh Beng Hock was allegedly tortured to his death for a frivolous corruption allegation?
Now that Najib is left off the hook dubiously by the attorney-general against MACC’s recommendation, it should now act forcefully and relentless to achieve fruition to its investigation and recommendation – an act that will surely earn the respect and applause of the entire nation.
Not Convinced: Now we know why Najib said he did know about the RM42 million from SRC.
He cannot claim the money was a donation as it came from a company under his own ministry. It would be a clear case of criminal breach of trust and corruption.
The only way out for the PM is to claim ignorance. But MACC saw that coming and reportedly proposed to the AG to charge Najib under section 403 of the Penal Code.
You may not know about the money but when you spend the money after knowing that it is not yours, that’s considered theft.
Vijay47: MACC spent seven months probing the various allegations against the prime minister and when the AG sent back the investigation papers asking them to review their work, MACC re-submitted their report and recommendations within three days.
This reveals MACC's total confidence in their work, that there was no need for a re-evaluation, unless the AG was referring to typos.
Taking into account their shock over the AG's decision that Najib was innocent and with his orders to close the case, it is obvious that MACC had proposed strong action against the prime minister.
We are now almost at a Mexican stand-off but if Apandi maintains his stand and refuses to do what any sane person would do, unfortunately for MACC and the people, we will lose.
6th Generation Immigrant: If MACC, as a whole, is integruous, transparent and sincere, then MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed must take the bullet for and on behalf of the MACC and also the Malaysian rakyat.
Just make the investigations papers that was submitted to the AG’s Chambers public for all to scrutinise.
This act alone will redeem MACC’s public image, while it will also help reveal the truth and nothing but the truth related to the RM2.6 billion.
It shall also open the eyes of the public as to how the AG and the Chambers truly operates. This will definitely be a ground-breaking act in Malaysia. Any takers?
Clongviews: In the interests of the nation, the whistleblowers should have the courage to divulge important information and documents. They must be given assurance that they would be protected.
Simple Malaysian: The fact that this investigation took such a long time, the number of hurdles and roadblocks encountered, the back and forth of reports from MACC to AG (for resubmission) certainly taints the investigations and tells us clearly there has been manipulation and interference from highest levels.
Res Ipsa: The only way in addressing all these concerns is through the setting up of a royal commission of inquiry.
It appears that the powers-that-be just brushed off the royal decree to expedite and complete investigations into the mega scandals. Now it appears that MACC was even restrained from carrying out their investigations overseas.
It high time therefore for the royalty to step in immediately to restore some pride and dignity for our beloved nation before the situation goes beyond redemption.
Unafraid: This is clearly a blatant cover-up. Two of the most powerful leaders of our country are in a silent conspiracy to fool the Malaysian public. Billions are lost and there is obviously massive corruption and abuse of funds somewhere.
The country's anti-corruption watchdog has done their investigations and recommend charges to be made.
But the final decision by the so-called learned ex-judge is 'no case'. What a load of rubbish. We have all been taken for a ride.
Clever Voter: Moral duties are absolute and a must for the sake of our future. This is all too apparent. We are not only a joke in the international community but close to a failed state. -Mkini

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